Tag Archives: Urabn Academics

How To Make Your VIRAL MARKETING HACK Look Like A Million Bucks

If you’re looking for virtual marketing hacks, look no further than Mr. Glenn Murray, a Marketing & Viral Promotions Expert and Guru. He is the Principal Founder of 220 Communications, the parent company to 220 Publishing and Food, Wine, and Spirits Ventures.

Mr. Murray has led viral social media campaigns that have generated over 1-Million impressions for the arts, film, music, and culinary events, and he’s in this week’s hot-Seat giving up his secret sauce! Let’s talk about business – What it takes to make it wherever you’re trying to go; Authors, Businessfolks, Experts. Free-Lancers, Lifetime Students, Small-Business Owners, and parents! To Get on this call – Thursday’s at 9:30 PM (EST).

When we talk about Viral Marketing, it’s the process of getting the word out about a product, service, or both to the masses. I believe if your campaign generates over 1 million impressions, it’s considered to have gone “Viral.”

Some Viral Videos, however, don’t benefit the creator, either because they are not regularly publishing videos to YouTube or Vimeo, so how would they know how to monetize. The second way is when someone posts a random video they just captured in the car. She uploads and boom – The video of a cat laying next to a dog playing nicely gets 2 million views – When that happens, Ellen’s Show will call

Three Books You Should Read NOW

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

You are welcome to join us for an evening of enlightenment with another Chosen Visionary for these times. We’ll be at The Urban Academics Round-table with the GURU, who can change your situation virtually overnight. Bring an apron, bib, a fork, spoon, and knife; This is going to be yummy! Also, please DO

NOT FORGET TO BRING SOMEONE WITH YOU; It’s FREE, but you’ve got to Register HERE First!

Glenn Murray Chicago, IL Social Media Expert on Going Viral To Get The Bag Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST),
Glenn Murray Chicago, IL Social Media Expert on Going

If you are someone looking to get your book, idea, message, or thoughts out into the world, do these three things before you do anything else: (1) Decide who your target market is (ALL demographics included); (2) Figure out where those folks are in groups (large groups); and (3) Use YouTube to create a strategy based on what other successful marketers are using. If you need help, The Urban Academics is in the business of working with Authors & Entrepreneurs. You can register FREE and start from there!

Notable Accomplishments

Three Things You Need To Do Now

What’s More?

Mr. Glenn Murray is a man who enjoys watching TV or a good movie when he’s not busy attempting to save the world. A true gem in the fields of Marketing and Promotions.; You should get at him – Leave a message in the comments section below. Thank you for reading.

Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, CEOs, Child Advocates, Civil Service Members, Content Creators, Educators, Entrepreneurs, First Responders, Guidance Counselors, Journalists, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible. CLICK HERE FOR HOT-SEAT INFO!

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Why Our Author and Historian Is Better Than Yours

As New Year 2021 settles in while COVID-19 is still amidst, there remains one thing that we cannot put off any longer; And that’s the educating of our children, especially those attending inner-city schools with less than adequate resources.  

More than ever, we need educators at every level from every walk of life to share what you know. Children and parents alike are starving for you and what you have to offer. Click HERE Make HOT-Seat Reservation!

In The HOT-SeatNumber Thirty-Four, this Week’s Chosen Visionary is Lady Alice Faye Duncan (Memphis, TN). She is an Author and Historian who penned the book Memphis, Martin, and The Mountaintop; The Sanitation Strike of 1068. While Lady Duncan has quite a few books published and available (listed below); You can DOWNLOAD a GIFTED PDF Copy here of Memphis, Martin, and The Mountaintop; The Sanitation Strike of 1968.   It’s NOT free, but during the week of Martin Luter King’s Birthday, she pays it forward with a Freebie.

Lady Alice Faye Duncan grew up just minutes from where Martin Luther King Jr. was killed; Constant reminders shaped her life and love of history. Having her here at the Urban Academics Roundtable is awesome, Kicking-off Black History Month! Some folks would believe Black History Month is somehow shade because it’s in February (the shortest calendar month). However, M.L.K. Holiday has always been the fore-runner from January 15 – February 28th or 29th, whichever is up if you opened your eyes.

Ms. Duncan has a lifetime of memories and research to share, so grab a seat and a bib so you can eat without messing up your clothes. She knows the truth about Martin Luther King, and we are blessed to break bread. Join us every Thursday; What Urban Folks Need to understand, remember, share, and teach to our children.  

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Martin Luther King, Jr on Leadership: The Essential Box Set by Hachett Audio
  2. Memphis, Martin, and The Mountaintop; The Sanitation Strike of 1968 (FREE DOWNLOAD) by Alice Faye Duncan
  3. The Z.O.L.A. Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss by Katurah A Bryant, L.M.F.T.

Is Martin’s Dream Alive? What is Black History Month? Let’s talk about it? Join us at the Urban Academics Roundtable for a candid discussion on making sure we learn, so we have something to teach our children! Don’t keep it all to yourself – Tell a friend – The Urban Academics Roundtable, Thursday at 9:30 pm (E.S.T.)

Grab A Seat Here!

HOT Seat 34 Alice Faye Duncan Memphis TN
HOT Seat 34 Alice Faye Duncan Memphis TN

Notable Accomplishments

About the Urban Academics Roundtable 

Raw, Real, and Relevant Intellectual Talk with HOT-Seat Q&A

Inner-City Urban Content Creation, Thursdays, 9:30p EST

The Urban Academics Roundtable convenes discussions on various subjects and topics around academics and education and issues affecting each one today. It’s an intellectual talk show with HOT-Seat Q & A around the inner-city urban experience – For Business, Home, and School. 

The Coveted “HOT-Seat,” is reserved for forward-thinking folks who have resources and tools readily available to discuss issues in our communities needing change now, one family/person/topic at a time. We need solutions, not more problems, for today’s questions. These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop. You can recommend someone, a colleague, or other professional – Contact Patrina S Reddick by Clicking HERE.

The Urban Academics Roundtable

Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)


Dial-In:  605.472.5272  –  Pin: 836692 #

Dr. Sabrina Moore, Director of Safety and Climate Initiatives at SC Department of Education Shares Strategies For Home And Schools Thursdays at 9:30 PM DIAL: 605.472.5272, Pin#: 836692

Safety Mindset. Genius Idea. Sabrina Moore, Ph.D. Offers Strategies Now

CREATE a FREE VIDEO Like this One for Your Brand or Business Now – Get FREE Videos!

Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Read The Press Release on Dr. Sabrina B Moore

In This Week’s “HOT-Seat”

This week in the “HOT-Seat” at Urban Academics is Sabrina B Moore, Ph.D., the Director, Student Intervention Services at the South Carolina Department of Education. She is in charge of overseeing school safety and climate initiatives.

Dr. Moore has over 30-years of combined administrative and teaching experience. She’s also a certified trainer in Adult Mental Health First Aid, Restorative Practices, Active Shooter Response Training, and Working with At-Risk Males.

“Safety on any level starts at home, then it spreads abroad”.

Dr. Sabrina B Moore, Director of Student Interventions, SCDE

Notable Accomplishments

  • Author and Entrepreneur
  • Momager to Garrison Moore @ Moore Puzzles and Gifts
  • Recent Collaboration with educators, law enforcement officials, mental health professionals, and schools psychologists in the development of the South Carolina School-Based Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Guidelines
  • Recipient of the Governor and Mrs. Richard W Riley Award for Excellence in Dropout Prevention
  • SCDE Video Production: Preventing the Risks of School Violence: Informed Educators
  • SCDE Video Production: Preventing the Risks of School Violence: Informed Students
  • Speaker/Presenter at local, state, or national conferences
  • Under Dr. Moore’s Leadership, SCDE has been awarded over 10 million in federal funds to address school safety issues
Dr. Sabrina Moore, Director of Safety and Climate Initiatives at SC Department of Education Shares Strategies For Home And Schools Thursdays at 9:30 PM DIAL: 605.472.5272, Pin#: 836692

Lady Sabrina Moore Enjoys family, friends, and good times. And lives in Columbia, SC, with her husband David, son (Garrison), a recent Class of 2020, COVID-19 Graduate and President/CEO of Moore Puzzles and Gifts. Daughter (Jami) also bears the esteemed “Dr.” before her name, following in Mom’s footsteps…

Welcome to Urban Academics


Welcome to Urban Academics, your one stop shop for all things urban as it relates to educating inner-city kids.  Urban kids come in all shapes sizes and colors, and each child is an individual.  However, the cookie cutter approach to working with this population must stop, but how?

Here you will find the best information, knowledge and cutting-edge resources for your entire family, as we know life is a continuous cycle of learning.  At the point at which we stop learning, everything else will follow.


Taking Responsibility for Educating of Our Kids

My name is Patrina S Reddick, and I’ve been working on the front lines with children and families in some capacity for most of my life. While I am a masters level social worker by degree, my career path started in my local church, then expanding to the larger community.

I’ve worked in a number of different roles over the years, but I’ll tell you what frustrates me more today than anything else, which is also the driving force behind Urban Academics.

It saddens me – the number of young people who graduate high school without the necessary skills to compete in the world. Things are changing so rapidly that it will only get worse before it can get better. In today’s business sector, a General Equivalency Degree (GED) is worth more than a high school diploma.

How can you say that Ms. Patrina? Well, at least we know that you can read, count, and follow directions, which is NOT true for more than 60% of the inner city youth walking across the stage to receive diplomas next spring.

Parents should at the very least, check homework nightly and communicate with teachers at least once weekly.  This small intervention will make a world of difference in your child’s academic experience.  Just finding out what method of communication your child’s teacher likes will indicate that your child has a concerned parent who wants to be on the same page.

Parents are their children’s first teachers.  If parents are absent, caring, considerate, ignorant, impolite, important, late, loving, neglectful, petty, prompt, respectful, smart, or talented their child is more likely to any or all those things.  There are, however, occasions where children make decisions to be the exact opposite of parents as well.


Taking Ownership of Negative Behaviors

In practice, teachers and I converse daily with students who just happen to live in urban inner cities across the country.  There’s a push to do better, but without an increase in parental involvement, I don’t know how much we can do.

Parenting is different than it was in times past when we fought for education and the right to guess what? Read, libraries, restaurant, and public restrooms.  In many cases, I’ve seen parents respond faster to a teacher taking a cell phone than the phone call about negative behaviors expressed in a classroom of learning.

Have we become so comfortable with our things (outside) that we forfeit the fruits (inside)?  I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I’m willing to start a dialogue with you – If you are here, please become an active part of these issues faced every day in our schools.

Little learning can go on if we’re always dealing with behavior.  I believe in my heart that parents need to be more accountable to their children’s schools.  It’s not enough to take kids from parents who can’t afford certain things.  Some students who have the least learn the most – simply because they want to.

Disrespecting teachers and administrators on any level is inappropriate and parents need to be held accountable for the actions of our children.  How else will this stop?  If you have ideas, please leave them in the comments section below.  I would love to hear your thoughts.

Becoming Partners with Teachers & Administrators

Parents must become an active participant in their child’s success in school and also learn to partner with teachers.  Put short – A house divided against itself cannot stand!  Why send your child somewhere just so they’re gone?  There will be little success if any, if there’s no collaboration, with the child in the driver’s seat.

If as a parent, we don’t take time to listen to our children with “parenting” ears, it will be difficult to see them through “parenting” eyes.  What I mean by this is the fact that there are far too many parents these who want nothing more than to be “friends” with their kids – QUIT THAT!

You were not chosen by God to be your child’s friend.  There will time for that later in life after they’ve gotten their education.  It is our responsibility to raise our children that they become active and progressive citizens of the world and able to take care of themselves through work or business.

Tip:  Get yourself a professional planner, write down your child’s schedule and plan around which events you must attend and those that are optional.  Your phone will not satisfy this requirement – you need something in your hand that you can both see and touch – at a glance.


Becoming a Village Once Again

Schools all over the world must subscribe to the “village” philosophy, because in a nutshell that’s what it is.  There are many teachers, administrators, clerical folks, maintenance people all working to get the job of running a safe and productive school environment for our children.

The village philosophy, however, that I’m speaking of has little to do with bodies and more to do with concern.  For example, if you have 50 people around but only 5 of them care, there’s not enough to go around.

I advocate regularly and sit in meetings that would make you cry.  My recommendation for parents is to make appointments with school administrators (principals or guidance counselors).  The purpose of this meeting is to formally introduce yourself as a concerned and loving parent who wants to partner with he/she and the school to make sure your child is successful academically.

Not every parent will do this, but those that do have a better chance at getting concerned teachers and administrators to look out for your child.  I believe in the village philosophy so much, my son & I founded an organization called People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH.net). To support this effort, CLICK HERE!


Keep in Touch – Subscribe to my Blog

Again, welcome to Urban Academics!  Please keep in touch by subscribing to this blog.  I promise to keep it fresh interesting and entertaining too!  All we need now is you.

If you have concerns, questions or want to contribute to this article, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.


Patrina Reddick, MSW,

Executive Director

Urban Academics