Dr. Joan Cartwright (Boynton Beach, Florida) is our Chosen Visionary in HOT-Seat 84 and Anchor to Season Seven (7). She is an author, college professor, and retired blues and jazz musician passionate about women in the music industry. At the Urban Academics Roundtable Thursday at 9:15 pm

Who Else Wants To Enjoy WOMEN IN JAZZ Now

Men have dominated the music industry since the beginning. Few women have penetrated the 12.22-Billion Dollar industry (annual). Women in Jazz is an off-beat topic, but this week’s Chosen Visionary in HOT-Seat 84 is a timely topic that should be front and center.

There are new and innovative ways for folks to consume their favorite genre of music. It comes direct from women in the music industry, and one is at the Urban Academics Roundtable. Questions on the table, like where’s the money?

So much so that she founded the organization known as Women in Jazz Global, Inc. Her mission is to promote women in music worldwide and get their fair share of the money associated with their music and songs.

HOT-Seat 84 is Dr. Joan Cartwright (Boynton Beach, Florida)

Joan Cartwright is an author, college professor, composer, podcast host, producer, and retired Blues and Jazz performer. She is also the Founder of Women in Jazz South Florida Inc, Women in Arts, Business catalogs, Musicman Magazines, and Musicwoman magazines.

Dr. Cartwright, A.K.A Diva JC has performed with her swinging brand of Jazz and blues all over the United States, France, Germany, Austria, Holland, England, Jamaica, Brazil, Mexico, Ghana, Gambia, South Africa, China, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain. Over that period, she worked with hundreds of male musicians and only six women. Diva JC wanted to bridge the gap in the male-dominated music industry.

So, in 2007,  She founded Women in Jazz South Florida, Inc. to promote women musicians in Jazz, locally, nationally, and globally. Audio, archives, articles, clinics, contacts, courses, events, film, history, interviews, lectures, newsletters, research, websites, workshops, video recording, concerts, performances, and recognition. Today there are members worldwide, and it is now called Women in Jazz Global Inc.

Books by Retired Blues and Jazz Performer, Dr. Joan Cartwright

Urban Academics has produced a webpage where our Authors and Writers can host their books published on the market for sale. To check out some of Dr. Cartwright’s books, CLICK HERE. Be sure to leave a comment or message; We will make sure that Dr. Cartwright gets it.

What’s More?

She is doing more of the same when Dr. Cartwright is not out in the world running around the “S” on her chest with the cape flowing behind it. She likes to relax in a nice place and be. To get in touch with Dr. Cartwright or another Urban Academics HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary, leave a message in the comments section below.

401 thoughts on “Who Else Wants To Enjoy WOMEN IN JAZZ Now

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    پرسشي وجود دارد که در تمام طول عمر ذهن
    انسان‌ را به خود مشغول مي‌کند، چگونه شاد باشيم ؟

    چگونه شاد باشيم و سوال‌هايي از قبيل چگونه بهتر زندگي کنم، چگونه بر غم‌ها و احساسات بد غلبه پيدا کنم، شادي چيست و چطور مي‌توان
    به آن دست پيدا کرد، هميشه در جايي از ذهن انسان جولان مي‌دهند و او را به خود
    مشغول مي‌کنند.

    تو زندگي سعي کنيد شادترين آهنگ ها رو گوش دهيد و لذت ببريد
    زندگي رو با دوستان شاد ادامه بدين از بدي ها دور

    فلاسفه و انديشمندان، روانشناسان و جامعه‌شناسان در طول
    تاريخ به اين که چگونه شاد باشيم و سوال‌هايي از اين دست پرداخته‌اند، ولي بايد بگويم که
    پاسخ مشخص و واحدي براي اين سوال‌ها وجود ندارد.
    اما بسياري از اين انديشمندان را‌ه‌ها، تکنيک‌ها و ابزار‌هايي براي شاد بودن پيدا
    کرده‌اند و در کتاب‌هايشان آورده‌اند.
    اين کتاب‌ها به ما کمک مي‌کنند به آرامش،
    نشاط و رضايت بيشتري از زندگي دست پيدا کنيم.

    در اين يادداشت با کتاب‌هايي آشنا مي‌شويم که به ما کمک مي‌کنند تا متوجه شويم که چگونه شاد باشيم.


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