Tag Archives: Content Creation for Urban Markets

Activists, Advocates, and Educators – Are You Prepared For A Good Thing?

Here we are into a new year ushering in prophecy and a paradigm shift; A unique dispensation has come. One this that’s true about COVID-19, the 2020 Presidential Election, and the 2021 Inaugural address, swearing-in President Joe Biden, Jr. and Kamala Harris. COVID-19 changed the world based on over-turning the U.S. education system, now turned over to Sir. Joe and Lady Kamala re-building; Bigger, better, and stronger than ever.

Every item purchased comes with instructions; even your t-shirts have tags with washing instructions included. Suppose our children aren’t reading by a certain age. In that case, many things go into play, including but not limited to low expectations, math restrictions, and not being able to read laundry labels. Frustration can set in when children are not successful in school. It may seem trivial, but it’s happening everyday within our inner-city schools.

It’s a good thing some urban professionals understood their calling and purpose early enough to position themselves as change agents. This week’s Chosen Visionary is an educational leader, activist, and advocate who has been developing young people for years. The communities of Bridgeport and New Haven, CT, are incredibly proud to have him, and the work he’s doing helps struggling students tremendously.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World) by Princeton University Press ($47.95)
  2. The Curse of Ham: Satan’s Vicious Circle, by Xulon Press
  3. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT

Kevin P. Muhammad, leading by example, has consistently directed his energies towards improving the lives of those living in poor and underserved communities across the state of Connecticut. An unapologetic educational advocate for parents and their children, Mr. Muhammad, serves as a voice for the voiceless, liaising with schools and other agencies on behalf of families. As an educator, he works relentlessly to ensure that marginalized Black and Brown children can access a rigorous and equitable curriculum.

He’s a well sought-after compelling keynote and motivational speaker. He has presented numerous audiences, including schools, organizations, and communities, on an assortment of content and topics that include education, prison, reform, health care, and spirituality. In May 2016, he was the Keynote speaker at a community conversation on the necessity of Defining Leadership, held at The University of Massachusetts.

In 2017 to address the need for cultural sensitivity training and support among correctional officers at the Corrigan Radgrowski Correctional Center, Mr. Muhammad himself provides this training. He worked with officials on engaging with inmates of color and those from different ethnicities.

Kevin P Muhammad, Founder MUCKMUDD, LLC; Activist, Advocate and Educator


  • AWARD: 100 Black Men of Color” Honorees
  • AWARD: “Fathers Who Are Active in the Community”–Mother Demand Action
  • AWARD: Greater Bridgeport NAACP, Public Leadership Education
  • AWARD: Greater Bridgeport NAACP, Award for Education by W.E.B. Du Bois.
  • AWARD: The Muhammad Islamic Center, People’s Victory Award, Outstanding Service in Education
  • AWARD: 100 Black Men of Color” Honorees

Other Noteworthy Accomplishment

  • Collaboration: Connecticut Against Violence (CAV) Organization. For the past eight years, he has worked with CAV,
  • Created MUCKMUDD, L.L.C.
  • Member: Bridgeport’s Mayor’s Youth Violence Initiative: My Brother’s Keeper Youth
  • Offers day schooling as an alternative to the public school
  • Provides tutoring and mentoring services, to hundreds of (K-12) students within Fairfield County
  • Serves as an education advocate for children and families
  • Speaker & Facilitator

What’s More?

Mr. Muhammad is a graduate of Sacred Heart University with a Bachelor’s in Science and Biology. He maintains a Sixth Year Degree in Educational Administration and is currently pursuing another degree. When he finds any rare spare time, he loves spending it in fitness and with his family. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below.

New To The Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Affiliates.

Urban Academics Online, Home of the "HOT-Seat" at the Weekly Roundtable. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST): https://bit.ly/RoundTabeReservation

Super Easy Ways To Learn Everything About Money – Malcolm O. Ashley (Yale) Economist in the HOT-Seat

How does one become a consultant to Republics in other countries? What is an economist or systems engineering? How about financial cooperative opportunities? What? The What? What an how? So many questions, so little time. This week at Urban Academics, we are hosting a Reservation for the HOT-Seat as usual, but I’m sure we’ve never had this kind of conversation to date? This reservation is for someone who understands money! How it moves, operates, and works in the real world.

Read HOT-Seat #28 Press Release on Malcolm O. Ashley

Grab a Seat: DIAL: 605.472.5272, Pin#: 836692 

This topic is timely due to covid wiping out the bank on almost everyone. Most of us, primarily black, brown, and poor folks, only know two things: (1) Work and have money in your pockets; and (2) Buy what you want with what’s left after your bills – In that order. I wouldn’t miss this LIVE event if I were you – Sometimes it gets so HOT we can’t stop.

This week, in the HOT-Seat, we are coming to a beginner’s class on money, presented from the HOT-Seat by a KING worthy of his crown, so pull up a seat and bring a BIG BIB to catch your crumbs. This one’s going to be good.

Three (3) Books You Should Read

Books are bubbles of niche-targeted content containing information and stories you find inside. Reading books can take you across the world, back in an hour, and in the meantime, experience unheard of hospitality and exquisite cuisine. No matter how they come to fruition (church outing, group-home, school field trip, etc.), these types of experiences have the power sometimes to change the trajectory of what you thought was forever if you allow it?

Words are those strings that turn what would be an ordinary sentence into something spectacular. When crafted just right, content (words) can kick-start your whole life all over again regardless of how you feel or what’s going on. You will begin to go on and on again, finding daily encouragement to keep it moving. If you are a writer, there is a place for you in heaven because there would be none without the ready writing holding the pen/pencil in today’s marketplace. Either way, the brain needs exercise too. Enjoy!

  1. Asking for The Money: How Anyone Can Close More Sales. Even You by Brian K McNeill
  2. The Making of a Democratic EconomyHow to Build Prosperity for the Many, Not the Few by Berrett-Koehler Publishers https://amzn.to/2TQYlzh
  3. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT

Who’s In The HOT-Seat

This chosen visionary is KING Malcolm O. Ashley, currently serving as an economic development consultant to the Republic of Liberia, through the Office of the Honorable Cynthia L. Blanford, Consul General for the State of Georgia for the Republic of Liberia; and Economic development consultant to the Office of the Prime Minister, Republic of Cabo Verde. He is a consultant to Gladden Foods, a national minority food distributor. Mr. Ashley is also instrumental in building cooperative financial opportunities in GA and CT. In The HOT Seat, Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EDT)

Malcolm O. Ashley serves as an economic development consultant to the Republic of Liberia, to the Office of the Prime Minister, Republic of Cabo Verde, Gladden Foods,  and founder, of Sanaa Holdings, LLC, an agribusiness focused on sustainable energy cultivating barramundi finfish in recirculating saltwater tanks.  Mr. Ashley is also instrumental in building financial cooperative opportunities in GA and CT.  In The HOT Seat, Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EDT)

Mr. Ashley is the former co-chair of the Environmental Concerns Coalition (ECC) of Milford, Connecticut with impressive credentials. He’s an economist and systems engineer trained at Yale University (B.A. Economics / Political Science ’81) and the Georgia Institute of Technology (M.Sc Economics ’94) with over 25 years of applied expertise in facilitating sustainable and strategic regional, local, economic development, through research, development planning, business development, and recruitment.

He holds the distinction of becoming the first African American accepted for graduate study at the School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, focusing on Systems Engineering in 1990. His professional specialties include the development of sustainable systems for Aquaculture & Aquaponics production; application of sustainable Energy Systems (Geothermal and Co-Generation) for business production and housing; Intermodal Hub Development for Vertiflight and Rail (Maglev and Electric) systems; Technology Incubators; Data Envelopment Analysis; Input-Output (REMI) models and Econometric Forecasting (ARIMA).


Notable Accomplishments

  • Award – Distinguished service award for board membership, from Youth Continuum, Inc.
  • First African American accepted for graduate study at the School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology, with a focus on Systems Engineering in 1990
  • First Aquaculture Cooperative (Connecticut)
  • First Director of Development of the Cooperative Development Institute, the Northeast Center of Excellence for Cooperative Development (1998)
  • Founding Member of the Connecticut Energy Cooperative
  • Highest rated presenter for the American Association of Blacks in Higher Education (AABHE), National Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, March 31 – April 2, 2011
  • Member – Phelps Trust Association, the
  • Member – Yale Daily News Foundation
  • Member – Yale Men’s Crew Association
  • Member – Yale Men’s Lacrosse Association, and the Federation of Southern Land Cooperatives
  • Past co-chair of the Environmental Concerns Coalition (ECC) of Milford, Connecticut
  • Served as host to Cabo Verde Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Jose Brito, and First Lady of the Republic of Cabo Verde, Ms. Adeline Pires
  • Yale University Graduate

Three Things You To Consider NOW!

  1. Life Insurance Policy (It’s one of few insurances that really pay-out)!
  2. Real Estate Investment – OR – Small Home-Based Business
  3. Visiting with your parents at least once per week

What’s More?

Yes! There’s more. KING Malcolm has even more international economic development projects, which include but are not limited to: country-level planning for water, sanitation, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Water/Sanitation Country (WAT-SAN) Grant, Republic of Ghana 2009; USAID American Educators for Africa Country Grant for the Republic of Ghana (2008); Kingdom of Lesotho, South Africa, Office of Economic Development – bottled water production; and “Georgia First for Liberia” State of Georgia agribusiness export plan for the Republic of Liberia and the 16 nations of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Malcolm lives in New Haven, Ct, and in his spare time, KING Malcolm enjoys playing chess, racing go-carts, shooting at the range and watching good movies.

New to The RoundTable?

Pull up a Seat and Eat:

The Urban Academics Roundtable, Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EDT)

DIAL-In: 605.472.5272 | Pin#: 836692

The Urban Academics Roundtable convenes discussions on various subjects and topics around academics and education and issues affecting each one today. It’s intellectual talk with Q & A around black, brown, and poor folks living the inner-city urban experience – For Your Business, Home, and School. 

The coveted “HOT-Seat,” is reserved for forward-thinking folks who have resources and tools readily available to discuss issues in our communities needing change now, one family/person/topic at a time. We need solutions, not more problems, for today’s questions. These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop. You can recommend someone, a colleague, or other professional – Contact Patrina S Reddick by Clicking HERE.

Cricket, Metro-PCS, and T.Mobile CUsomter – PLEASE READ!!!

Cricket, Metro PCS and T-Mobile Customers …  To avoid fees, use the combination below

1.  Back-Up Number: 209.399.9091 +

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3. Pin Number: 836692 #

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What You Didn’t Realize About Limb Differences is Powerful – But Extremely Simple.

The loss of anything can be quite painful, and depending on how meaningful the absence of the loss is, it will determine how you can cope or not so much. Many therapeutic-related books and programs have been written around topics associated with the idea of death, dying. And the overall concept of loss and how to recover from it. These books and manuscripts touch on the basics around different kinds of losses and how you should determine to get past it (loss) and move on. But what about a limb? Limbs are a little bit different from losing a car in an accident or a job you never liked in the first place. Even the strongest of a parent is fearful of certain words associated with their children.

We all have differences, some seen while others are not as obvious. But limb differences are noticeable, almost like skin color, except you can hide the fact of missing limbs with prosthetics and new technology so advanced that no one would ever know that you or a family member is an amputee. Today’s medical advances are fantastic and mind-blowing at the same time. The hard part is accepting the diagnosis and setting your heart and mind for the journey ahead. The specific and easy part is continuing to shine your loving light on your beautiful child, assuring him or her that you will be there every step of the way, as you are around for this very purpose.

Read “HOT-Seat” Press Release On Paige Thomas-Minor

Paisley, a 3-year-old little girl, was born with a rare medical condition only found in 1 and 1 million births. This condition affected her lower limbs, and she is clinically diagnosed with the most severe form of Tibial Hemimelia. Paisley’s lower legs and feet were amputated in 2019 to maximize her quality of life and ability to run, jump, and play. Some folks opt for only partial amputations, and in some cases, that may make more sense as you discuss options with your primary care doctor or chosen specialist. If you’ve got questions, get on the call, getting them addressed now. You are welcome here, and the table is all set.

Paisley and her medical condition has had and continues to have a significant impact on Paige’s outlook on life and work-life-home balance. It (a rare illness) has also opened new doors for presentations and speaking opportunities for the veteran marine corps officer. Paige is now an advocate for limb differences awareness and promotes events, fundraisers, and education through her family’s journey as an amputee family.

Three Books To Read:

Who’s In This Week’s “HOT-Seat”

Paige Thomas-Minor, Active Duty, U. S. Marine Corps Officer. Hails from a small city, Coatesville, PA with a career spanning 20 plus years of worldwide travel, combat, and humanitarian deployments. Paige resides in Northern Virginia with her two children, one of which has special needs.

Paige Thomas-Minor, Active Duty, U. S. Marine Corps Officer and advocate for limb differences awareness and education on military, mommy and medical balance in the HOT-Seat Thursday at 9:30 PM (EDT)

Little Paisley is shown here with her prosthetic legs and is the happiest and smartest little lady around.

Paige and Pasley Minor, Advocates for Limb Differences Awareness and Education in the "HOT-Seat" at Urban Academics Thursday at 9:30 PM (EDT): DIAL: 605.472.5272 | Pin#: 836692
Paige and Pasley Minor, Advocates for Limb Differences Awareness and Education in the “HOT-Seat” at Urban Academics Thursday at 9:30 PM (EDT): DIAL: 605.472.5272 | Pin#: 836692

Noatable Accomplishents

  • Active Duty, U. S. Marine Corps Officer
  • Advocacy – Limb Differences Awareness and Education
  • Humanitarian Deployments
  • Public Speaker & Humanitarian
  • Special Needs Parent of two
  • Twenty-Year US Veteran
  • Worldwide Travel Combat

What’s More

Paige enjoys curling up to a good book and spends most of her time reading to her children or some other quality interaction with them. She is highly disciplined and must adhere to a strict schedule to get it all done, but she does not complain, and excuses are not accepted.

New To The RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable

Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)


605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 #

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Follow these directions to avoid fees

1.  Back-Up Number209.399.9091 +

2. Dial-In Number605.472.5272 # +

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