Tag Archives: urban academics

Here Is A Quick Cure For THE VERDICT 4.20.21

Here Is A Quick Cure For The April 20, 2021 VERDICT – It is In, and millions celebrate a 500-year victory on the backs of so many – Not only black folks have experienced injustice, but we are talking about America, these United States therein. GUILTY is a start, but it’s NOT a cure for injustice or police brutality built into a system of how things are done.

It appears ORDERS now come from the top of our new administration (SEE VIDEO BELOW)! The world exhales for the first time a police officer was thrown the BOOK – Ever! There is a GOD who can show us who BOSS is! Money cannot fix the heart of man – Only the human condition can do that; The LAW of reciprocity and Love.

As we celebrate the 1st Birthday of The Urban Academics Roundtable, we take pride in standing up in a time when the world shut down. No one person has all the answers, but together we can overcome obstacles that haven’t been invented yet.

Three Books You Should Read NOW

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

The following represent the Chosen for this generation in his order. AS you listen to each segment, try to apply each nugget to your life or situation. People come and go, but NOT this forty-eight.

Listen and learn – Then run and tell somebody else to do the same; it will come back to you 10, 20, 50, 75, and 100 fold. The LAW of giving and take Karma, reciprocity, reaping, and sowing all have to do with the idea that it is good to be the change you want to see; Or Do what you want to happen.

In This Week’s HOT-Seat; Introducing The HOT-Seat @ The Urban Academics Roundtable Seasons I, II, III, IV (COVID-19 Edition

SEASON ONE (12 Chosen Visionaries)

The Urban Academics Roundtable has been bringing the HOT-Seat for 52-Weeks totaling over 365 days. The first Urban Academics Roundtable was live on a recorded line, Thursday, April 16, 2020 – Dab smack in the middle of COVID-19. When the world shut down, everyone here stood up, looked for help and resources to share with others.

The first is always the last when you turn around. Forerunners sometimes get run over, it’s true. Some folks say the good guy ends up last, and the good girl marries trash. It doesn’t matter what they say. We have proof in real-time that life if given – Wake up living, NOW! If you’re a Chosen Visionary, To Get in the Hot Seat, CLICK HERE!

SEASON II (12 Chosen Visionaries)

In season II, we were in awe of who would show up to The Weekly Roundtable? It became clear that we were onto something, but the goal has always been to capture the moment in more than just pictures, from people living the inner-city urban experience.

Each segment became more and more RAW, REAL, and RELEVANT, and the plan was becoming clearer by the day. As we continued to move forward, after all, what else was there to do amongst COVID-19? Who knew from season II to season III folks would be reaching out to us – Folks, we would not have approached so early, even before BETA Membership 2021.

Everyone is talking about it – George Floyd’s death sparked a worldwide frenzy at a time when a worldwide pandemic is happening. The world is not changing; It has CHANGED! We want to hear from you – Please join us at the table for a Raw, Real, and Relevant conversation sharing Quick Cures for The Verdict of April twentieth (4.20.21), Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST). It’s FREE, but you’ve got to REGISTER HERE.

“Systemic Racism puts a strain on our souls.”

US President Joe Biden

“Today, we feel a sigh of release. A single act of justice does NOT mean EQUAL Justice!”

US Vice President Kamala Harris

Watch Video of US President and Vice President Address the Nation on another cure for The Verdict. It is so honest of an account – Proof that GOD is in control…

SEASON III (12 Chosen Visionaries)

By the time we arrived at season III, young people were lying down on highways, and the National Guard was dispatched to different parts of the country due to police brutality and basic outrage. Who said it’s too late? No such thing – We’ve had many young black men killed over the years for nothing – The Time is NOW!

It was clear this platform and what would happen within it had little to do with what we wanted as Co-Moderators.; Once it started, it grew stronger and began designing itself based on those sitting at the table and their individual needs.

Please join us at the Roundtable – We promise those who arrive will be on VIP and voice their thoughts early on? You can speak in order of your appearance. RSVP CLICK HERE.

SEASON IV (12 Chosen Visionaries)

Season IV (12 Chosen Visionaries)

Here we are at the close of season four (4) of the HOT-Seat @ The Urban Academics Roundtable. We were trying to understand Leadings (#1) and Anchors (#12) we built in the Green Room Experience at 9:15 PM. Some might refer to it as the VIP section? Let me know in the comments section if you’re Old School?

As we enter the close of 48 segments, 365 days of moving forward, we are proud to be here at the age of one (1). Here you all are. Present – NOW in the midst of a most precedented event in JUDICIAL HISTORY. A police officer was declared GUILTY of ALL charges for murdering a black man. This is the first time that has ever happened.

BONUS – Twenty-Five Women Speakers With Black Girl Joi

Twenty-Five Women Speakers With Black Girl Joy https://www.urban-academics.com/hot-seat

Chosen Visionaries have been sitting at the Urban Academics Roundtable for over 1-year, and injustice, among other things, has been a constant during each segment.

CLICK HERE for BETA Membership

CLICK HERE for Daily New

CLICK HERE to Reserve the HOT-Seat


To RSVP for a Seat at Thursday’s Birthday Celebration and Quick Cures for The Verdict, CLICK HERE.

Twenty-Five Speakers With Black Girl Joy; For You

Black Girl Joy is not easy to come by during the days of COVID-19; The year 2020 will forever be known as the one that wasn’t! For the first time in history, children were relieved from their school duties and 100 percent promoted to the next grade. Parents were sent home from work indefinitely, and the United States, along with the rest of the world, shut-down, almost completely. Well, that was up until the Urban Academics Roundtable got its start.

Instead of crying and worrying about the world falling apart, it was decided that there needed to be a place to document everything happening around and to black and brown people amid the world changers. We can all agree; The world will never be the same.

Each week, a different person (male or female) sits in the HOT-Seat at Urban Academics, sharing their stories of resilience and triumphant encounters with doom; THey didn’t run away but stood tall now you can hear from each of them LIVE. These talks are raw, real, relevant, and much-needed for this generation.

This is the Roundtable of ALL Roundtables – Don’t Miss it! It’s FREE, but you must register! You can Register Here.

What is Women’s History Month?

Women’s History Month became a US celebration in 1982, but it was called Women’s History Week. Within just a few years, President Regan extended the week-long celebration into a full month of honoring women throughout American society, including black women. The National Women’s History Project takes credit for its founding.

According to History.Com, We should celebrate the contributions, notable accomplishments, and the transformative power women have in, for, and to the United States. Also, to be publicly recognized for specific achievements women have made over the course of our history in a variety of fields.”

This Week’s HOT-Seat:

This week at the Roundtable, we celebrate Twenty-Five Women Speakers with Black Girl Joy! Each one brings something new and fresh to the table, and they are the “Chosen Visionaries” of this generation, born for such a time as this. Please accept this as a formal invitation for you to dine at the Urban Academics Roundtable every Thursday at 9:30 PM. It’s an experience you will never forget. CLICK HERE to RSVP for a Seat.

Twenty-Five Women Speakers With Black Girl Joy https://www.urban-academics.com/hot-seat

The Chosen Twenty-Five With Black Girl Joy

The following is a list of powerful women who are blazing trails for anyone to follow, especially young girls. It’s not as easy as you may think to find examples of how we ought to carry ourselves as ladies, but that stops today. This resource is for you! If you see a link in this section, it means the woman has a book, product, or service that you can purchase. It means the world to creatives when someone finds their offerings and makes a purchase. It’s proof of concept and will help them continue running without weariness!

  1. Rev. Willetta (Lettie) Ar-Rahmaan (Charlotte, NC), Entrepreneur, Ordained Minister, IBM Computer Engineer; And Author: Struggling To Be Me; No Longer Silent and invisible at The Table ($14.00)
  2. Rev. Toby Smith (Charleston, SC), Historial Interpreter, and Ordained Minister
  3. Carla Yarbrough (Memphis, TN), Emmy Award-Winning Writer/Producer; and Author: When The Heart Takes Flight ($14.00)
  4. Toni Clark (Harlem, NYC), Investment Planner Representative and Tax Planner
  5. Alice Faye Duncan (Memphis, TN), Certified Teacher, Historian; And Author: A Song For Gwendolyn Brooks, Volume Three ($9.00)
  6. Dr. Tarin Hampton, (Norfolk, VA), Ordained Minister and Professor of Dance at Norfolk State University
  7. Opal Lee (Fort Worth, Texas), Author and the Grandmother of Juneteenth – Make It A National Holiday; Sign the Petition Now!
  8. Elder Dinah Kinney, (New Haven, CT), Chief Deputy Clerk of Court for United States District Court of Connecticut, First Lady at Mount Hope Temple, and Ordained Minister
  9. Paige Thomas (Arlington, VA), Active Duty Marine, and Limb Differences Advocate
  10. Anne Marie Knight (Meriden, CT), Director, The Black Business Alliance
  11. Apostle Merilyn Davis (Atlanta, GA by way of Jacksonville, FL)), Author, Entrepreneur, and Ordained Minister
  12. Cherie Beasley-Rutherford (Long Beach, CA), Creator and Executive Director of Kitchen Food Ventures, KFV
  13. Dr. Sabrina Moore (Columbia, SC), Director of Student Intervention Services at the South Carolina Department of Education
  14. Dr. Iline Tracey (New Haven, CT), Superintendent, New Haven Public Schools
  15. Jocelyn Fagan (Tampa, FL), Licensed, Ordained Minister; And Author: Enduring the Call; A 14 Day Journey 
  16. Patrina S Reddick, MSW (Charlotte, NC), PIMOSH Co-Founder, Urban Academics Creator, Roundtable Co-Moderator, and Writer
  17. Dionne M Thomas (Sacramento, CA), Ordained Minister, prophet; And Author:
  18. Katurah A Bryant, LFMT (New Haven, CT), Creator of The ZOLA Experience; A Certificate Programs for Providers; And Author: The ZOLA ExperienceL A Journey of Recovery From Loss ($14.99)
  19. Clairesa Clay (Brooklyn, NY), Certified Teacher, Founder of BLERD CITY CON, and Movie Producer
  20. Sharon Hinton (Boston, MA), President and CEO of Black Teachers Matter, Inc.
  21. Brittanye Mackey (Waltham, MA), International Studies Director at Bentley University
  22. Theresa Ann Giles (Syracuse, NY), Entrepreneur and Owner of Hope Academy Early Learning Center; And Author: The Ultimate Love Affair
  23. Lonai Mosley (NY, NY), Acclaimed FIlm Produce and Artistic Director at New York Schools.
  24. Doreen Wayde (Boston, MA), Publisher, New England Insider Magazine
  25. Kaye Harvey (New Haven, CT, by way of Atlanta, GA), President and CEO of Alexis Hill Montessori Schools, Inc.; And Robinhood Stock Representative

Please help us celebrate these women on the move by purchasing their books, products, and services and writing a review, sharing on social media, including comments, like, share, thumbs up, and whatever the platform calls for. This is the only way to go viral, and we must be in the business of sharing information. Please do not keep it all to yourself.


Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible. CLICK HERE FOR HOT-SEAT INFO!

Number Six With A Mindblowing Getting Organized, Prepared Being Ready

Opportunity is the number one reported obstacle of why most people don’t pursue dreams, or in other words, their true calling. There are probably about 97% of the population falling into this category. But there is another three percent, and they make up the creatives and risk-takers who know no bounds to their thoughts snd ways. They are sometimes black sheep or wayward children – they don’t want to walk in a line unless they need to pass.

Number Six With A Mindblowing Getting Organized, Prepared Being Ready – Do you really want to know her secret? You are welcome to watch (listen) to the Raw, Real, and Relevant Replay below. Don’t forget you can leave questions for Lady Lonai Mosley, and she will get back to you. Meanwhile, please Subscribe to Urban Academics YouTube Channel.

More About Lonai Mosley

Lonai Mosley runs a fantastic digital boutique in Brooklyn, NY. Known to mere mortals as the Media Money Maker Mogul, she’s carved out quite the career in working with NYC Schools, entertainment companies, and more! She is HOT Seat Chosen Visionary Number VI, Season I. Enjoy!

Linwood Ali Jabaar Branham And His Love Train For Black Folks

What do people do when they forget who they are? This is the question this generation of black folks face when they stare themselves in the face and admit the truth. Who, what, when, where, and how did we get programmed this way?

What way? You might ask, and I’m glad you did (ask). This week’s HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary will take care of that with his plea for every boy, girl, man, and woman would say “Yes To Love!” Linwood Ali Jabbar Bran question and many more at the Urban Academics Roundtable – This week is no different, a Freedom Fighter, Historian, Writer, Founder and CEO of The Society of Former Slaves and Freemen, Inc.

GRAB-A-SEAT at The Roundtable (One-Time Registration) HERE

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

In This Week’s HOT-Seat

Mr. Linwood Ali Jabbar Branham Sr. is a life-long resident of New Haven, Connecticut, dedicating his life to the fight for justice, freedom, equality, and education for those who suffered systemic racism. He is the founder and CEO of The Society of Former Slaves and Freemen, Inc., a non-profit organization that promotes the education, liberation, and inspiration of people of color with an emphasis on the youth.

Mr. Branham is a motivational speaker on both local and national stages and on radio stations too! He’s worked closely with Churches, Elementary, Middle, High Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Juvenile Detention Centers to spread his love for learning and blacks and brown people. The motto is to get the message out by any means necessary. His passion is participating as a panelist with organizers of committees focused on education and black issues and speaking to groups of today’s youth.

Linwood Ali Jabaar Branham New Haven Connecticut www.urban-academics.com
Linwood Ali Jabaar Branham New Haven Connecticut www.urban-academics.com

The “Love Train,” according to Mr. Linwood, is a vehicle anyone can climb aboard, no change, no bills, just goodwill one towards another. To this chosen visionary, there’s no stopping us as black folks – They’ve tried everything, but it’s God’s will to use his chosen people, which is us. So, change your mind about hate, starting today. Here’s a special invitation for you to dine with us at the Urban Academics Roundtable. GRAB A SEAT HERE!

Notable Accomplishments

  • A loving Father and Grandfather
  • A visionary who sees history as a continual unfolding of God’s Perfect Will
  • A Writer and Historical Storyteller
  • An organized and commemorated the 1st annual Black Holocaust Memorial ceremony in the nation (2014)
  • Entrepreneur: Founder and CEO of The Society of Former Slaves and Freemen, Inc.

Three Things You Should DO

What’s More?

Mr. Linwood Ali Jabaar Branham, through education, helps people heal and promote awareness prevention. When he’s not busy saving the world, gardening, growing flowers and food are his past times. Getting in touch with Mr. Branham is easy; use the comments section below. Thank you.

Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible. CLICK HERE FOR HOT-SEAT INFO!


What happens when you combine beauty and smarts, technology and skill, and the called and chosen? A major move in the natural and the spirit! During these days of COVID-19, we are well aware that there must be RAM in the Bush!

Churches are closed, and most schools do not have the capacity to fully open – They can’t begin to understand what today’s kids face in the new world adults have been forced into. Where, or to whom do our children run when they’ve run out answers or tears of their own?

This week’s HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary is one who is seeing great success and living her best life. However, that’s not always been her story; One including Child Sexual Abuse, and even Breast Cancer. Here are survivor stories from one who lived to tell. You must jump on this call – One that can save your mind and ultimately your life. It’s FREE, but you’ve got to REGISTER HERE!

Struggling To Be Me; No Longer Silent and invisible at The Table https://amzn.to/3twZ2OXhttps://amzn.to/3twZ2OX by Rev. Willetta (Lettie) Ar-Rahmaan ($14.00 On Amazon)

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

In This Week’s HOT-Seat

Rev. Willetta “Lettie” Ar-Rahmaan, M.Div., MSIS is an Author, Bi-Vocational Ordained Baptist Minister, employed by IBM Software Quality Engineer Manager. She is the owner and visionary of On The Move Ministries, LLC, the former pastor of St. Paul United Methodist Church in Newton, NC, and former Minister of Assimilation at First Baptist Church West in Charlotte, NC. She’s a native of Hamden, CT, but completed high school in Durham, NC.

Rev. Willetta (Lettie) Ar-Rahmaan, Author, Computer Engineer for IBM, and Ordained Baptist Minister Dines at The Urban Acaemic Roundtable Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST): https://bit.ly/UranAcademicsRoundtableSeat

Notable Accomplishments:

  • A MINISTER: Bi-vocational Ordained Baptist Minister
  • AUTHOR (Best Selling): Struggling To Be Me: No Longer Silent & Invisible at the Table. by Lettie Ar-Rahmaan ($14.00)
  • AWARDS: Technology All-Star award for Women of Color in STEM
  • EDUCATION: Associate of Science in Data Processing from Gateway Community College
  • EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from North Carolina Central University
  • EDUCATION: Master of Science in Information Systems from Strayer University
  • EDUCATION: Master of Divinity from The Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University.
  • PUBLISHED: “Dancing with God,” and a 21-Day Prayer Journal
  • PUBLISHED: “Lord Take My Ordinary Life and Mind” for two women ministries
  • PUBLISHED: A Sermon, “Breaking the Silence,” published in The African American Pulpit. 
  • SPECIALIZED TRAINING: church transformation and church vitality through the United Methodist Church
  • SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Connection Matter Congregation Trainer through Prevent Child Abuse, North Carolina

GRAB A COPY OF REV. WILLETTA (Lettie) Ar-Rahmann’s New Best Selling Book, Struggling To Be Me: No Longer Silent & Invisible at the Table. ($12.00) at AMAZON.COM!

Three Things You Should DO

What’s More?

Rev. Lettie believes through education, we can help people heal and promote awareness prevention. Lettie is the mother of one daughter and grandmother of three young women; Her Tag Line: #educatehealprevent.

Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

Everything You Wanted to Know About GULLAH GEECHEE PEOPLE and Were Too Embarrassed to Ask

We celebrate BLACKNESS every day, but across the world, February is a constant reminder of how far we’ve come as a people; Look @ Us! Closing out Black History Month 2021 COVID-19 Edition is a historian caught in the “Twilight Zone.” Someone who can remember “Before Freedom!”

My mother was born and raised in a tiny little place in South Carolina, not even on the map, one of twelve siblings, yet I’ve never heard her refer to the term “Geechee Gullah, nor Gullah Geechee, but why? Learning of this cultural and wealthy legacy has changed my life, and I pray it changes yours as you travel through time with a tour guide who uses the term “After Freedom.”

Black History month may be coming to a close based on the world’s calendar, but Being black in America will always be a mixed-bag of emotionally charged questions from one generation to the next. However, today is the dawning of a new day where the truth shall make us free. Change has come. Let us not miss this moment.


Gullah is a combination of Creolized language taking root through customs, traditions, and awful circumstances resulting from slavery in the US. This “Gullah” language was spoken by slaves settling in both South Carolina and Georgia. It’s not written language; It’s the passage and patios of the Lowcountry.

A good pot of GUMBO passed down over time might sum it up? African, English, and any adaptations, expressions, and words – Even foreign languages picked up, based on slave owner’s nationality.

The word “Gullah” might be a mixture of the African word Gora or Gola (names of tribes living in Sierra Leone). Some believe the Gala or Gallinas are the African connection for the Gullah people in the Sea Islands.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

Who’s In The HOT-Seat

Alphonso Brown, Author, Entrepreneur and Famous Historian of Gullah Geechee Culture in the HOR-Seat at Urban Academics Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST: https://bit.ly/UranAcademicsRoundtableSeat
Alphonso Brown, Author, Entrepreneur and Famous Historian of Gullah Geechee Culture in the HOR-Seat at Urban Academics Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST: https://bit.ly/UranAcademicsRoundtableSeat

Alphonso Brown was born and reared in Rantowles, SC, a rural area about 12 miles south of Charleston. He graduated from Baptist Hill High School. He received a BS Degree from S. C. State University in Music and a Masters’s from Southern Illinois University. Other Graduate studies in music include The University of SC, Charleston University, and The Citadel.

Notable Accomplishments

Author: A Gullah Guide To Charleston, by Alphonso Brown – BUY THE BOOK NOW

A Gullah Guide To Charleston, by Alphonso Brown ($5.01)

Professional Affiliations, and Memberships

  • Entrepreneur: Owner & Operator, Gullah Tours
  • Lecturer: The Gullah Language & Black History of Charleston
  • Licensed Tour Guide | City of Charleston, SC
  • National Educators Association
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.
  • SC Band Directors Association
  • SC Music Educators Association
  • The American Hymn Society

What’s More?

King Alonso is a member and the organist/choirmaster of Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church in Charleston. His concert choir participates in community events throughout the Southeast at colleges, churches, Fortune 500 conventions, and the Kellogg Foundation convention. And the annual Piccolo Spoleto Festival of Churches, where they do an all-Negro Spiritual Concert, looks forward. Also, every other year, the Choir performs the Dubois’ “Seven Last Words of Christ. During Christmas, they fulfill several selections from Handel’s Messiah.

Mr. Brown is a retired Band Director from The Charleston County School District, where he worked at Rivers High/Middle School for many years. He and his late wife, Laquines, are the proud parents of three sons: Howard, Terrence, and Joel, three daughters-in-law, and presently, eight grandchildren.

New To The Weekly Roundtable?

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

How Award-Winning Producer and Writer Makes You A Better Salesperson

In business, regardless of a niche market or industry, branding could mean the difference between failure and success. When you combine the skills necessary to make a difference in today’s anxious, busy, and hectic society through social channels it gets even more difficult to navigate because everything is changing so fast.

To be in the know, you’ve got to surround yourself with folks who not only know what they are talking about but also know “how” to do what they are talking about and want nothing more than to share that with you. This week in the HOT-Seat is no different than any other, but one you don’t want to miss.

This week in the HOT-Seat is a Media Mogul who climbed up there all by herself! She’s an award-winning writer/producer skilled in social media branding, television, and movie production. It’s hard getting into a room with this one; But here’s your chance to dine at the table. Don’t miss this great opportunity, and PLEASE don’t keep it to yourself. Share with ALL your family, fans, and followers.

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

In this Week’s HOT-Seat

Carla Yarbrough is an award-winning producer/writer, digital communications strategist, social media branding and visual marketing consultant, and new media video producer. She comes from the field of communications, television, and video production working in the public and private sector. Carla is also an online adjunct lecturer in the Global Strategic Communications graduate program at Florida International University in Miami. 

Her career began in television at WTNH-TV 8 (ABC) in New Haven, CT. She has worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington, DC; the University of California Riverside; the University of Kentucky HealthCare; and the National Council on Compensation Insurance in Boca Raton, FL by leading visual brand strategies and new media projects. She was also an assistant professor at California State University, Long Beach in the department of journalism and public relations, and Cal State Fullerton in the department of communications for 12 years. 

You may not know this, but branding is a marketing practice that includes colors, fonts and can get really deep like language. For Example, at the Urban Academics. Weekly Roundtable, we refer to eating and food because we are “branding” the notion that food is not only physical but much the same it’s education, emotional, spiritual, and probably good for more than that. Your brand should represent you and the customers you seek to serve. Don’t miss this segment if you need to get in front of a qualified professional to ask questions at no cost to you! Use this link to register for a seat at this week’s roundtable.

Three Things You Should Do

  1. Buy a Black History Movie: Hidden Colors by Amazon Prime ($14.99)
  2. BUY a Black History Photo of Barack Obama ($12.95)
  3. BUY A “Free-Ish Since 1895” T.Shirt, by African Pride ($19.95)

Notable Accomplishments:

  • Author: “When The Heart Takes Flight” by Carla Yarbrough
  • Award: Emmy; Co-Producer for the film: “I Am A Man: Lessons in Life”
  • Entrepreneur: Executive Director and Owner of TenOutOfTen, LLC Production Company
  • Producer: Effects of HIV/AIDS on Children & Famliesin Soweto (South Africa)
  • Producer: Several Films at the Stax Museum of American Soul Music (Memphis, TN)
  • Service: The advisory Committee for Soulsville USA at Stax Museum
  • Working Credits: Consultant to CBS Television (Burbank, CA) for a drama series & comedy show
  • Working Credits: Appeared on NPR (KPCC 89.3) providing commentary and examining stereotypes in reality-based television

 What’s More?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Affiliates.

New To The Weekly Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Affiliates.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or to get in touch with Lady Carla Yarbrough. Ask away and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

Urban Academics Online, Home of the "HOT-Seat" at the Weekly Roundtable. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST): https://bit.ly/RoundTabeReservation

How To Make Us Better – Developing Collaborative Partnerships Built With Multi-State A-List

Dr. Ed Joyner has had a lifetime of academic experience, but it wasn’t always easy. He’s the Number Four Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat at Urban Academics. His willingness to share his story with such truth has made us all better. Many of our members refer to some of his one-liners often. Some call those “sound-bites,” and they make us better too!

For example, there’s no need to build a platform for one person or type of person – A table should be openly honest and where you can say what you have to. Anyone listening will give you what’s needed to get and keep the chest area clean and clear. Here at the Urban Academics Roundtable, we honor any opinions knowing that some people have salt, others use an herb you’ve never considered but a match nonetheless. We challenge you to listen to this incredible story, and if you move to change, we’ve done well, but there’s more—Check out BETA Membership AT Urban Academics.

The Philiosophy of Collaboration

According to most at the lowest level, collaboration is to share in contributing to a project or work – Something tangible is the outcome. It’s the thought of equal participation by people; animals don’t count and shared results amongst contributors.

Sometimes this concept, easy as it appears, had underlying cons as well as pros. An example of a con/scam would be one or more individuals demanding an equal reward for minimal to no effort to proposed outcomes, thereby causing everyone else to pick up the slack. It leaves a bad taste in some mouths while others could care less. If you’re not careful here – split right down the middle.

Collaboratives of all colors, shapes, and sizes exist for many things with a much broader philosophy. Membership is a better term than a partnership, and I will go over the differences in another post, as for this talk and how we can utilize others’ strengths to accomplish more than we could alone. BETA Membership at Urban Academics provides an opportunity for authors, entrepreneurs, speakers, or others to get their message out to the world. Collaborative content creation is a new way to create fresh content regardless of if folks are prolific thinkers and writers.

The best information or transfer thereof has been because there was more than one thought at the table. The Urban Academics Roundtable is the perfect platform and vehicle for constant Raw, Real, and Relevant Topical Content on Auto-Pilot. Not only that, but featuring real-life black, brown, and other to-notch HOT-Seat Chosen Visionaries from around the country and ultimately around the world. GO TO BETA MEMBERSHIP NOW.

The Raw, Real, and Relevant Replay Number Four – Available NOW! On-Demand! On YouTube! Oh Yes! Subscribe Now https://bit.ly/SubscribeUrbanAcademicsYouTubeChannel

Watch, or Listen To the Video:

The Multi-State A

Urban Academics desires to get everything right, but we know based on experience, things sometimes go wrong. With the BETA Membership programs, we want to partner with folks who wish for their products and services to rise up and above the packs, and we want the same. With BETA Membership, we provide you with services at a fraction of their original costs – In return for genuine and honest feedback. We will determine what works and what does NOT quickly make it better for black and brown folks who sometimes won’t read everything getting themselves into trouble.

So that you know, a “C” is failing in the inner-city urban schools. We know you cannot compete, and few if anyone has the time to step in for students, but Urban Academics wants to change that too! With the launch of Speaker’s Bureau at Urban Academics, we’ll be matching BETA Members through Speaker’s Bureau to speaking opportunities where decision-makers in academia are likely to be. GO TO BETS MEMBERSHIP NOW to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

Activists, Advocates, and Educators – Are You Prepared For A Good Thing?

Here we are into a new year ushering in prophecy and a paradigm shift; A unique dispensation has come. One this that’s true about COVID-19, the 2020 Presidential Election, and the 2021 Inaugural address, swearing-in President Joe Biden, Jr. and Kamala Harris. COVID-19 changed the world based on over-turning the U.S. education system, now turned over to Sir. Joe and Lady Kamala re-building; Bigger, better, and stronger than ever.

Every item purchased comes with instructions; even your t-shirts have tags with washing instructions included. Suppose our children aren’t reading by a certain age. In that case, many things go into play, including but not limited to low expectations, math restrictions, and not being able to read laundry labels. Frustration can set in when children are not successful in school. It may seem trivial, but it’s happening everyday within our inner-city schools.

It’s a good thing some urban professionals understood their calling and purpose early enough to position themselves as change agents. This week’s Chosen Visionary is an educational leader, activist, and advocate who has been developing young people for years. The communities of Bridgeport and New Haven, CT, are incredibly proud to have him, and the work he’s doing helps struggling students tremendously.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World) by Princeton University Press ($47.95)
  2. The Curse of Ham: Satan’s Vicious Circle, by Xulon Press
  3. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT

Kevin P. Muhammad, leading by example, has consistently directed his energies towards improving the lives of those living in poor and underserved communities across the state of Connecticut. An unapologetic educational advocate for parents and their children, Mr. Muhammad, serves as a voice for the voiceless, liaising with schools and other agencies on behalf of families. As an educator, he works relentlessly to ensure that marginalized Black and Brown children can access a rigorous and equitable curriculum.

He’s a well sought-after compelling keynote and motivational speaker. He has presented numerous audiences, including schools, organizations, and communities, on an assortment of content and topics that include education, prison, reform, health care, and spirituality. In May 2016, he was the Keynote speaker at a community conversation on the necessity of Defining Leadership, held at The University of Massachusetts.

In 2017 to address the need for cultural sensitivity training and support among correctional officers at the Corrigan Radgrowski Correctional Center, Mr. Muhammad himself provides this training. He worked with officials on engaging with inmates of color and those from different ethnicities.

Kevin P Muhammad, Founder MUCKMUDD, LLC; Activist, Advocate and Educator


  • AWARD: 100 Black Men of Color” Honorees
  • AWARD: “Fathers Who Are Active in the Community”–Mother Demand Action
  • AWARD: Greater Bridgeport NAACP, Public Leadership Education
  • AWARD: Greater Bridgeport NAACP, Award for Education by W.E.B. Du Bois.
  • AWARD: The Muhammad Islamic Center, People’s Victory Award, Outstanding Service in Education
  • AWARD: 100 Black Men of Color” Honorees

Other Noteworthy Accomplishment

  • Collaboration: Connecticut Against Violence (CAV) Organization. For the past eight years, he has worked with CAV,
  • Created MUCKMUDD, L.L.C.
  • Member: Bridgeport’s Mayor’s Youth Violence Initiative: My Brother’s Keeper Youth
  • Offers day schooling as an alternative to the public school
  • Provides tutoring and mentoring services, to hundreds of (K-12) students within Fairfield County
  • Serves as an education advocate for children and families
  • Speaker & Facilitator

What’s More?

Mr. Muhammad is a graduate of Sacred Heart University with a Bachelor’s in Science and Biology. He maintains a Sixth Year Degree in Educational Administration and is currently pursuing another degree. When he finds any rare spare time, he loves spending it in fitness and with his family. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below.

New To The Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Affiliates.

How To Turn Your MOTIVATION From Zero To Hero

Motivating is the most powerful piece to your drive; without it, you have none (drive). Merely thinking about the people you want to meet, places you want to go, and the things you want to do won’t happen if an action or some kind of movement is not taken. Almost every young person I work with has a dream, something they really want; However, few have a plan or vision for how they will attain it.

In my work at PIMOSH, which is an acronym for People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher. So, you know how many motivating means to me – It’s our middle name.

Read HOT-Seat #33 Press Release – Rev. Dr. Tarin Hampton

CLICK HERE For a Seat at The Urban Academics Roundtable

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The CallA 14-Day Encounter by Jocelyn Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Minister
  2. Empowerment Series: Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs, Updated (MindTap Course List
  3. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey Of Recovery From Loss by Katurah A. Bryant, LMFT

This week’s Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat is an example of all things motivation fueled by faith and self-determination. From her earliest of days, she didn’t feel challenged by any of her teachers; then finally special People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH) showed up and because of the relationships built with positive adults and peers, she has dedicated her life to motivating other Black and Brown students all over the world.

Rev. Dr. Tarin Hampton, Professor at Norfolk State University on Turning Motivating from Zero to Hero in the HOT-Seat. Join us Thursdays, 9:30 PM (EST): http://urban-academics.hubspotpagebuilder.com/ua-roundtable-reservation

“Fina A Way; Or Make a Way!

Rev.Doctor Tarin Hampton (Norfolk, VA)

This Week In The HOT-Seat

Rev. Dr. Tarin Hampton (Norfolk, VA) has been a University Educator for over 30 years. She earned her Ph.D. in Expository Preaching in 2011 from Faith Evangelical Seminary, Kumasi, Ghana, and her Ed.D is in Educational Leadership, completed in 2002 from Clark Atlanta University. She is a Full Professor at Norfolk State University and the Department Head for the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science. She served as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, West Africa on a Sabbatical Contract invitation for almost 3 years, and was instrumental in collaboratively establishing the Dance Major in the Department of Music, which is now the Department of Music and Dance. She maintains her connections to UCC as an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Arts as a Dissertation Advisor. She is a two-time recipient of a Fulbright-Hayes Scholarship (2000 – Morocco and Tunisia, and 2008 – Ghana, West Africa). She has participated in and organized numerous Community Service Projects and Educational Conferences throughout her teaching career. She is serving as our Academic Advisor for Life Changes Ministries, Kumasi, Ghana.

Notable Accomplishments

  • Award (2016): National Leader of the Year from Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance National Dance Society
  • Award (2015): Minority Leadership Awards – Shape America, formerly the AAHPERD National Association American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
  • Black College Dance Exchange – 13 HBCU’s that have dance companies and a yearly conference
  • Dance Commissioner for the International Alliance for Health, Physical Activity, and Sports
  • Praise Dance Ministry – Shilow Baptist Church, Norfolk – Pastor Keith Ivan Jones
  • President-Elect of National Dance Society
  • President of National Dance Society – Coming Soon (2021)

Three Things You Need To Do

  1. Become a BETA Member at Urban Academics Helping Shape This Platform for Urban Authors, Entrepreneurs, Parents, Professionals, and others with urban products and services. Sign-Up NOW!
  2. Sign Ms. Opal Lee’s Petition Making Juneteenth a National Holiday
  3. Testimony – A Christmas Letter From Crunch Bunch & Family Made it to Walmart – BUY IT NOW!

What’s More About Lady Tarin?

When this Chosen Visionary is simply Lady Tarin, she enjoys what she does best, dancing working out and working with students at Norfolk University. What a blessing she is, and she will be listed in the Urban Academics Speaker’s Bureau launching January 2020!

New to The Urban Academics RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH) Affiliates.

Thank you for being here. Suppose someone has invited you to have a seat here at the RoundTable, especially for a reservation for the “HOT-Seat” you are honored among peers and considered a thought leader in your work. Your accolades speak for themselves – Welcome aboard!

CLICK Here To Reserve Your Seat At The Table!