Tag Archives: Finance

Coupa Cares Scholarship - $5,000 DUE June 12, 2020. Apply NOW!

Coupa Cares Scholarship (North American) $5,000 – Due June 12, 2020

Coupa Software is a global technology platform for Business Spend Management (BSM). The US firm is headquartered in California, but also has offices throughout Europe, Latin America, and the Asia Pacific.

Coupa was founded in 2006 by Dave Stevens, and Noah Eisner, both having a history with Oracle, and in 2013, Scott Thompson, former Yahoo CEO and current PayPal President seem like a recipe for success!

Coupa’s technology products manage purchases, invoices, and expenses in real-time -and- ALL in one place – Pretty cool huh?

Why Coupa Cares?

Well, first off they are offering you a chance to get some much-needed financial assistance ($5,000 per year) for college. They also include mentorship opportunities for each student accepted into the program. Coupa is also concerned with the financial stability of young people, so they are interested in working with undergrads who could not finish school without their help. For those who demonstrate alignment with Coupa’s core values, and want to further their education, this is a great application to submit.

Up from 50k to 75k in One Year

Coupa, the company has increased it’s giving (Scholarship) amount from $50,000 in its first year (2019) to $75,000 (2020), which proves its ongoing commitment to successful students with financial needs.

To apply for Coupa Cares Scholarship, you must be a high school senior or undergraduate student living in the U.S. who is currently attending or will attend as an undergraduate student in the upcoming academic year (2020-21). You must have a minimum 2.5 GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Why Does Coupa Care?

Since Coupa announced it’s inaugural scholarship program (2019) it’s scholarship committee has gotten and reviewed over 5400 applications, with 1st round review recommending 500 qualified applicants to award 17 promising students. Clearly, there is a need!

Again, the biggest bang for your buck in qualifying and securing the Coupa Cares Scholarship is the Coupa Mentor, which re-inforces through practical application, character development, networking, and professional skills along with rea-word experience.

Getting the most of your Mentee experience: The Mentee’s Guide: Making Mentoring Work for You by Josse Bass.

“Mr. Hornburg offered me professional and academic guidance, broadened my network, and taught me vital skills”

Kelsy Johnson – Howard University

Apply NOW: Coupa Cares ($5,000) Scholarship

CONTACT: Scholarship Committee – 1855 South Grant St, San Meteo, CA 94402, scholarships@coupa.com. Apply NOW – Coupa Scholarship (North America)

More Scholarships Due This Month:

BONUS: 5 Money-Making Meantime Ideas:

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There you have it ladies and gentlemen, 10-Scholarships Due in June, an opportunity for graduate and high school students, along with a few money-making-now opportunities you can look into no. Let’s get to it, no time to procrastinate.

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Well, folks, there you have it – Coupa Cares Scholarship – Due June 12, 2020, additional scholarships due now, and some Money-Making-Meantime ideas you can get started with NOW. Go for it – Dreams are only worth the wind that takes action. Let’s go!