Here Is A Quick Cure For The April 20, 2021 VERDICT – It is In, and millions celebrate a 500-year victory on the backs of so many – Not only black folks have experienced injustice, but we are talking about America, these United States therein. GUILTY is a start, but it’s NOT a cure for injustice or police brutality built into a system of how things are done.
It appears ORDERS now come from the top of our new administration (SEE VIDEO BELOW)! The world exhales for the first time a police officer was thrown the BOOK – Ever! There is a GOD who can show us who BOSS is! Money cannot fix the heart of man – Only the human condition can do that; The LAW of reciprocity and Love.
As we celebrate the 1st Birthday of The Urban Academics Roundtable, we take pride in standing up in a time when the world shut down. No one person has all the answers, but together we can overcome obstacles that haven’t been invented yet.
Three Books You Should Read NOW
- Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
- The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
- When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)
The following represent the Chosen for this generation in his order. AS you listen to each segment, try to apply each nugget to your life or situation. People come and go, but NOT this forty-eight.
Listen and learn – Then run and tell somebody else to do the same; it will come back to you 10, 20, 50, 75, and 100 fold. The LAW of giving and take Karma, reciprocity, reaping, and sowing all have to do with the idea that it is good to be the change you want to see; Or Do what you want to happen.
In This Week’s HOT-Seat; Introducing The HOT-Seat @ The Urban Academics Roundtable Seasons I, II, III, IV (COVID-19 Edition
SEASON ONE (12 Chosen Visionaries)

The Urban Academics Roundtable has been bringing the HOT-Seat for 52-Weeks totaling over 365 days. The first Urban Academics Roundtable was live on a recorded line, Thursday, April 16, 2020 – Dab smack in the middle of COVID-19. When the world shut down, everyone here stood up, looked for help and resources to share with others.
The first is always the last when you turn around. Forerunners sometimes get run over, it’s true. Some folks say the good guy ends up last, and the good girl marries trash. It doesn’t matter what they say. We have proof in real-time that life if given – Wake up living, NOW! If you’re a Chosen Visionary, To Get in the Hot Seat, CLICK HERE!
SEASON II (12 Chosen Visionaries)

In season II, we were in awe of who would show up to The Weekly Roundtable? It became clear that we were onto something, but the goal has always been to capture the moment in more than just pictures, from people living the inner-city urban experience.
Each segment became more and more RAW, REAL, and RELEVANT, and the plan was becoming clearer by the day. As we continued to move forward, after all, what else was there to do amongst COVID-19? Who knew from season II to season III folks would be reaching out to us – Folks, we would not have approached so early, even before BETA Membership 2021.
Everyone is talking about it – George Floyd’s death sparked a worldwide frenzy at a time when a worldwide pandemic is happening. The world is not changing; It has CHANGED! We want to hear from you – Please join us at the table for a Raw, Real, and Relevant conversation sharing Quick Cures for The Verdict of April twentieth (4.20.21), Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST). It’s FREE, but you’ve got to REGISTER HERE.
“Systemic Racism puts a strain on our souls.”
US President Joe Biden
“Today, we feel a sigh of release. A single act of justice does NOT mean EQUAL Justice!”
US Vice President Kamala Harris
Watch Video of US President and Vice President Address the Nation on another cure for The Verdict. It is so honest of an account – Proof that GOD is in control…
SEASON III (12 Chosen Visionaries)

By the time we arrived at season III, young people were lying down on highways, and the National Guard was dispatched to different parts of the country due to police brutality and basic outrage. Who said it’s too late? No such thing – We’ve had many young black men killed over the years for nothing – The Time is NOW!
It was clear this platform and what would happen within it had little to do with what we wanted as Co-Moderators.; Once it started, it grew stronger and began designing itself based on those sitting at the table and their individual needs.
Please join us at the Roundtable – We promise those who arrive will be on VIP and voice their thoughts early on? You can speak in order of your appearance. RSVP CLICK HERE.
SEASON IV (12 Chosen Visionaries)

Season IV (12 Chosen Visionaries)
Here we are at the close of season four (4) of the HOT-Seat @ The Urban Academics Roundtable. We were trying to understand Leadings (#1) and Anchors (#12) we built in the Green Room Experience at 9:15 PM. Some might refer to it as the VIP section? Let me know in the comments section if you’re Old School?
As we enter the close of 48 segments, 365 days of moving forward, we are proud to be here at the age of one (1). Here you all are. Present – NOW in the midst of a most precedented event in JUDICIAL HISTORY. A police officer was declared GUILTY of ALL charges for murdering a black man. This is the first time that has ever happened.
BONUS – Twenty-Five Women Speakers With Black Girl Joi

Chosen Visionaries have been sitting at the Urban Academics Roundtable for over 1-year, and injustice, among other things, has been a constant during each segment.
CLICK HERE for BETA Membership
CLICK HERE to Reserve the HOT-Seat
To RSVP for a Seat at Thursday’s Birthday Celebration and Quick Cures for The Verdict, CLICK HERE.