Tag Archives: Patrina Reddick


Why Our Author and Historian Is Better Than Yours

As New Year 2021 settles in while COVID-19 is still amidst, there remains one thing that we cannot put off any longer; And that’s the educating of our children, especially those attending inner-city schools with less than adequate resources.  

More than ever, we need educators at every level from every walk of life to share what you know. Children and parents alike are starving for you and what you have to offer. Click HERE Make HOT-Seat Reservation!

In The HOT-SeatNumber Thirty-Four, this Week’s Chosen Visionary is Lady Alice Faye Duncan (Memphis, TN). She is an Author and Historian who penned the book Memphis, Martin, and The Mountaintop; The Sanitation Strike of 1068. While Lady Duncan has quite a few books published and available (listed below); You can DOWNLOAD a GIFTED PDF Copy here of Memphis, Martin, and The Mountaintop; The Sanitation Strike of 1968.   It’s NOT free, but during the week of Martin Luter King’s Birthday, she pays it forward with a Freebie.

Lady Alice Faye Duncan grew up just minutes from where Martin Luther King Jr. was killed; Constant reminders shaped her life and love of history. Having her here at the Urban Academics Roundtable is awesome, Kicking-off Black History Month! Some folks would believe Black History Month is somehow shade because it’s in February (the shortest calendar month). However, M.L.K. Holiday has always been the fore-runner from January 15 – February 28th or 29th, whichever is up if you opened your eyes.

Ms. Duncan has a lifetime of memories and research to share, so grab a seat and a bib so you can eat without messing up your clothes. She knows the truth about Martin Luther King, and we are blessed to break bread. Join us every Thursday; What Urban Folks Need to understand, remember, share, and teach to our children.  

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Martin Luther King, Jr on Leadership: The Essential Box Set by Hachett Audio
  2. Memphis, Martin, and The Mountaintop; The Sanitation Strike of 1968 (FREE DOWNLOAD) by Alice Faye Duncan
  3. The Z.O.L.A. Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss by Katurah A Bryant, L.M.F.T.

Is Martin’s Dream Alive? What is Black History Month? Let’s talk about it? Join us at the Urban Academics Roundtable for a candid discussion on making sure we learn, so we have something to teach our children! Don’t keep it all to yourself – Tell a friend – The Urban Academics Roundtable, Thursday at 9:30 pm (E.S.T.)

Grab A Seat Here!

HOT Seat 34 Alice Faye Duncan Memphis TN
HOT Seat 34 Alice Faye Duncan Memphis TN

Notable Accomplishments

About the Urban Academics Roundtable 

Raw, Real, and Relevant Intellectual Talk with HOT-Seat Q&A

Inner-City Urban Content Creation, Thursdays, 9:30p EST

The Urban Academics Roundtable convenes discussions on various subjects and topics around academics and education and issues affecting each one today. It’s an intellectual talk show with HOT-Seat Q & A around the inner-city urban experience – For Business, Home, and School. 

The Coveted “HOT-Seat,” is reserved for forward-thinking folks who have resources and tools readily available to discuss issues in our communities needing change now, one family/person/topic at a time. We need solutions, not more problems, for today’s questions. These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop. You can recommend someone, a colleague, or other professional – Contact Patrina S Reddick by Clicking HERE.

The Urban Academics Roundtable

Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)


Dial-In:  605.472.5272  –  Pin: 836692 #

Walt Disney’s Imagineering Competition, a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity


Ms. Patrina’s Note …

Hello and thank you for stopping by today for Walt Disney’s Imagineering Competition and Team Scholarship Give-Away. It sounds like a dream come true for any students passionate about electronics, engineering, and/or technology. I’ve outlined some of the rules below, and if you’re interested or know others who might be, use the share button – share the LOVE with your friends. This competition has an Application DEADLINE on October 11, 2020. Here you will submit information about your team and what you wish to accomplish. Your Project Submission is DUE on November 7, 2020.

Listen! If you are a natural at building things and like technology – A natural at it out in the community, home, and school, please make a brave attempt at something like this. They have specific rules for how you get “chosen” for the Disney Imaginations Design Competition (Imagineering). If you are smart enough to follow directions (the rules) and follow each step as you read, it’s likely you will get chosen – I would choose you. Here is How to Apply.

Walt Disney’s Imagineering Imaginations – Scholarship Competition is DUE 10.11.20

Disney Imaginations invites students to create an iconic installation on their campus or city that serves as an inspiration, honors the past, and is a vision of the future.

  • Application is Due on October 11, 2020
  • Applicants can form teams to two to four participants
  • Applicants team participant must be a student at least 18
  • Applicants must also be a college junior, senior, or equivalent
  • Applicants may be a full-time graduate student
  • Applicants must be attending a college or university in the United States
  • Applicants must be majoring in ONE of these supported disciplines or a recent college graduate with a major in one of the supported disciplines.

Got questions?

You can get to their Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page Here.

Scholarship Contact Info:

Walt Disney Imagineering, Attention: Imaginations Design Competition, 1401 Flower St., MC 9030 Glendale, CA 91221 APPLY NOW

Money-Making Meantime BONUS’

Reunion at The Urban Academics Roundtable, Season II: White, Thomas, McFadden, ReddickPS, Gay, ReddickPM, Fagan, Moore, DavisA, Rutherford, and DavisM Inter-State Talk for Black, Brown, Poor, and Others Living The Inner-City Urban Experience

It’s All About (The) Reunion – It’s Critical To Your Business. Find Out Why!

The Reunion, Season II

A Reunion, according to Ditionary.Com, is a noun (person, place, or thing) and defined as an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation.

You are invited to join Urban Academics at the RoundTable – The Celebrating of twelve (12) remarkable human beings who are making the world a better place.  The Roundtable Reunion happens every 13th episode (after the anchor #12).

This Reunion Crucial For Your Business. Here’s Why

Before we dive into the happenings for Season II of HOT-Seat at the Urban Academics Roundtable, let’s look a little closer at the definition or spirit of the word reunion …

Reunion Defined

  • an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation.
  • a social gathering by members of a certain group of people who have not seen each other for some time
  • the act or process of being together again as a unified whole

Synonyms …

Homecoming > Reconciliation > Assembly > Get-Together > Making Up > Reuniting

The Roundtable Reunion Season II

Reunion at The Urban Academics Roundtable, Season II: White, Thomas, McFadden, ReddickPS, Gay, ReddickPM, Fagan, Moore, DavisA, Rutherford, and DavisM Inter-State Talk for Black, Brown, Poor, and Others Living The Inner-City Urban Experience

The Roundtable Season II is the completion of 24 consecutive Segments at the Urban Academics Roundtable, and without 12 (season I) + 12 (season II) we would not be able to celebrate the milestones associated with this wonderful content creation platform and each person in the HOT-Seat and around the table.

“We have been fed once again, and it was Ummm Ummm good. Now, go and share some of what you got from this table with others. Until next time”

Kaye Harvey, President & CEO, Alexis Hill Montesorri, Inc., and Roundtable Moderator

Why Reunion II is Crucial

What you may not have realized is Urban Academics is a content creation platform that will re-purpose every single roundtable discussion so that our people can get information the way they want it – Not the way we think.

The easiest way to create new fresh content – Different from the old, outdated, or re-constructed curations on the internet today. Our people not only get the news lately but sometimes it’s the wrong information from sources we have learned to appreciate instead of tolerating.

Crucial Reasons 1-7

  1. Urban Academics growing extremely fast (actual hits)
  2. Urban Academics Online has Authority
  3. Urban Academics Online is Indexed
  4. Urban Academics has consistently produced weekly content
  5. Urban Academics has strong backlinks
  6. Urban Academics subscribes to a collaborative philosophy
  7. Urban Academics Understands the POWER of Twelve

The easiest way to do it was the old-fashioned way of simply talking about everything – The good, bad, ugly, and downright nasty! That’s how you get it done with and out in the open, with others present, the family (village). During the last 24-weeks, you have played a major role in family conflict and discussions.

What’s really cool is the idea that has actually re-created the way content is created, but also how google LOVEs what we are doing here at Urban Academics – We are growing very fast as a platform, which means a few things:

In the HOT-Seat for Season II

Episode 1, Segment #13: Calton White (Waterbury, CT)

Episode 2, Segment #14: Minister Dionne Thomas (Sacramento, CA)

Episode 3, Segment #15: Sheriff Garry McFadden (Charlotte, NC)

Episode 4, Segment #16: Patrina Reddick, MSW (Charlotte, NC)

Episode 5, Segment #17: Anthony Gay (Waterbury, CT)

Episode 6, Segment #18: Pierre M Reddick (Wshington, DC)

Episode 7, Segment #19: Minister Jocelyn Fagan (Tampa, FL)

Episode 8, Segment #20: Dr. Iline Tracey (New Haven, CT)

Episode 9, Segment #21: Dr. Sabrina Moore (Columbia, SC)

Episode 10, Segment #22: Andre Davis (DC, New Haven, and NYC)

Episode 11, Segment #23: Cherie Beasley-Rutherford (Long Beach, CA)

Episode 1, Segment #24: Apostle Merilyn Davis (Atlanta, GA)

Urban Academics Update (24-Weeks) + Two Reunion(s)

Urban Academics Online, the platform has been around for some time, but after expanding into the intellectual talk space it became obvious what to do with newly generated content. It was not, however, so easy to figure out how. We are rolling out a BETA on Urban Academics Membership Portal. Find out more about the once in a lifetime opportunity to partner with The Roundtable – For authors, entrepreneurs, and enterprise business and non-profits.

I’m techy by nature, I can read code and know old school HTML (the reason I can read code). But when it comes to marketing, someone else is in control and we must know what we are doing or we’re gonna get burned.

Because we are each in the spirit of collaboration, any content created here comes with unmeasurable power to change lives (around the world). Our hope is that world-wide content creators, including you, will lend their voice to these conversations. It’s no doubt a work in progress, but it’s time for next-level existence.

We now know for a fact how lucrative and valuable (worth lots of money) RAW, REAL, and RELEVANT content for black, brown, poor, and others living the inner-city urban experience can be. In no time flat, we’ve come up with a power-house plan for authors, entrepreneurs, and enterprising folks in business and innovation. Introducing Urban Academics Membership Portal.