Tag Archives: school openings

Patrina Reddick, MSW in the "HOT-Seat" on Why Most Programs Fail, and What Help is Available to Parents During COVID. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)

Patrina Reddick, MSW in the “HOT-Seat” 3 Reasons Why Most School-Systems, Students, and teachers Fail – Help for Struggling Parents During COVID

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This week in the “HOT-Seat,” a special guest from Charlotte, NC, is helping parents during COVID with a few tips on why most schools, students, and teachers fail during a candid conversation about parenting black, brown, poor, and other kids living the inner-city urban experience in America.

As a creative Executive Director, The PIMOSH Network, and Social-Entrepreneur, she has found herself serving children & families directly on the front lines for years while working alongside administrators, local, county, and state officials, a collaborator, contractor, partner, sponsor, and/or vendor.

If you’re a working parent of young kids looking for answers around education, jump in line. The administration didn’t wait until the last minute, and it simply allowed deadlines to lapse.

“People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher, the acronym for PIMOSH. Providing educational services has been ebbs & flows, peaks and valleys, and ups and downs. However, we are still here keeping relevant through the youth we serve. Involving folks in the decision-making process is a guarantee for success! “

Patrina Reddick, MSW

It’s only because PIMOSH implemented work-based learning opportunities as part of the implementation plan, countless teens got their first paid jobs, opening doors for more programs to do the same – Hire Teens! Ms. Patrina enjoys working mostly with high-achieving juniors, seniors, and undergraduate college students.

Helping school systems, state departments, and federal initiatives with educational mandates, especially those targeting black, brown, poor, and other students living the inner-city urban experience, is Ms. Patrina’s mission.

For example, in CT Raise, the federal government mandated the Grade Initiative that every child in foster care was on grade level or needed an academic plan. One phone call from Juvenile Justice and Ms. Patrina was working on the program before other departments had ever heard of the mandate.

Most after-school programs offer a tutorial program, or at least they should = After-School. Believe it or not, very few provide these services, and even less even know what an academic or educational intervention is.

This is a specialized service more than a tutorial or lame attempt at getting the unruly kids back on track. It’s more like an intervention for students (k-12) experiencing fight or flight. This student may be absent, always late or missing assignments, and never turning in homework – This Student is Failing!

Working over 20-years on the front-lines with children and families from all walks of life. PIMOSH, the service, has been tried, true and consistent in academics through arts, education, expression, and technology.  She’s in the “HOT-Seat” tonight, providing help for parents during COVID.

Patrina Reddick, MSW, Executive Director, The PIMOSH Network

Patrina Reddick, MSW is the Co-Founder & Executive Director of The PIMOSH Network, Creator of Crunch Bunch Kids & Urban Academics, Writer of “No Slack Barack: How President Obama Saved My Life (Due out Fall of 2020)”   takes the “HOT-Seat” with Help for Parents During COVID, and why some schools, students and teachers fail?

3 Reasons Why Schools, Students, and Teachers Fail

  1. Environment
  2. Whether You Get Chosen
  3. Be Ready

On tonight’s call, Ms. Patrina will answer these questions and more at the Urban Academics Roundtable, Thursdays at 9:30 PM. Pull up a seat and join folks from all over enjoying intellectual talk around educating black, brown, and poor kids living the inner-city urban experience.

Today, Ms. Reddick dreams of partnering with existing programs from everywhere, providing Tutorial & Mentoring Services. You could be up and running in as little as 30-days. Furthermore, training supervisors and youth workers of existing programs and services are nothing more than a full circle.

She was part of the first published team through the Readers Digest Fund for Best Practices for Youth Development at YALE University School of Medicine, The Consultation Center, (1997-99). Kaye Harvey, Co-Moderator at the Urban Academics Roundtable, was also published on the same team.  

Folks call Ms. Reddick when they need something done the first time correctly – She gets the job done. If you know your outcome, she will facilitate you there, beginning to end. However, during COVID-19, there is no time to re-invent wheels. Parents need help now!

“What if parents had no idea what was even happening with their child’s school? Most inner-city folks can’t find an apartment in months (with section 8), let alone over-haul the entire school system. Who is ultimately responsible for educating our children? Parents everywhere need help during COVID, and $1,200 should not stimulate anyone.”

Patrina Reddick, MSW

If parents in your area need help during COVID, CallPIMOSH Toll-Free: 844.474.6674, or Email: psreddick@urban-academics.com

Patrina is driven, positive, and self-motivated. However, she was born on August 1st, which makes her astrological sign an LEO. When Queen Patrina is not working, she is dancing, shopping, and swimming with Miley & Moe.

New to the Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life to have something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.


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Minister Dionne Thomas (Sacramento), Author, Entrepreneru and Prophet takes the "HOT-Seat" at Urban Academics Roundtable on the church, the libraries and our schools, Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST)

Dionne Thomas, Author, Entrepreneur Why Church, Library and School Really Work

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This week at the Roundtable, we are pulling out a seat for Minister Dionne Thomas (Sacramento, California), Author, Entrepreneur, and Prophet to the “HOT-Seat” at the Urban Academics Roundtable for a candid discussion on opening America’s churches, public libraries, and our public schools.

This conversation is timely, as the learning our children and families once depended on and all the leadership to go with it has all be disappeared. Those coming to this table are looking for answers, but many come with answers and ideas that can move black, brown, and poor folks forward.

Minister Dionne Thomas

Dionne Thomas (Sacramento, CA) is an Author, Entrepreneur, and woman of wisdom – Some call her a prophet to this generation, but why? Could it be that she was born for a time such as this to help a wayward generation decide which way to go?

What really is going on with our learning institutions? Where’s the church? When will libraries re-open, and what is going on with the public school system in this country?

Minister Dionne Thomas (Sacramento), Author, Entrepreneru and Prophet takes the "HOT-Seat" at Urban Academics Roundtable on the church, the libraries and our schools, Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST)

Get answers to these questions and more on Thursday night’s Roundtable

Little-girl Dionne was born into a family (paternal) with a long line of Clergy. Even she felt called to ministry at the young age of 9-years-old. Her love of family and its effect on children is the reason she is in this week’s “Hot-Seat.”

Members of the cloth in Lady Dionne’s family include, but are not limited to, great-grandfather Pastor El Vander Thomas’s grandfather Pastor Abraham Thomas, father Elder David Thomas, all now deceased were all ministers of the Gospel. Minister Dionne and her two brothers David, Jr., and Dwayne are also of the cloth. You can call it DNA or a Family Affair.

When Dionne was little, singing in the choir at her Grandfather’s church was a requirement, and she enjoys singing until this day – Will grab a microphone quick, whether it be to embellish a special song requested by an elder or to give a word folks have found valuable.

After her Grandfather retired from his church for full-time evangelism, Dionne joined Trinity Temple Church in New Haven. She was active in the church choir, state choir, participated in Sunday school and YPWW activities.

Along the journey, her aunt Evangelist Eloise Young started a singing group, which consisted of two cousins, her brother Dwayne and Minister Dionne.

She found herself serving others and volunteering in various church areas, including but not limited to serving as an Armor Bearer, a Choir Member, Intercessory Prayer Warrior, the Personal assistant to the First Lady, Sunday School President, and Sunday School Teacher.

One of her most favorable moments as a speaker of the gospel was entitled ​“Rekindling the Fire,​sponsored by Grace and Mercy ministry of deliverance.

Dionne, the Author, and Entrepreneur take a back seat to her passion – Speaking the gospel of Jesus Christ, which spills over into every area of her life.

Dionne is the proud mother of two children – A son, Paris, who is involved in church leadership, missions and is a minister of worship. Her daughter, N’Dia, is actively involved in her local church’s children’s ministry.

Dionne’s vision for the future is sharing the Gospel with everyone who will listen, regardless of the belief system. She is featured in the following book series: Chocolate & Diamonds for the Woman’s Soul, Volume 1.