Tag Archives: urban academics

Opal Lee, Author and Community Activist , known all over the world as The Grandmother of Juneteenth is in the HOT Seat - Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST) - https://bit.ly/RoundTabeReservation

OMG, The Best Unifier Ever – Juneteenth A National Holiday

What an awesome way to be free! Juneteenth, a National Holiday! There are only three opinions that matter in the court of law: (1) The Facts/Truth; (2) The Human Element; and (3) The LAW. The ladder superseding them all, but only because it is LAW. Any of the other two can make the law (letter) of none effect.

If ever there was a time for a country like the united states of America to pay attention to its history and make necessary concessions. When I was a little girl, I wondered who was writing our stories? I mean, some things off the cuff do NOT make much sense, nor cents, ha! But, within all that came a woman who would change history for Juneteenth, and she is the Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat …

Read HOT-Seat #32 Press Release about Ms. Opal Lee, A.K.A., The Grandmother of Juneteenth

DIAL Into the Weekly Roundtable: 605.472.5272 + Pin#: 836692

Yessir, I can say, ha! I mean it too. But why am I so cocky with this Hot-Seat Chosen Visionary posted article? Because discovering that there is no rush to live is refreshing. Sitting at the Master’s table at Urban Academics has enlightened my understanding of dreams, goals, and timing. Therefore, age has little to nothing to do with those (objectives, goals, and timing). After meeting this week’s Chosen Visionary, I am well able to continue in the path to each dream of dropping off and picking up whatever I am supposed to whenever God wills.

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The CallA 14-Day Encounter by Jocelyn Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Minister
  2. Empowerment Series: Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs, Updated (MindTap Course List
  3. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey Of Recovery From Loss by Katurah A. Bryant, LMFT

This week’s Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat is an example of all things faith. From her earliest years, she has been able to triumph over obstacles that would have destroyed others, having no choice but to give up and quit. Nope; Not this one. She kept going as if driven by a higher power. The source of success, long life, is a direct result of her faith, proving that grace abounds in her life and those around her.

This Week In The HOT-Seat

Lady Opal Lee is from Fort Worth, TX, and she’s the 94-year-old who wants Juneteenth to be a National Holiday. Yes, Juneteenth originated in TX, but 47 states now have it as a state day of observance to commemorate the ending of slavery. More are making it a paid day off, including Virginia, New York, and Texas. Ms. Lee believes Juneteenth can be a unifier because it recognizes that slaves didn’t free themselves. They had help from Quakers along the Underground Railroad; abolitionists were black and white like Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison, soldiers, and many others who gave their lives for the enslaved’s freedom.

How Does She Do It?

I started a walking campaign in Washington, DC, in 2016 and have continued it to bring awareness that there is support for it all across this nation. There is legislation in the Senate S.4019 and in the House H.R.7232 – Juneteenth National Independence Day Act – that needs to be passed into law.

Her vision is gaining traction with the National Football League, Nike, and Target now on board recognizing and celebrating Juneteenth given their employees the day off. Whether that’s all employees or only those who are African American or Black, I’m not sure, but whatever their policy is, it includes Juneteenth! Lady Opal certainly did a great job calling them out. Here’s a Video of Ms. Opal Lee getting at Nike – Watch The Video.

What is Juneteenth?

Juneteenth is a name based on June 19, 1865, which is the day that enslaved Americans became free (at least that’s what was said). Union General Gordon Granger was excited that the Civil War was over and enslaved African Americans were free; He announced in Galveston, TX, because not everyone got the memo. It was two years after President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

Since June 19, 1866, it’s a day to celebrate our independence; Juneteenth is also considered Black Independence Day, Freedom Day, and Jubilee Days. Today, all but three states recognize Juneteenth; the three who don’t are Hawaii, North Dacota, and South Dakota. Texas, where Lady Opal Lee is from was first to recognize Juneteenth as a holiday.

Ms. Opal Lee’s Petition to Make Juneteenth a National Holiday, at the time of this writing, was over 1.5 million signatures; Please add your name to the petition now!

Watch This – Puff Daddy & P.Diddy and Ms. Opal Lee …

“I put that on GOD – You’re gonna see this done – We don’t need incremental change. We gonna get many wins no crumbs and we don’t get them all we gonna give ’em hell.”

Sean “P.Diddy” Cobs

Notable Accomplishments of Lady Opal Lee

Three Things You Need To Do

Teach A Child About Juneteenth

Learn More About Juneteenth NOW!


What’s More?

served on the Historic & Cultural Landmarks Commission, AIDS Outreach committee, Evans Avenue Business Association, Good Samaritans, and Riverside Neighborhood Advisory Council. She has served as Precinct Chair for District 8 for over 30 years, a member of Grandmother’s Club, and Ethel Ransom Humanitarian & Cultural Club. She is an active member in her church, Baker Chapel AME (Ft Worth), where she serves as a Missionary, church school teacher, assistant teacher, and Deaconess.

Ms. Opal Lee, in her spare time (if any), enjoys family gatherings, going to the movies with Aunt Joanne and her daughter Renee. She especially likes reading lots of books; The proud great-grandmother, great-grandmother of eighteen (18), and too many great-great-great-grandchildren to count—a blessing and monument of a heart filled with pure gold. No soul is perfect, but we are coming pretty close here; Do you agree?

New to The Urban Academics RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH) Affiliates.

Thank you for being here. Suppose someone has invited you to have a seat here at the RoundTable, especially for a reservation for the “HOT-Seat” you are honored among peers and considered a thought leader in your work. Your accolades speak for themselves – Welcome aboard!

Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers PLEASE READ 

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  3. Pin Number: 836692 #
Urban Academics Online, Home of the "HOT-Seat" at the Weekly Roundtable. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST): https://bit.ly/RoundTabeReservation

“What Everyone Must Know About The Magic In Music – Raymond Sanders On Clout, Money, And Power

Music is the one universal language everyone can speak – Even without words. It’s the purest form of magic, and its POWER has transcended attitude, mood, apace, and time; Hearing a particular song can bring you back to a specific place and time = Magic! Can you imagine what life would be like without music?

The words song and melody appear in the Bible (combined) between 150 and 200 times, which means Go himself is fascinated with music, more specifically songs. There are all kinds of passages pointing to worship, and there’s not one Church that would dare to start Sunday morning service without the timbrel and dance. We ALL need music, and the spoken word fits nicely inside of it.

Read HOT-Seat #31 Press Release on Raymond Sanders

Grab a Seat: DIAL: 605.472.5272, Pin#: 836692 

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. A Promised Land by Barack Obama ($24.99)
  2. Embracing The Call by Minister Jocelyn Fagan ($14.99)
  3. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)

What’s magical about the moment we are in is that Christmas’s spirit always seems to rise above what folks are feeling, or at least it looks that way as of Cyber Monday. 

Roughly 186 million shoppers purchased something online or in-store from Thanksgiving through Cyber Monday, down from 190 million a year ago, the National Retail Federation said Tuesday. Shoppers spent an average of $312, a 14 percent drop from $362 in 2019.2 days ago.”

Abha Bhattaral, Washington Post (Retail Contributor)

Look at the overall consumption of everyday consumers, many of whom are out of work or barely getting by but find ways to shop when they believe there’s a sale or some kind of value proposition. Music, oh yes, the topic of this week’s roundtable segment. So you can make the connection to Music and Magic, I had to help you see numbers you understand. For this example, I will use rap music (we are urban here). Hip-Hop, R&B, and Rap are dominating in the streaming world – Topping every other medium. There’s never been a more profitable time for actual artists in music. For years the BIG money was reserved for writers and music producers, with vocalists glorified worker bees for hire.

“In 2017, Goldman found live music, publishing, and recorded songs made $26 billion$6 billion, and $30 billion respectively. The firm estimates by 2030 these categories will reach $38 billion for live music, $12.5 billion for publishing; With biggest gains seen in recorded songs at $80 billion.”

Kori Hale, Forbes Magazine (Contributor)

In other words, this chosen visionary in the HOT-Seat is a child prodigy who can play any instrument on a dime without any traditional music lessons or schools. He can hear and identify any sound and repeat it, even with his voice. He is a rare breed who can only turn the gift on when prompted by a higher power. Grab a seat and pull up to the table- This is going to be good.

This Week’s HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary

This week, in the HOT-Seat, we are coming together to be wowed by this week’s chosen visionary, King Raymond Sanders – Child Prodigy, who traveled the world with his famous father and grandfather were both in the music business. Raymond is blessed to have lived this lifestyle throughout his life. Although connected to compelling people, he remains humble and kindly serves whenever and wherever he can.

Raymond Sanders HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary Number 31 on Music and Magic.  Using your gifts to fund your dreams. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST): DIAL In: 605.472.5272 + Pin#: 836692
Raymond Sanders HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary Number 31 on Music and Magic. Using your gifts to fund your dreams. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST): DIAL In: 605.472.5272 + Pin#: 836692

And he has toured with Michael Bolton overseas through the City Kids New Haven, CT initiative. Raymond, in short, can and will sing you silly if the spirit hits him just right. A gift, straight from the throne of grace. Although gifts don’t come with repentance, they come with haters and folks that will exploit and misuse; Mr. Snders has these memories too, and his story is one of overcoming many obstacles while clinging to the music, which always leads him back to the magic.

Notable Accomplishments

  • Award: City of New Haven Healthy Start Program
  • Award: Fatherhood Initiative (City of New Haven)
  • Michael Bolton Protege’
  • Public School Music Teacher (Middle School Al Mamata)
  • Public Speaker
  • Training Facilitator & Teacher

Three Things You To Consider NOW!

  1. Life Insurance Policy (It’s one of few insurances that really pay-out)!
  2. Real Estate Investment – OR – Small Home-Based Business
  3. Visiting with your parents at least once per week

What’s More?

King Raymond Sanders spends all of his time making folks smile, we could learn so much from this conversation. He lives in New Haven and is available through the Speaker’s Bureau at Urban Academics.

New to The RoundTable?

Pull up a Seat and Eat:

The Urban Academics Roundtable, Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EDT)

DIAL-In: 605.472.5272 | Pin#: 836692

The Urban Academics Roundtable convenes discussions on various subjects and topics around academics and education and issues affecting each one today. It’s an urban intellectual talk with Q & A around black, brown, and poor folks living the inner-city urban experience – For Your Business, Home, and School. 

The coveted “HOT-Seat,” is reserved for forward-thinking folks who have resources and tools readily available to discuss issues in our communities needing change now, one family/person/topic at a time. We need solutions, not more problems, for today’s questions. These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop. You can recommend someone, a colleague, or other professional – Contact Patrina S Reddick by Clicking HERE.

Cricket, Metro-PCS, and T.Mobile CUsomter – PLEASE READ!!!

Cricket, Metro PCS and T-Mobile Customers …  To avoid fees, use the combination below

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3. Pin Number: 836692 #

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Anne-Marie Knight, In the HOT-Seat , How To Support Black Business Owners. The Urban Academics RoundTable, Thursdays at 9:30 PM EDT, www.urban-academics.com

“HOME Tip For Bosses: Be Consistent, And Rest. Anne-Marie Knight, How To Support Black Owned Business. Thursday At 9:30 PM (EDT)”

Reunion at The Urban Academics Roundtable, Season II: White, Thomas, McFadden, ReddickPS, Gay, ReddickPM, Fagan, Moore, DavisA, Rutherford, and DavisM Inter-State Talk for Black, Brown, Poor, and Others Living The Inner-City Urban Experience

It’s All About (The) Reunion – It’s Critical To Your Business. Find Out Why!

The Reunion, Season II

A Reunion, according to Ditionary.Com, is a noun (person, place, or thing) and defined as an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation.

You are invited to join Urban Academics at the RoundTable – The Celebrating of twelve (12) remarkable human beings who are making the world a better place.  The Roundtable Reunion happens every 13th episode (after the anchor #12).

This Reunion Crucial For Your Business. Here’s Why

Before we dive into the happenings for Season II of HOT-Seat at the Urban Academics Roundtable, let’s look a little closer at the definition or spirit of the word reunion …

Reunion Defined

  • an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation.
  • a social gathering by members of a certain group of people who have not seen each other for some time
  • the act or process of being together again as a unified whole

Synonyms …

Homecoming > Reconciliation > Assembly > Get-Together > Making Up > Reuniting

The Roundtable Reunion Season II

Reunion at The Urban Academics Roundtable, Season II: White, Thomas, McFadden, ReddickPS, Gay, ReddickPM, Fagan, Moore, DavisA, Rutherford, and DavisM Inter-State Talk for Black, Brown, Poor, and Others Living The Inner-City Urban Experience

The Roundtable Season II is the completion of 24 consecutive Segments at the Urban Academics Roundtable, and without 12 (season I) + 12 (season II) we would not be able to celebrate the milestones associated with this wonderful content creation platform and each person in the HOT-Seat and around the table.

“We have been fed once again, and it was Ummm Ummm good. Now, go and share some of what you got from this table with others. Until next time”

Kaye Harvey, President & CEO, Alexis Hill Montesorri, Inc., and Roundtable Moderator

Why Reunion II is Crucial

What you may not have realized is Urban Academics is a content creation platform that will re-purpose every single roundtable discussion so that our people can get information the way they want it – Not the way we think.

The easiest way to create new fresh content – Different from the old, outdated, or re-constructed curations on the internet today. Our people not only get the news lately but sometimes it’s the wrong information from sources we have learned to appreciate instead of tolerating.

Crucial Reasons 1-7

  1. Urban Academics growing extremely fast (actual hits)
  2. Urban Academics Online has Authority
  3. Urban Academics Online is Indexed
  4. Urban Academics has consistently produced weekly content
  5. Urban Academics has strong backlinks
  6. Urban Academics subscribes to a collaborative philosophy
  7. Urban Academics Understands the POWER of Twelve

The easiest way to do it was the old-fashioned way of simply talking about everything – The good, bad, ugly, and downright nasty! That’s how you get it done with and out in the open, with others present, the family (village). During the last 24-weeks, you have played a major role in family conflict and discussions.

What’s really cool is the idea that has actually re-created the way content is created, but also how google LOVEs what we are doing here at Urban Academics – We are growing very fast as a platform, which means a few things:

In the HOT-Seat for Season II

Episode 1, Segment #13: Calton White (Waterbury, CT)

Episode 2, Segment #14: Minister Dionne Thomas (Sacramento, CA)

Episode 3, Segment #15: Sheriff Garry McFadden (Charlotte, NC)

Episode 4, Segment #16: Patrina Reddick, MSW (Charlotte, NC)

Episode 5, Segment #17: Anthony Gay (Waterbury, CT)

Episode 6, Segment #18: Pierre M Reddick (Wshington, DC)

Episode 7, Segment #19: Minister Jocelyn Fagan (Tampa, FL)

Episode 8, Segment #20: Dr. Iline Tracey (New Haven, CT)

Episode 9, Segment #21: Dr. Sabrina Moore (Columbia, SC)

Episode 10, Segment #22: Andre Davis (DC, New Haven, and NYC)

Episode 11, Segment #23: Cherie Beasley-Rutherford (Long Beach, CA)

Episode 1, Segment #24: Apostle Merilyn Davis (Atlanta, GA)

Urban Academics Update (24-Weeks) + Two Reunion(s)

Urban Academics Online, the platform has been around for some time, but after expanding into the intellectual talk space it became obvious what to do with newly generated content. It was not, however, so easy to figure out how. We are rolling out a BETA on Urban Academics Membership Portal. Find out more about the once in a lifetime opportunity to partner with The Roundtable – For authors, entrepreneurs, and enterprise business and non-profits.

I’m techy by nature, I can read code and know old school HTML (the reason I can read code). But when it comes to marketing, someone else is in control and we must know what we are doing or we’re gonna get burned.

Because we are each in the spirit of collaboration, any content created here comes with unmeasurable power to change lives (around the world). Our hope is that world-wide content creators, including you, will lend their voice to these conversations. It’s no doubt a work in progress, but it’s time for next-level existence.

We now know for a fact how lucrative and valuable (worth lots of money) RAW, REAL, and RELEVANT content for black, brown, poor, and others living the inner-city urban experience can be. In no time flat, we’ve come up with a power-house plan for authors, entrepreneurs, and enterprising folks in business and innovation. Introducing Urban Academics Membership Portal.

Andre Davis, AKA The Street MD (New Haven, NY, and DC on Inner-City Healthy Living. Learn how to keep your family alive and healthy, Thursdays at 9:30 PM at the Urban Academics Roundtable

How to Improve Your Health in 1 Day – Andre Davis on Inner City Urban Living

CREATE a FREE VIDEO Like this One for Your Brand or Business Now – Get FREE Videos!

Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #


In The ‘HOT-Seat” This Week …

If you’ve ever wondered how someone could go from extremely ill, near-death and suddenly bounce back as if it were a real-life miracle? They just may have a “Street M.D” working with them on their ailment or illness.

In the “HOT-Seat” this week is King Andre Davis, A.K.A Dr. Dre. (Nw Have, New York, and Washington, DC). Get your health and wellness questions ready, because this will be good.

“It’s ALL about the foods we eat. The ingreients are either healthy or they are NOT. It’s garbage in and garbage out, and it’s your choice what you allow into your boody. You only get one, so care for it.”King Andre Davis, AKA Dr. Dre

Notable Accomplishments

  • AWARDS – Recipient of 100th Anniversary Pre
  • AWARDS – Youth Empowerment National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers Inc.
  • AWARDS – Recipient of the “Heart-Beat Award” for Consistent and Positive Contribution of Youth Services
  • Co-Founder, Fatherhood Initiative
  • Entrepreneur
  • Facilitator at Healthy Start (New Haven)
  • Health & Wellness Coach & Trainer

Andre Davis, AKA The Street MD (New Haven, NY, and DC on Inner-City Healthy Living. Learn how to keep your family alive and healthy, Thursdays at 9:30 PM at the Urban Academics Roundtable
KING ANDRE DAVIS (New Haven, New York, and Washington, DC)

Andre works on behalf of the inner-city and urban communities in New Haven, CT, New York, NY, and Washington, DC. He enjoys good people, good vibes, family and travel. Andre Davis has two children, one pursuing a Ph.D at Univeristy of Virginia Med School and a son, at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA) persuing a Philosophy Degree. The Davis family are advid advocates of educatio.

Are You New to the Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:

Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers PLEASE READ …

Back-Up Number: 209.399.9091 + Dial-In Number: 605.472.5272 # + Pin Number: 836692 #

Iline Tracey, Ed.P, Superintendent, New Haven Public Schools in the Urban Academics HOT Seat on wassup with education S"Special Edition" Thursday at 6:00 PM

Fear? Not if You Ask Iline Tracey the Right Questions – Special Hot Seat Edition

CREATE a FREE VIDEO Like this One for Your Brand or Business Now – Get FREE Videos!

Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Taking the “HOT-Seat” at Urban-Academics during an Inaugural “Special Edition” Session is Lady Iline Tracey, Ed.D, and the Head Chief Woman in a town known as New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) Superintendent of Schools.

Dr. Tracey started in education very young, getting her first paid role while only sixteen years old. Her passion for learning and genuine concern for others is what got her here. If you’ve got questions, she’s got answers.

“I believe in collaboration – We can move mountains. I believe education is the great equalizer.”

Dr. Iline Tracey, Superintendent, NHPS

Notable Accomplishments:

  • COVID-19 hit just months into Dr. Tracey’s tenure as Interim Superintendent
  • Developed Literacy (Child and Adult) Programs
  • Dr. Tracey was working (paid) in the field of education at the age of sixteen
  • Grew up on a farm in the Jamaican Countryside
  • Her career at NHPS started at Dwight School
  • Highest Paid City of New Haven Employee/Official
  • Unanimously voted in as Super Intendent of NHPS
  • 91% of 1,000 feedback surveys were in favor of Dr. Iline Tracey
New Haven Board of Education Meeting – August 24, 2020

Iline Tracey, Ed.D. has seven children, eight grandchildren, and her hobbies include hiking, reading, and researching.

You can contact Dr. Tracey VIA Phone: (475) 220-1003, or EMAIL: iline.tracey@newhaven.k12.ct.us. **PLEASE NO SPAM!!!

Are You New to the Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life to have something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:

Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers PLEASE READ …

Back-Up Number: 209.399.9091 + Dial-In Number: 605.472.5272 # + Pin Number: 836692 #

Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse - Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister RAW and True Thursdays 9:30 PM (EST)

Lies & Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse – Jocelyn Fagan in the “Hot-Seat” with New Book & Some Truth

CREATE a FREE VIDEO Like this One for Your Brand or Business Now – Get FREE Videos!

Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

In this Week’s “HOT-Seat”

Sexual abuse is just the tip of the ice-burg, and it’s time the conversation is brought to the table open for discussion. Children all over the world are abused and misused – Even the very institutions designed and developed to cure/fix/stop these problems are guilty of the same.

For some reason, pedophilia will always be with us as is the beggars, liar, robber, and thief. But what happens to the child with unresolved issues? Where does the wounded return when feelings of old creep up reminding a victim to feel like the perpetrator?

The “HOT-Seat” is warming up for Jocelyn Fagan (Tampa, FL), Entrepreneur, Licensed Minister, and Provisional Elder from Tampa, FL sharing her story of forgiveness and overcoming unbelievable life circumstances with a triumphant outcome. This one is sure to keep you on your toes – RAW and REAL … A story of abandonment, rejection, and sexual abuse – BUT Without Excuse/Repentance!

Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse - Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister RAW and True Thursdays 9:30 PM (EST)
Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse – Jocelyn Y Fagan (Tampa, Florida), an Author, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Minister shares her story RAW and True. In the “HOT-Seat”

“I am extremely compassionate about people feeling free, not making their past determine their futures!”

Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister

Notable Achievements

Minister Jocelyn’s published book, Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter is available NOW on Amazon Here! At the RoundTable, Jocelyn shares her personal experience in hopes that you will be willing to help a young person should they approach you with their truths. What will you do? What will you say?

Jocelyn Y Fagan is lives in Tampa, Florida with her husband Nathaniel and their son JaQ son. She is currently working on her second book.

New to the RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:

Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers PLEASE READ …

Back-Up Number: 209.399.9091 + Dial-In Number: 605.472.5272 # + Pin Number: 836692 #

Thank you for being here. We appreciate you!

Pierre Reddick is in the HOT-Seat on Using Creativity to Keep Kids Engaged in Education. He shares hacks, tips and tricks for Remote Learning

Best Edutainment Helpful for Kids – Pierre Reddick on Creative Teaching

CREATE a FREE VIDEO Like this One for Your Brand or Business Now – Get FREE Videos!

Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Pierre Reddick’s Press Release

In the Hot-Seat This Week …

This week we are pulling out the “HOT-Seat” for Mr. Pierre M Reddick, whose hometown is New Haven. CT, but he only went to school there for one year – His freshman year of high school. Before that, it was a small private day school in Branford, CT, where he and his sister were no doubt the minority, but fitting in nicely.

The long ride out to Branford every day seemed daunting for many people back in New Haven, and even fewer could understand why anyone would pay for school when it’s free, and you’re not rich?

For Pierre, it was the normal course of activity, and his creativity, love of life, the outdoors, and his ability to see the world through a broader lense is because he has never felt trapped – Not in the ways of education. After leaving New Haven Public Schools, he matriculated and graduated from Fort Mill, High School, graduated from Claflin University, attended Point Part University

Pierre Reddick is Co-Founder (PIMOSH Network), and Music Director for Crunch Bunch Kids. Pierre has also been quite successful in merging roles of educator and entrepreneur. The Urban Academics “HOT-Seat” because he can deliver hacks, tips, and tricks for inner-city urban students that will help parents, providers, and teachers tremendously.

“Being a teacher does not mean we want to replace parents. We would much rather partner with parents, but at the same time I’ve played the role of father to almost 400 scholars at any given moment.”

Pierre M Reddick

Notable Accomplishments

Pierre has been involved in the education field for five (5) years, and has served families in several capacities, including but not limited to the following:

  • Co-Founder & Creative Director at People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH)
  • Composition Facilitator
  • Crunch Bunch Music Producer
  • Dean of students
  • Five (5) Year Education Veteran in School System
  • HBCU Graduate (Claflin University Alum)
  • Interned at Atlantic Records
  • Lead Teacher for English Language Arts (ELA)
  • Music Producer & Writer
  • Teachers In Residence (TIR) Coordinator
  • Worked for CT School System
  • Worked for DC School System

To contact Pierre M Reddick, you can follow him on Instagram at thepierremarqui and Voisey as pthewriter to follow his new MUSIC journey

New to the RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:

Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

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Intellectual Clairesa Clay (Brooklyn) – Black Brown and Poor Folks Storytelling, and how they see us, Urban Talk

Clairissa Clay, Intellectual on Black Brown and Poor Storytelling, Urban
Clarissa Clay, Blerd City’s Founder and Executive Producer

Lady Clairesa Clay (Brooklyn Born) takes intellectual talk on black, brown, and poor folks storytelling, and how they tell our stories. She’s a creative entrepreneur ready to accept a seat a the Urban Academics RoundTable.

Clairesa Clay (BLERD CITY’s Founder and Executive Producer) is an educator, entrepreneur, and writer who has developed cultural programs in films, visual arts, and literature serving in conjunction with academic and artistic organizations as well as many independent artists with whom she’s had the pleasure of working with.  

Blerd City’s vision came out of Lady Clairessa’s vision for combining education with the arts that are stimulating and captivate both sides of the brain. Black Nerds (BLERDs) are probably the most underutilized group in the country and abroad. The conference, which is normally held in July will be postponed due to the current NO Events happening around the world. When new dates and venues are announced, whether face-to-face or virtual, you can find it here at Urban Academics Online!

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To date, Lady Clairesa has supported many cultural projects presented by a few of the following:

Clairesa currently serves on the board of advisors for Reel Sisters and sits on the Board of Directors for the Image Nation Cinema Foundation, Inc.  

Clairesa’s debut film garnered notable awards and she is also a published writer. For the past 20 years, she has taught English with the New York City Department of Education serving urban inner-city students.

Urban Intellectual Rountable ClairesaClay talks about storytelling of black, brown and poor people. How They See Us

Getting on the LIVE Call is Easy, just send an email: contact@urban-academics.com

Cash for College – Applications Due in February!

Cash for College – Applications Due in February

If you are a high school student (Junior or Senior), it’s in your best interest to get your money for school search started. I’ve come up with my top picks with February 2018 deadlines.

But first, I want to share a few tips on getting yourself organized and prepared, so you can maximize your potential for success!  Three recommendations for you include (1) Identify your strengths and weaknesses; (2) Getting Organized; and (3) Gathering your information.  Get these few things right and you’re on the way to success in securing FREE Cash for College.

Identify Your Strengths & Weaknesses

If you have not done so already, please begin thinking about your long-term goal, which is to determine what field you would like to work within. What are you good at? What do others ask you to help them with? Ask your parents what you liked to do naturally as a child.

Asking yourself just a few questions will help you decide on a career path, but that’s just the beginning. You must also find out what is needed to enter the field.  Which classes to take in high school that will prepare you for college, how many degrees do you need from college (bachelor, master or Ph.D.), etc?

For example, if you loved all animals as a small child, you could be a great veterinarian. However, if you have failed science at all on any level, this may not be possible because of few, if any colleges or universities will accept your high school transcripts as a Vet student (you need high grades in biology and chemistry)!

This is why it makes sense to start thinking of career paths beginning in middle school rather than in high school. No worries here – some people go to college as “Undecided” on a major. Do NOT allow your inability to choose a major stop you from applying and attending college. The experience alone is life-changing.

Getting Organized

Today’s students are acquainted with tablets and computers, and you will need absolutely need one or the other to be successful. Even the lack thereof, however, should NOT stop you from continuing on in your education.

Most schools have computer labs everywhere. Not having modern technology is no excuse, but if you need to start shopping, Amazon is a great place to start. Whether you prefer the MAC, Dell, HP, or other IBM Clone, deep discounts are on the Internet.

What I am finding a problem regardless of your choice of computers/tablets is that it is not a good idea to store your important documents and papers there. Please do yourself a favor and purchase what we call “External Storage!”

These nifty devices come in all shapes sizes and colors, but they do a good job of keeping your computer free from the “you are running out of disc space “ error message on your computer. The last thing you want is to be just about finished a composition or term paper and your computer crashes! Click here to check out what’s available on Amazon.

Gathering Your Information (Due Diligence)

Make friends with teachers, guidance counselors and/or administers who might write letters of recommendation for you. Almost every scholarship opportunity will require this, and most colleges/universities you’re applying to will as well.

If you’re the type of student who alienates teachers and authoritative adults in your life. Now is a good time to change that behavior.  It might be that the same teacher you have given a hard time in the classroom is needed for a recommendation letter or a review.  If college is in your view, making fun of teachers and those trying to move you to the next level needs to stop.  Otherwise, you may not get your needs met when completing college entrance and scholarship applications.

Get organized! A good planner is one that will include lots of space for note-taking. Be sure that there’s enough space on each date to include lots of “written” information. iPhones are cool, but will NOT make this process easier.

I can’t stress this enough for you to get an awesome 2018 Planner now!  Believe me, they are NOT all created equal. Make sure there is enough space to write legible notes so you remember not only dates but details.

You’ll need something fancy to write with, so a good and smooth writing ink pen will motivate you to write longhand even if you have a computer available.  Amazon has a ton of them, so start your search there.  It’s safe secure online shopping.

I like Amazon because you have so many options from which to choose and it doesn’t matter your budget.

Top 10 College Money Sources with Applications Due in February

Now that you have a foundation for completing your scholarship application(s), here are 10 due NOW! Get going on getting FREE Cash for College. Remember, you can reach out to me with any questions in the comments section below. I would love to hear from you.

Congratulations on your decision to attend college and good luck on securing some FREE money (in order of due date) …

1. February 1, 2018: Harriet Fitzgerald Scholarship for Women ($10,000) APPLY HERE for $10,000

2. February 1, 2018: BMI Student Composer Awards ($20,000 – For Young Composers of Classical Music) APPLY HERE for $20,000

3. February 3, 2018: American Association of Blacks in Energy Scholarship ($5,000 – For African-American’s, Hispanics and Native Americans) APPLY HERE for $5,000

4. February 4, 2018: Army ROTC Four Year High School Scholarship (Amou Varies) APPLY HERE for (Amount Varies)

5.   February 8, 2018:  Corvias Foundation Scholarship for Children of Active-Duty Service Members ($50,000)  APPLY HERE for $50,000

6. February 15, 2018: AWS Edward J. Brady Memorial Scholarship ($10,000 – For Welding Engineers) APPLY HERE for $10,000

7. February 19, 2018: Fukunaga Scholarship Foundation ($16,000 – For Hawaiian students pursuing degrees in Business Administration) APPLY HERE for $16,000

8. February 20, 2018: Brawerman Fellowship ($40,000 – For High School Students from California who will attend a4-year college or university) APPLY HERE for $40,000

9. February 25, 2018: Growing Pains High School Video Competition ($3,000 – For Student Movie Makers) Contact: Scholarship Committee, 3588 Bryan Avenue, Irvine, CA 92602 (310) 293.8035 info@socalsff.com

10.  February 26, 2018: South Carolina Federal Credit Union Scholarship ($10,000 – For South Carolina Students) APPLY HERE for $10,000

Keep in Touch

Patrina S Reddick, MSW Urban Academics Creator

There are more scholarship opportunities where these came from, many of which go unused simply because students don’t know where to look.  Due dates vary (based on scholarship donor) throughout the year.  Subscribe to Urban Academics Blog to make sure you don’t miss one.  We’re serving what you need academically in the urban environment.  If you have scholarship information, please share in the comments section below along with any other comments or questions.

CLICK HERE to Subscribe.

Patina Reddick, MSW                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         contact@urban-academics.com