Tag Archives: Black History Month 2021

Wear Pearls and Tell All The Girls to Watch a Girl Take Over the World

How To Deal With(A) Very Bad GIRL FROM COMPTON

Girls in Pearls worldwide are celebrating and honoring the light of Lady Kamala Harris who takes her place in history today as the first African American (Black) Woman and the United States Vice President. A moment in history this bright contains within it the power to transcend a generation of folks who feel left behind and all alone.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are front and center for the 2021 Presidential Inauguration.  One might say they are no strangers to the Whitehouse nor to inaugurations – They’ve both been on politics so long, they’ve been to their share of prestigious events rubbing elbows as high up as you can get.  It hits different when you are at the very tip of the top, and your day has come much more than you could have ever asked or thought.


Today, everyone needs an example worth looking up to; It seems we have lost our way. Women have always been the backbone of everything and one coming straight from the inner=city who also happened to have attended an HBCU – Oh yes, it’s on.

Little girls, tweens, and our young adults need to understand this is confirmation their dreams are alive and well.  Yes, there was a sweeping of sorts before this moment and the world has changed. We lost co-workers, family members, and friends. Many people had to leave (the world) over two million people have already died within the last 10-months due to COVID-19. 

Please share this invitation to join us on ZOOM at 10:00 AM, Januaty 21, 2021

This is a virtual event over the ZOOM platform and it’s easy.  Here’s what you need to do: 

1.  Tell all your girls & guys too
2.  Wear Pearls
3.  Go to ZOOM.com and login
4.  Enter the 
6.  Enter the Passcode
7.  Click the appropriate link for LIVE (Zoom Video)
8.  Join the Celebration

Wear Pearls, Tell Girls to Watch A Girl Take Over the World; Men Welcome (Pearls Optional) It’s Free, memorable, and virtual; Registration is required:   https://bit.ly/RSVP-2021GirlsandPearls


Why Our Author and Historian Is Better Than Yours

As New Year 2021 settles in while COVID-19 is still amidst, there remains one thing that we cannot put off any longer; And that’s the educating of our children, especially those attending inner-city schools with less than adequate resources.  

More than ever, we need educators at every level from every walk of life to share what you know. Children and parents alike are starving for you and what you have to offer. Click HERE Make HOT-Seat Reservation!

In The HOT-SeatNumber Thirty-Four, this Week’s Chosen Visionary is Lady Alice Faye Duncan (Memphis, TN). She is an Author and Historian who penned the book Memphis, Martin, and The Mountaintop; The Sanitation Strike of 1068. While Lady Duncan has quite a few books published and available (listed below); You can DOWNLOAD a GIFTED PDF Copy here of Memphis, Martin, and The Mountaintop; The Sanitation Strike of 1968.   It’s NOT free, but during the week of Martin Luter King’s Birthday, she pays it forward with a Freebie.

Lady Alice Faye Duncan grew up just minutes from where Martin Luther King Jr. was killed; Constant reminders shaped her life and love of history. Having her here at the Urban Academics Roundtable is awesome, Kicking-off Black History Month! Some folks would believe Black History Month is somehow shade because it’s in February (the shortest calendar month). However, M.L.K. Holiday has always been the fore-runner from January 15 – February 28th or 29th, whichever is up if you opened your eyes.

Ms. Duncan has a lifetime of memories and research to share, so grab a seat and a bib so you can eat without messing up your clothes. She knows the truth about Martin Luther King, and we are blessed to break bread. Join us every Thursday; What Urban Folks Need to understand, remember, share, and teach to our children.  

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Martin Luther King, Jr on Leadership: The Essential Box Set by Hachett Audio
  2. Memphis, Martin, and The Mountaintop; The Sanitation Strike of 1968 (FREE DOWNLOAD) by Alice Faye Duncan
  3. The Z.O.L.A. Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss by Katurah A Bryant, L.M.F.T.

Is Martin’s Dream Alive? What is Black History Month? Let’s talk about it? Join us at the Urban Academics Roundtable for a candid discussion on making sure we learn, so we have something to teach our children! Don’t keep it all to yourself – Tell a friend – The Urban Academics Roundtable, Thursday at 9:30 pm (E.S.T.)

Grab A Seat Here!

HOT Seat 34 Alice Faye Duncan Memphis TN
HOT Seat 34 Alice Faye Duncan Memphis TN

Notable Accomplishments

About the Urban Academics Roundtable 

Raw, Real, and Relevant Intellectual Talk with HOT-Seat Q&A

Inner-City Urban Content Creation, Thursdays, 9:30p EST

The Urban Academics Roundtable convenes discussions on various subjects and topics around academics and education and issues affecting each one today. It’s an intellectual talk show with HOT-Seat Q & A around the inner-city urban experience – For Business, Home, and School. 

The Coveted “HOT-Seat,” is reserved for forward-thinking folks who have resources and tools readily available to discuss issues in our communities needing change now, one family/person/topic at a time. We need solutions, not more problems, for today’s questions. These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop. You can recommend someone, a colleague, or other professional – Contact Patrina S Reddick by Clicking HERE.

The Urban Academics Roundtable

Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)


Dial-In:  605.472.5272  –  Pin: 836692 #