Tag Archives: HOT-Seat

Everything You Wanted to Know About GULLAH GEECHEE PEOPLE and Were Too Embarrassed to Ask

We celebrate BLACKNESS every day, but across the world, February is a constant reminder of how far we’ve come as a people; Look @ Us! Closing out Black History Month 2021 COVID-19 Edition is a historian caught in the “Twilight Zone.” Someone who can remember “Before Freedom!”

My mother was born and raised in a tiny little place in South Carolina, not even on the map, one of twelve siblings, yet I’ve never heard her refer to the term “Geechee Gullah, nor Gullah Geechee, but why? Learning of this cultural and wealthy legacy has changed my life, and I pray it changes yours as you travel through time with a tour guide who uses the term “After Freedom.”

Black History month may be coming to a close based on the world’s calendar, but Being black in America will always be a mixed-bag of emotionally charged questions from one generation to the next. However, today is the dawning of a new day where the truth shall make us free. Change has come. Let us not miss this moment.


Gullah is a combination of Creolized language taking root through customs, traditions, and awful circumstances resulting from slavery in the US. This “Gullah” language was spoken by slaves settling in both South Carolina and Georgia. It’s not written language; It’s the passage and patios of the Lowcountry.

A good pot of GUMBO passed down over time might sum it up? African, English, and any adaptations, expressions, and words – Even foreign languages picked up, based on slave owner’s nationality.

The word “Gullah” might be a mixture of the African word Gora or Gola (names of tribes living in Sierra Leone). Some believe the Gala or Gallinas are the African connection for the Gullah people in the Sea Islands.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

Who’s In The HOT-Seat

Alphonso Brown, Author, Entrepreneur and Famous Historian of Gullah Geechee Culture in the HOR-Seat at Urban Academics Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST: https://bit.ly/UranAcademicsRoundtableSeat
Alphonso Brown, Author, Entrepreneur and Famous Historian of Gullah Geechee Culture in the HOR-Seat at Urban Academics Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST: https://bit.ly/UranAcademicsRoundtableSeat

Alphonso Brown was born and reared in Rantowles, SC, a rural area about 12 miles south of Charleston. He graduated from Baptist Hill High School. He received a BS Degree from S. C. State University in Music and a Masters’s from Southern Illinois University. Other Graduate studies in music include The University of SC, Charleston University, and The Citadel.

Notable Accomplishments

Author: A Gullah Guide To Charleston, by Alphonso Brown – BUY THE BOOK NOW

A Gullah Guide To Charleston, by Alphonso Brown ($5.01)

Professional Affiliations, and Memberships

  • Entrepreneur: Owner & Operator, Gullah Tours
  • Lecturer: The Gullah Language & Black History of Charleston
  • Licensed Tour Guide | City of Charleston, SC
  • National Educators Association
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.
  • SC Band Directors Association
  • SC Music Educators Association
  • The American Hymn Society

What’s More?

King Alonso is a member and the organist/choirmaster of Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church in Charleston. His concert choir participates in community events throughout the Southeast at colleges, churches, Fortune 500 conventions, and the Kellogg Foundation convention. And the annual Piccolo Spoleto Festival of Churches, where they do an all-Negro Spiritual Concert, looks forward. Also, every other year, the Choir performs the Dubois’ “Seven Last Words of Christ. During Christmas, they fulfill several selections from Handel’s Messiah.

Mr. Brown is a retired Band Director from The Charleston County School District, where he worked at Rivers High/Middle School for many years. He and his late wife, Laquines, are the proud parents of three sons: Howard, Terrence, and Joel, three daughters-in-law, and presently, eight grandchildren.

New To The Weekly Roundtable?

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

Andre Evans, Founder, Boston's Entertainment Arts Network Television (BEAN TV) in the HOT-Seat With What to Remember About The Media, Thursday at 6:30 PM: Dial 605.472.5271. Pin#: 836692

Special Ed Laws Should Offer More Media Opps – Andre Evans, B.E.A.N. T.V. On How To Overcome Learning Disabilities

The theory behind entertainment and media in this country was built upon capitalist propaganda, which is using mass media to exploit and promote capitalism through mass media (radio and TV) and also through education, where they can control what is taught to the majority of children (at home and school). In other words, a small group of people was able to control the entire narrative – A monopoly, but not anymore.

Read Andre Davis’ Press Release!

Back in the day, it was impossible for you and me to get a National Network TV slot on TV because the media buys were out of our league or inaccessible. Then comes along Amazon and YouTube leveling the playing field allowing anyone to press a few buttons and directly approach their target customer.

This week’s conversation is about IDEA special education, and how media can and must play a major role in re-shaping education. This week’s chosen visionary has experienced first hand what it was like to be labeled and identified as dumb or unlearned. Instead of wasting away, he “chose” the direction of multi-media through a community program where he learned all the skills need for FREE!

Because he overcame academic failure as a young person, the determined young adult returned to school and earned an MBA from Emerson College. Federal laws and the idea special education programs must include folks at the table who can speak the truth both about needs and what’s non-negotiatble. If the same people continue sitting around the tables that matter, what will a new outcome look like?

3 Things To Do!

  1. Fill Out Your FAFSA Forms – That Money is Going Fast
  2. Check Out New Scholarship Opportunities:
  3. Get Registered so you can Vote NOW!

Who’s In The HOT-Seat?

A Reservation for The HOT-Seat ar The Urban Academics Roundtable has set for Andre “Hollywood” Evans, Creator, Founder and Producer of Boston’s Entertainment Arts Network Television Online T.V. network
(B.E.A.N.) T.V. His first produced video segment was “Video Flava” (music video program), which ran from on the platform from 1995-2012.

Andre Evans, Founder, Boston's Entertainment Arts Network Television (BEAN TV) in the HOT-Seat With What to Remember About The Media, Thursday at 6:30 PM: Dial 605.472.5271. Pin#: 836692

special education laws and regulations have always required “special” services to kids like him, some of which he’s still waiting for. He knows how to come up with concepts that speak directly to problems, but also providing solutions. will help you get what you need by using the industry he knows better than anyone else. Media – That’s What Professionals Do!

Notable Accomplishments:

  • Launched 3 Shows: BEAN TV, Community Insight, and Entertainment Profile
  • MBA (Broadcast Media) from Emerson College
  • Overcame Special Education Issues as a Child
  • Produced over 125 shows
  • Set up curriculum for Broadcast Media
  • Took 2-Year Hiatus

Andre “Hollywood” Evans is the one who can get the word out about anything. If you’re an author, entrepreneurs, or enterprise business, and you need more eyes on your books, products, and services, join the Urban Academics Roundtable on Thursday – You won’t regret it.

A Book You Should Read

  1. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss (Katurah A Bryant, LMFT)

What’s More?

Andre believes he has the remedy for securing the future of inner-city urban children. He is working on a new TV network, including a kid’s platform to educate and inform our children what’s right and wrong when the world is confusing. Andre lives in Boston, Mass, and has one daughter in college. In his spare time, he enjoys Movies, Music, and Sports.

The Urban Academics Roundtable

Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)


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Iline Tracey, Ed.P, Superintendent, New Haven Public Schools in the Urban Academics HOT Seat on wassup with education S"Special Edition" Thursday at 6:00 PM

Fear? Not if You Ask Iline Tracey the Right Questions – Special Hot Seat Edition

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Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Taking the “HOT-Seat” at Urban-Academics during an Inaugural “Special Edition” Session is Lady Iline Tracey, Ed.D, and the Head Chief Woman in a town known as New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) Superintendent of Schools.

Dr. Tracey started in education very young, getting her first paid role while only sixteen years old. Her passion for learning and genuine concern for others is what got her here. If you’ve got questions, she’s got answers.

“I believe in collaboration – We can move mountains. I believe education is the great equalizer.”

Dr. Iline Tracey, Superintendent, NHPS

Notable Accomplishments:

  • COVID-19 hit just months into Dr. Tracey’s tenure as Interim Superintendent
  • Developed Literacy (Child and Adult) Programs
  • Dr. Tracey was working (paid) in the field of education at the age of sixteen
  • Grew up on a farm in the Jamaican Countryside
  • Her career at NHPS started at Dwight School
  • Highest Paid City of New Haven Employee/Official
  • Unanimously voted in as Super Intendent of NHPS
  • 91% of 1,000 feedback surveys were in favor of Dr. Iline Tracey
New Haven Board of Education Meeting – August 24, 2020

Iline Tracey, Ed.D. has seven children, eight grandchildren, and her hobbies include hiking, reading, and researching.

You can contact Dr. Tracey VIA Phone: (475) 220-1003, or EMAIL: iline.tracey@newhaven.k12.ct.us. **PLEASE NO SPAM!!!

Are You New to the Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life to have something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

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Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

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