Tag Archives: Texas

HOT-Seat 87 Feyi Obamehinti (Keller, TX), Education Expert, Speaker, Teacher. and Co-Founder, Oasis Focus, Inc on Public School Teachers and Love (how they are the same)

PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS And Love – How They Are The Same

Public school teachers worldwideith what they do and start our loving each child the same. Loving job is different than enjoying the company and time spent daily with folks you work with or are serving. It would be great if a e-requisite were required to love to teach: YOU MUST LOVE CHILDREN BEFORE YOU CAN TEACH!

By now,,, you know that’s not close to how it works. Spoiler Alert: Teachers are no all created equally,,, like folks in any other profession – The wheat and the tare grow together. Only God can do the separating. In o her words, quit trying to know ople – They change every day. Put your treasure in GOD who never ch ges, and his promise of daylight and moonshine coupled with new mercies have not failed us yet!

PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS And Love – How They Are The Same

What’s Love Got to do With It?

Love is a relative term depending on anything that could mean something different to everyone (love). Every public school teacher was a student, and eryone everywhere, at any grade level, athletes whether varsity or JV, award-winning Emmy, grammy, and Oscar nominees were once students in a teacher’s classroom.

Teachers don’t just make the world go around. They are the world,,, and they ALL get into heaven FREE (says me)! Teachers, up until recently,,, were not ignored t rather reduced in the class hierarchy of local, state, and federal laws about education and teaching, especially if one is certified as a teacher or has continued education after goal attainment.

PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS And Love – How They Are The Same

HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary Number 87 is Dr. Feyi Obamehinti (Keller, TX)

Dr. Feyi Obamehinti is a life educator who loves to empower people with research-based principles to thrive in life. A dynamic international and national trainer/speaker, Feyi is passionate about helping educators at all stages of their career journey. As an educational expert, Feyi uses her expertise to equip, support, and provide leadership to educators at the local, state, and federal levels in areas of best practices in education. She is the Co-founder of Oasis Focus Inc. (a nonprofit organization) that empowers and equips disadvantaged communities through value- based principles for families, public schools, and the workplace.

PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS And Love – How They Are The Same

Teachers Must Love All Students

According to Dr. Obamehinti, one should not teach if tey are not called to fo so! Teachers are special folks designed after God’s heart to guarantee the safe passage fro childhood to adult. Those who end up in education by accident do not end up being the best at this job.

Teachers Shuold Love God, His Children and Serve People

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Dr. Feyi is a lifelong learning who is passionate about teaching, but she is also a minister who is extremely driven to spread the word of God, not only with accuracy, but with evidence, signs and wonders. Her voice resonates as one who is called to lead. She’s offering a Precept Study Course, and you are invited to attend. USe the link below for more information.

Dr. Obamehinti’s Spring Precept Study is here:

1. In Person Precept Study: The Power of Knowing God, a 7-weeks study on knowing God intimately. Abraham, Noah, Nehemiah, Deborah, Paul are a few examples of God’s servants that knew God so well. Anyone can too. I’ll love to be your guide as we dive into the scriptures to discover the treasures that make intimacy with God a living testament. This in person study begins March 2 and ends April 13 from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Click the study link here to register.

2. Online In & Out Precept Study: How To Study Your Bible, is a 6 weeks study on how to study your Bible. We will use the Precept Topical study of Living for God’s Glory as the guide on learning how to dig into God’s Word and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying in the scriptures. I’ll love to be your guide on this learning journey together. This is for everyone, new and veteran followers of Christ. This online study begins March 23 and ends April 27 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Please share with anyone (men and women) that could use this time of study time.  Click the study link here to register.  After registering, you will then receive a confirmation email that will have information to join the weekly virtual meeting for the entire 6 weeks. 

Teachers Love Good Causes Too!

Dr. Obamefinti is the Board Chair for the National Diabetes Foundation where she serves as educator and expert. She is passionate about her seat and takes it seriously as part of her everyday life – Here’s a panel discussion where Dr. Feyi Obamehinti is featured; Watch below:

Dr. Obamehinti and Self Care

When Dr. Obamehinti is not running around with an “S” on her chest saving the world, she enjoys simple things – Soaking in the tub, Quietly at home reading the word of God and praying for his people. She is a vessel of love that pours God’s heart into the minds of his teachers, as they are trusted with our beloved children. If you have questions for HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary Number 88, or any of our team members use the comments section below.

Thank you for reading and God Bless You!

The Secret of Successful RETIRED US NAVAL OFFICER

Can you imagine being smart enough to use the US government to secure your future while getting paid to attend college or university studies? Many people are aware of the many benefits of military enlistment, but there’s much more associated with that track that’s not always advertised throughout media.

This week’s Chosen Visionary is one who learned early to pursue her dreams but to do so with as little out-of-pocket expense as possible. She was smart enough to take advantage of the Armed Forces of the United States at a young age. First, the National Guard and then, as a young black woman climbed the ranks, becoming a Retired Naval Officer. This route has proven successful, and yet she is young enough to start another career on top, and she’s at the Urban Academics Roundtable, as HOT-Seat Number Fifty-Eight (58), Thursday at 9:30 pm (EDT).

This is a FREE invitation for you to join us, but you can Register Here

WATCH NOW: HOT-Seat at The Roundtable, Season One

The Urban Academics HOT-Seat, Season One Featuring Twelve Chosen Visionaries in the HOT-Seat. SUBSCRIBE to Our YouTube Channel NOW & CLICK THE BELL! You Can Binge Watch by Clicking Below!

Three Books You Should Read Now

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

“I want my legacy to be helping others see what they are capable of – giving back to those less fortunate. That’s what I want my legacy to be.”

Trina L Martin, MBA

Meet Our Next Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat

This Chosen Visionary, forever known as HOT-Seat Fifty-Eight (58), featured on ABC, FOX, NBC, Houston Chronicle, and Thrive Global, is now adding the Urban Academics Roundtable to her repertoire! Here, she shares the story of shattering unimaginable hardships to finding the ultimate level of success. Still, many people only know the glory – They’ve not yet heard her story, and she’ll share it at the table. Grab a Seat Here!

Trina L. Martin was born in the greater Chicago area and is the youngest of four children. Her siblings were much older than she, and she was the only one of four to go to college, completing both bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees!

Lady Trina’s inspirational speaking opportunities help her audiences overcome adversity, develop self-determination, and discipline to accomplish any dream imaginable with heart and grit. She’s an accomplished IT professional with over 30-years as a Naval Officer in service, as mentioned earlier.

With a stellar career in the Information Technology field. As an Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Navy, a Cyber Intelligence Analyst for the FBI, and now as the owner of her technology company, Trina has pierced the glass ceiling and excelled in positions typically held only by men,

Throughout Trina’s career, setting goals and surpassing them was just the beginning. Self-motivation is the mantra! Discipline and hard work are the driving forces that helped her design a life and career she could be proud of, even with the odds stacked against her.

Notable Accomplishments

  1. Author: From a Mess to Amazing: 7 Steps to Create The Life You Deserve (17.99)
  2. Author:
  3. Entrepreneur: Trina L Martin Technology Consulting, LLC (Athens Texas)
  4. Expert: She knows Information Technology like the ack of Her Hand
  5. National Publicity: ABC, AZCENTRAL, Atlanta Business Journal, Business Innovators, Daily Herald, Digital Journal, FOX, NBC, Houston Chronicle, Market TV, and Thrive Global
  6. Service: Retired Naval Officer (30-Years)
  7. Service: Inspiring Girls of Color to Pursue STEM Opportunities

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Three Things You Should Do Now

What’s More

When Lady Trina is not wearing her cape and saving the world, she is sleeping or traveling to an exotic place, wait for it … As a spa, sleeping. She is such an inspiration

Are You New To Urban Academics?

Who should attend? Administrators, C.E.O.s, Child Advocates, Civil Service Members, Content Creators, Educators, Entrepreneurs, First Responders, Guidance Counselors, Journalists, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Any Questions?

If you have comments or questions, for DC Glenn, of Tag Team, or the Urban Academics Roundtable please post them in the comments section below . Thank you for reading, and may God bless you!