Young thugs are everywhere! Look around wherever you are and agree we black, brown, and poor folks have a long way to go. Seriously, we’ve fought for everything and each other. This generation of pant-sagging migrants, in my opinion, don’t have a clue what it is/was to be a “G.” Television shows don’t come close to the reality facing young people two and three generations ago. However, one thing will never change – The power of GOD and his ability to move each one into their purpose.
This thought is not about racism, but rather about whether life was experienced as straight and narrow (headed to heaven), or the extreme opposite, a sinful wretch is undone. You went to church and served GOD (doing good), or wholeheartedly serving evil 365-7 days weekly would put my money on a ’70-’80s Daddy’s Girl! We’ve but because of this week’s Chosen Visionary in HOT-Seat 63.
You don’t want to miss this. Every Thursday at 9:30 pm (EDT); A FREE invitation for you to join us, but you should Register Here.
WATCH NOW: HOT-Seat at The Roundtable, Season One
The Urban Academics HOT-Seat, Season One Features Twelve (12) Chosen Visionaries in the HOT-Seat, Season I. SUBSCRIBE NOW to Our YouTube Channel NOW & CLICK THE BELL so you can binge-watch (listen) by Clicking the Video Below!
Three Books You Should Read Now
- Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
- The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
- When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

Who is Chosen VIsionary in HOT-Seat 63
Rev. William H Buie quotes the great Langston Hughes, “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair!” Growing up in the mean streets of Brooklyn, New York, in the Bedford Stuyvesant community provided a level of education not offered within the American educational system. The street life grabbed his attention at an early age, and he quickly fell for worldly happiness. Seeing the bling belonging to men of every nationality with the finer things of life, I began my pursuit of those things as an escape from poverty.
He found himself engaged in seeking attention from sources outside of what we consider the nuclear family. His first encounter with the underground world began with a simple engagement in smoking marijuana/weed at ten years old, which started the downward spiral. Life started as a love affair, only to end up like gang rape. Not realizing the end could only lead to jails, institutions, possibly death.
About Science
Science is about facts with proven evidence over time. With that said, I’ve never seen the word science mentioned in the bible; Because it was not discovered yet (the term)? However, what is clear is the countless scriptures around knowledge and wisdom – Mostly building on top of the other. William Buie, a chosen vessel used by GOD, can use – He’s been through the mire, much, and Mudd yet somehow came out victorious and unscathed.
If you take anything away from this segment (and post) at the Urban Academics Roundtable, let it be that you have a choice in this life, and GOD himself would NEVER violate your choice. I’m a witness, he will honor you and me regardless of our options, but he WILL NEVER OVERRIDE them (our choices).
Some might argue that have faith in GOD and believing the evidence of science is an apparent contradiction. However, it’s impossible to deny the truth in GOD and science.
Here’s a notable Bible Passage: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form – void. Darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the beginning of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.
Regardless of your beliefs, that same POWER, in the beginning, exists to this day. Ask William Buie – He went from prison to Princeton riding on that power, and you can do the same. Have you got any questions? Would you please leave them in the comments section below?
Notable Accomplishments
- Clergy: Revrend William Buie
- Education: Princeton University Graduate
- Founder and Pastor: First Calvalry Baptist Church, Rock Hill, SC
- Video (Kingdom Building): Why We Give- Rev. William Buie, First Calvary Baptist Church – YouTube
- Video (Carolina LIVE): 4.21.21 – CAROLINA LIVE – Pastor’s 34th Anniversary – Ps. William Buie – YouTube
Three Things You Should Do Now
- Buy Some Stock With Lady Kaye Harvey – Robinhood Consultant
- Get Fit & Slay With Sante Monet – First Session FREE
- ALL Writers Need Grammarly, and it’s FREE – Download Graammerly Here
What’s More?
When William Buie (He doesn’t need a title) is not out with an “S” on his chest saving the world, he spends his time ministering to others. Those called into ministry pay a price with no human value. Therefore, understand that the harvest is plenteous, BUT the laborers are few.
For more from Rev. William Buie, are interested in attending his church in Rock Hill, SC, or want to ask questions, use the comments section below to leave a message for Rev. William Buie or get in touch with anyone from the Urban Academics Roundtable.
New To Urban Academics?
Who should attend? Administrators, C.E.O.s, Child Advocates, Civil Service Members, Content Creators, Educators, Entrepreneurs, First Responders, Guidance Counselors, Journalists, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE. For more information on past Chosen Visionaries in the HOT-Seat, CLICK HERE.
Do You Have Any Questions?
If you have comments or questions for this Chosen Visionary or Urban Academic Roundtable Co-Moderators, please post them in the comments section below. Thank you for reading, and may God continue to bless you!