Tag Archives: Black and Brown People

Expert Covid-19 Survivor at the Urban Academics Roundtable


Where Is The Best EXPERT COVID-19 SURVIVOR? Obviously, at the Urban Academics Roundtable in the coveted HOT-Seat! If you’ve not been through it, there’s little you can contribute – Unless you can add to it (the story), roll with and stay clear about your focus and goal. In this case, this “praying wife” was determined to win – Her husband and her life back, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

The past year has been crazy, but some of us are just grateful to have made it to the other side of the living. The government shut Businesses and schools down – the very structure of American life ripped apart without anyone’s permission. Who’s the boss? Who can argue with God? Certainly not me; Or no one I knew personally.

“As of May 27, 2021, nearly 133 million people in the U.S. are fully vaccinated, and the national percentage of COVID-19 tests that came back positive over the last 7 days was less than 3%. This is one of the lowest rates the United States has seen since widespread testing began.”

Center for Desease Control, COVID-19 Data Tracker

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Three Books You Should Read NOW …

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

Up Next In The HOT-Seat

Before March of 2020, Marcy and her husband Theirrien “Tee” Clark were your typical suburban Maryland fun-loving, empty-nester couple, living their lives to the fullest. Then, in the blink of an eye, life as they knew it drastically changed. In March 2020, COVID-19 struck their household, forcing them to endure the ultimate test of faith, marriage, finances, and the ultimate test of life itself! Both spouses contracted COVID-19.

Lady Marcy Myles-Clark dines at the Urban Academics Roundtable as Chosen Visionary in HOT-Seat Number Fifty-Four (54), Thursday at 9:30 pm (EDT): This is Your Invitation To Join Us At The Weekly Roundtable. ALL Seats FREE. RSVP HERE.

Urban Academics Roundtable HOT-Seat Number Fifty-Four (54) Marcy Myles-Clark, MBA, Baltimore, MD,

Tee spent 46-days isolated, for the most part, from his wife and family as Johns Hopkins Hospital’s worst COVID-19 case then. With 28 of those 46-days in a medically induced coma, Tee’s health was failing from a physical and medical standpoint. Marcy used her faith, prayers, skills, and talents to help her husband navigate one of the most challenging times in modern life.

Marcy Myles-Clark’s Notable Accomplishments:

Lady Marcy Myles-Clark dines at the Urban Academics Roundtable as Chosen Visionary iLady Marcy Myles-Clark dines at the Urban Academics Roundtable as Chosen Visionary in HOT-Seat Number Fifty-Four (54), Thursday at 9:30 pm (EDT): This is Your Invitation To Join Us At The Weekly Roundtable. ALL Seats FREE. RSVP HERE.

“Now that I on the other side, it’s my mission to help others Win!”

Marcy Myles-Clark, MBA, and Author: Praying Wife Healed Husband: How We Survived A Death-Defying COVID-19 Experience

One year later, they are FULLY VACCINATED, healthy and whole, and best-selling authors. As an Expert (Master) COVID-19 Survivor and “Life Strategist,” Lady Marcy is at the forefront of providing others with guiding principles, peace of mind strategies, practical and spiritual resources, and tips on “How to WIN; In and out of a Pandemic!”


Lady Marcy Myles-Clark dines at the Urban Academics Roundtable as Chosen Visionary in HOT-Seat Number Fifty-Four (54), Thursday at 9:30 pm (EDT): This is Your Invitation To Join Us At The Weekly Roundtable. ALL Seats FREE. RSVP HERE.

Thank You and God Bless

Thank you for reading, and if you’ve made it far down the page, it speaks to the article meeting your expectations. If that’s the case, leave us a great comment, and then Subscribe to Urban Academics YouTube Channel HERE!

Lady Marcy Myles-Clark dines at the Urban Academics Roundtable as Chosen Visionary in HOT-Seat Number Fifty-Four (54), Thursday at 9:30 pm (EDT): This is Your Invitation To Join Us At The Weekly Roundtable. ALL Seats FREE. RSVP HERE.

Are You New To Urban Academics or the Roundtable?

Who should attend? Administrators, C.E.O.s, Child Advocates, Civil Service Members, Content Creators, Educators, Entrepreneurs, First Responders, Guidance Counselors, Journalists, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and YOU! ALL People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries are encouraged to attend. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Any Questions?

Please post your questions and thoughts in the comments section below for any HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or members of the Urban Academics family. More information is HERE! Thank you for reading, and may God bless you!

How To Make Your VIRAL MARKETING HACK Look Like A Million Bucks

If you’re looking for virtual marketing hacks, look no further than Mr. Glenn Murray, a Marketing & Viral Promotions Expert and Guru. He is the Principal Founder of 220 Communications, the parent company to 220 Publishing and Food, Wine, and Spirits Ventures.

Mr. Murray has led viral social media campaigns that have generated over 1-Million impressions for the arts, film, music, and culinary events, and he’s in this week’s hot-Seat giving up his secret sauce! Let’s talk about business – What it takes to make it wherever you’re trying to go; Authors, Businessfolks, Experts. Free-Lancers, Lifetime Students, Small-Business Owners, and parents! To Get on this call – Thursday’s at 9:30 PM (EST).

When we talk about Viral Marketing, it’s the process of getting the word out about a product, service, or both to the masses. I believe if your campaign generates over 1 million impressions, it’s considered to have gone “Viral.”

Some Viral Videos, however, don’t benefit the creator, either because they are not regularly publishing videos to YouTube or Vimeo, so how would they know how to monetize. The second way is when someone posts a random video they just captured in the car. She uploads and boom – The video of a cat laying next to a dog playing nicely gets 2 million views – When that happens, Ellen’s Show will call

Three Books You Should Read NOW

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

You are welcome to join us for an evening of enlightenment with another Chosen Visionary for these times. We’ll be at The Urban Academics Round-table with the GURU, who can change your situation virtually overnight. Bring an apron, bib, a fork, spoon, and knife; This is going to be yummy! Also, please DO

NOT FORGET TO BRING SOMEONE WITH YOU; It’s FREE, but you’ve got to Register HERE First!

Glenn Murray Chicago, IL Social Media Expert on Going Viral To Get The Bag Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST),
Glenn Murray Chicago, IL Social Media Expert on Going

If you are someone looking to get your book, idea, message, or thoughts out into the world, do these three things before you do anything else: (1) Decide who your target market is (ALL demographics included); (2) Figure out where those folks are in groups (large groups); and (3) Use YouTube to create a strategy based on what other successful marketers are using. If you need help, The Urban Academics is in the business of working with Authors & Entrepreneurs. You can register FREE and start from there!

Notable Accomplishments

Three Things You Need To Do Now

What’s More?

Mr. Glenn Murray is a man who enjoys watching TV or a good movie when he’s not busy attempting to save the world. A true gem in the fields of Marketing and Promotions.; You should get at him – Leave a message in the comments section below. Thank you for reading.

Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, CEOs, Child Advocates, Civil Service Members, Content Creators, Educators, Entrepreneurs, First Responders, Guidance Counselors, Journalists, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible. CLICK HERE FOR HOT-SEAT INFO!

Restrict access to this content? 

Urban Academics Online, Home of the "HOT-Seat" at the Weekly Roundtable. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST): https://bit.ly/RoundTabeReservation

How To Make Us Better – Developing Collaborative Partnerships Built With Multi-State A-List

Dr. Ed Joyner has had a lifetime of academic experience, but it wasn’t always easy. He’s the Number Four Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat at Urban Academics. His willingness to share his story with such truth has made us all better. Many of our members refer to some of his one-liners often. Some call those “sound-bites,” and they make us better too!

For example, there’s no need to build a platform for one person or type of person – A table should be openly honest and where you can say what you have to. Anyone listening will give you what’s needed to get and keep the chest area clean and clear. Here at the Urban Academics Roundtable, we honor any opinions knowing that some people have salt, others use an herb you’ve never considered but a match nonetheless. We challenge you to listen to this incredible story, and if you move to change, we’ve done well, but there’s more—Check out BETA Membership AT Urban Academics.

The Philiosophy of Collaboration

According to most at the lowest level, collaboration is to share in contributing to a project or work – Something tangible is the outcome. It’s the thought of equal participation by people; animals don’t count and shared results amongst contributors.

Sometimes this concept, easy as it appears, had underlying cons as well as pros. An example of a con/scam would be one or more individuals demanding an equal reward for minimal to no effort to proposed outcomes, thereby causing everyone else to pick up the slack. It leaves a bad taste in some mouths while others could care less. If you’re not careful here – split right down the middle.

Collaboratives of all colors, shapes, and sizes exist for many things with a much broader philosophy. Membership is a better term than a partnership, and I will go over the differences in another post, as for this talk and how we can utilize others’ strengths to accomplish more than we could alone. BETA Membership at Urban Academics provides an opportunity for authors, entrepreneurs, speakers, or others to get their message out to the world. Collaborative content creation is a new way to create fresh content regardless of if folks are prolific thinkers and writers.

The best information or transfer thereof has been because there was more than one thought at the table. The Urban Academics Roundtable is the perfect platform and vehicle for constant Raw, Real, and Relevant Topical Content on Auto-Pilot. Not only that, but featuring real-life black, brown, and other to-notch HOT-Seat Chosen Visionaries from around the country and ultimately around the world. GO TO BETA MEMBERSHIP NOW.

The Raw, Real, and Relevant Replay Number Four – Available NOW! On-Demand! On YouTube! Oh Yes! Subscribe Now https://bit.ly/SubscribeUrbanAcademicsYouTubeChannel

Watch, or Listen To the Video:

The Multi-State A

Urban Academics desires to get everything right, but we know based on experience, things sometimes go wrong. With the BETA Membership programs, we want to partner with folks who wish for their products and services to rise up and above the packs, and we want the same. With BETA Membership, we provide you with services at a fraction of their original costs – In return for genuine and honest feedback. We will determine what works and what does NOT quickly make it better for black and brown folks who sometimes won’t read everything getting themselves into trouble.

So that you know, a “C” is failing in the inner-city urban schools. We know you cannot compete, and few if anyone has the time to step in for students, but Urban Academics wants to change that too! With the launch of Speaker’s Bureau at Urban Academics, we’ll be matching BETA Members through Speaker’s Bureau to speaking opportunities where decision-makers in academia are likely to be. GO TO BETS MEMBERSHIP NOW to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

Fall in Love With Number One – Kaye Harvey Develops Your Community And Motivates Positive Youth.

Does any of the children in your family attend a Montessori School? Many of our black and brown parents report having never heard of Montessori schools, but they have been around for years. What is now known as Montessori Education was established by a woman named Maria Montessori, whose idea was to create an environment embracing the holistic approach to each child, fostering lifelong explorative and self-paced learning.

The thing is, the Montessori learning/teaching style is nothing new – ALL of the thousands of the children I’ve worked with over the years were born with that philosophy built right in. The problem presents itself when a child does not conform to the request of the parent, teacher, or both; Punishment is likely to happen before the unsuspecting adult has time to help little Sally or Johnny process the why and what will make the attitude or tantrum go away. Almost 100% of the time, children will tell you what happened if they don’t know how they felt about what happened and why.

In my personal experience, there were no Montessori schools in my neighborhood. Still, I can imagine many parents, teachers, and others have been embracing similar teaching styles without adding Lady Maria Montessori’s name to the mix. But, I digress. The desired outcome is to raise conscious and good productive citizens in the world with something to offer someone else. It doesn’t always work out that way, but this Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat has made it her life’s work to develop young people worldwide. She shares her story of overcoming barriers to being one of the first black folks to open a Montessori school in Connecticut and the only one in both the Hill and Fair Haven sections of New Haven.

Notable Accomplishments

  • Black Owned Enterprise Business
  • Community Organizing Guru
  • First Black Woman to Open Montessori School in New Haven, CT
  • Howard University Alum (Fine Arts)
  • She is a Grandma
  • Woman-Owned Enterprise Business
Urban Academics Roundtable Welcomes Kay Harvey, the First HOT-Seat Sitter ever, Back for Recap, Reviews and Updates from Atlanta, GA and New haven, CT Thursday 9:30 PM (EST)
Urban Academics Roundtable Welcomes Kay Harvey, the First HOT-Seat Sitter ever, Back for Recap, Reviews and Updates from Atlanta, GA and New haven, CT Thursday 9:30 PM (EST)

How To Turn Your MOTIVATION From Zero To Hero

Motivating is the most powerful piece to your drive; without it, you have none (drive). Merely thinking about the people you want to meet, places you want to go, and the things you want to do won’t happen if an action or some kind of movement is not taken. Almost every young person I work with has a dream, something they really want; However, few have a plan or vision for how they will attain it.

In my work at PIMOSH, which is an acronym for People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher. So, you know how many motivating means to me – It’s our middle name.

Read HOT-Seat #33 Press Release – Rev. Dr. Tarin Hampton

CLICK HERE For a Seat at The Urban Academics Roundtable

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The CallA 14-Day Encounter by Jocelyn Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Minister
  2. Empowerment Series: Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs, Updated (MindTap Course List
  3. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey Of Recovery From Loss by Katurah A. Bryant, LMFT

This week’s Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat is an example of all things motivation fueled by faith and self-determination. From her earliest of days, she didn’t feel challenged by any of her teachers; then finally special People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH) showed up and because of the relationships built with positive adults and peers, she has dedicated her life to motivating other Black and Brown students all over the world.

Rev. Dr. Tarin Hampton, Professor at Norfolk State University on Turning Motivating from Zero to Hero in the HOT-Seat. Join us Thursdays, 9:30 PM (EST): http://urban-academics.hubspotpagebuilder.com/ua-roundtable-reservation

“Fina A Way; Or Make a Way!

Rev.Doctor Tarin Hampton (Norfolk, VA)

This Week In The HOT-Seat

Rev. Dr. Tarin Hampton (Norfolk, VA) has been a University Educator for over 30 years. She earned her Ph.D. in Expository Preaching in 2011 from Faith Evangelical Seminary, Kumasi, Ghana, and her Ed.D is in Educational Leadership, completed in 2002 from Clark Atlanta University. She is a Full Professor at Norfolk State University and the Department Head for the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Exercise Science. She served as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cape Coast in Ghana, West Africa on a Sabbatical Contract invitation for almost 3 years, and was instrumental in collaboratively establishing the Dance Major in the Department of Music, which is now the Department of Music and Dance. She maintains her connections to UCC as an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Arts as a Dissertation Advisor. She is a two-time recipient of a Fulbright-Hayes Scholarship (2000 – Morocco and Tunisia, and 2008 – Ghana, West Africa). She has participated in and organized numerous Community Service Projects and Educational Conferences throughout her teaching career. She is serving as our Academic Advisor for Life Changes Ministries, Kumasi, Ghana.

Notable Accomplishments

  • Award (2016): National Leader of the Year from Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance National Dance Society
  • Award (2015): Minority Leadership Awards – Shape America, formerly the AAHPERD National Association American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
  • Black College Dance Exchange – 13 HBCU’s that have dance companies and a yearly conference
  • Dance Commissioner for the International Alliance for Health, Physical Activity, and Sports
  • Praise Dance Ministry – Shilow Baptist Church, Norfolk – Pastor Keith Ivan Jones
  • President-Elect of National Dance Society
  • President of National Dance Society – Coming Soon (2021)

Three Things You Need To Do

  1. Become a BETA Member at Urban Academics Helping Shape This Platform for Urban Authors, Entrepreneurs, Parents, Professionals, and others with urban products and services. Sign-Up NOW!
  2. Sign Ms. Opal Lee’s Petition Making Juneteenth a National Holiday
  3. Testimony – A Christmas Letter From Crunch Bunch & Family Made it to Walmart – BUY IT NOW!

What’s More About Lady Tarin?

When this Chosen Visionary is simply Lady Tarin, she enjoys what she does best, dancing working out and working with students at Norfolk University. What a blessing she is, and she will be listed in the Urban Academics Speaker’s Bureau launching January 2020!

New to The Urban Academics RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH) Affiliates.

Thank you for being here. Suppose someone has invited you to have a seat here at the RoundTable, especially for a reservation for the “HOT-Seat” you are honored among peers and considered a thought leader in your work. Your accolades speak for themselves – Welcome aboard!

CLICK Here To Reserve Your Seat At The Table!

What You Didn’t Realize About Limb Differences is Powerful – But Extremely Simple.

The loss of anything can be quite painful, and depending on how meaningful the absence of the loss is, it will determine how you can cope or not so much. Many therapeutic-related books and programs have been written around topics associated with the idea of death, dying. And the overall concept of loss and how to recover from it. These books and manuscripts touch on the basics around different kinds of losses and how you should determine to get past it (loss) and move on. But what about a limb? Limbs are a little bit different from losing a car in an accident or a job you never liked in the first place. Even the strongest of a parent is fearful of certain words associated with their children.

We all have differences, some seen while others are not as obvious. But limb differences are noticeable, almost like skin color, except you can hide the fact of missing limbs with prosthetics and new technology so advanced that no one would ever know that you or a family member is an amputee. Today’s medical advances are fantastic and mind-blowing at the same time. The hard part is accepting the diagnosis and setting your heart and mind for the journey ahead. The specific and easy part is continuing to shine your loving light on your beautiful child, assuring him or her that you will be there every step of the way, as you are around for this very purpose.

Read “HOT-Seat” Press Release On Paige Thomas-Minor

Paisley, a 3-year-old little girl, was born with a rare medical condition only found in 1 and 1 million births. This condition affected her lower limbs, and she is clinically diagnosed with the most severe form of Tibial Hemimelia. Paisley’s lower legs and feet were amputated in 2019 to maximize her quality of life and ability to run, jump, and play. Some folks opt for only partial amputations, and in some cases, that may make more sense as you discuss options with your primary care doctor or chosen specialist. If you’ve got questions, get on the call, getting them addressed now. You are welcome here, and the table is all set.

Paisley and her medical condition has had and continues to have a significant impact on Paige’s outlook on life and work-life-home balance. It (a rare illness) has also opened new doors for presentations and speaking opportunities for the veteran marine corps officer. Paige is now an advocate for limb differences awareness and promotes events, fundraisers, and education through her family’s journey as an amputee family.

Three Books To Read:

Who’s In This Week’s “HOT-Seat”

Paige Thomas-Minor, Active Duty, U. S. Marine Corps Officer. Hails from a small city, Coatesville, PA with a career spanning 20 plus years of worldwide travel, combat, and humanitarian deployments. Paige resides in Northern Virginia with her two children, one of which has special needs.

Paige Thomas-Minor, Active Duty, U. S. Marine Corps Officer and advocate for limb differences awareness and education on military, mommy and medical balance in the HOT-Seat Thursday at 9:30 PM (EDT)

Little Paisley is shown here with her prosthetic legs and is the happiest and smartest little lady around.

Paige and Pasley Minor, Advocates for Limb Differences Awareness and Education in the "HOT-Seat" at Urban Academics Thursday at 9:30 PM (EDT): DIAL: 605.472.5272 | Pin#: 836692
Paige and Pasley Minor, Advocates for Limb Differences Awareness and Education in the “HOT-Seat” at Urban Academics Thursday at 9:30 PM (EDT): DIAL: 605.472.5272 | Pin#: 836692

Noatable Accomplishents

  • Active Duty, U. S. Marine Corps Officer
  • Advocacy – Limb Differences Awareness and Education
  • Humanitarian Deployments
  • Public Speaker & Humanitarian
  • Special Needs Parent of two
  • Twenty-Year US Veteran
  • Worldwide Travel Combat

What’s More

Paige enjoys curling up to a good book and spends most of her time reading to her children or some other quality interaction with them. She is highly disciplined and must adhere to a strict schedule to get it all done, but she does not complain, and excuses are not accepted.

New To The RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable

Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)


605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 #

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Iline Tracey, Ed.P, Superintendent, New Haven Public Schools in the Urban Academics HOT Seat on wassup with education S"Special Edition" Thursday at 6:00 PM

Fear? Not if You Ask Iline Tracey the Right Questions – Special Hot Seat Edition

CREATE a FREE VIDEO Like this One for Your Brand or Business Now – Get FREE Videos!

Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Taking the “HOT-Seat” at Urban-Academics during an Inaugural “Special Edition” Session is Lady Iline Tracey, Ed.D, and the Head Chief Woman in a town known as New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) Superintendent of Schools.

Dr. Tracey started in education very young, getting her first paid role while only sixteen years old. Her passion for learning and genuine concern for others is what got her here. If you’ve got questions, she’s got answers.

“I believe in collaboration – We can move mountains. I believe education is the great equalizer.”

Dr. Iline Tracey, Superintendent, NHPS

Notable Accomplishments:

  • COVID-19 hit just months into Dr. Tracey’s tenure as Interim Superintendent
  • Developed Literacy (Child and Adult) Programs
  • Dr. Tracey was working (paid) in the field of education at the age of sixteen
  • Grew up on a farm in the Jamaican Countryside
  • Her career at NHPS started at Dwight School
  • Highest Paid City of New Haven Employee/Official
  • Unanimously voted in as Super Intendent of NHPS
  • 91% of 1,000 feedback surveys were in favor of Dr. Iline Tracey
New Haven Board of Education Meeting – August 24, 2020

Iline Tracey, Ed.D. has seven children, eight grandchildren, and her hobbies include hiking, reading, and researching.

You can contact Dr. Tracey VIA Phone: (475) 220-1003, or EMAIL: iline.tracey@newhaven.k12.ct.us. **PLEASE NO SPAM!!!

Are You New to the Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life to have something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:

Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers PLEASE READ …

Back-Up Number: 209.399.9091 + Dial-In Number: 605.472.5272 # + Pin Number: 836692 #

Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse - Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister RAW and True Thursdays 9:30 PM (EST)

Lies & Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse – Jocelyn Fagan in the “Hot-Seat” with New Book & Some Truth

CREATE a FREE VIDEO Like this One for Your Brand or Business Now – Get FREE Videos!

Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

In this Week’s “HOT-Seat”

Sexual abuse is just the tip of the ice-burg, and it’s time the conversation is brought to the table open for discussion. Children all over the world are abused and misused – Even the very institutions designed and developed to cure/fix/stop these problems are guilty of the same.

For some reason, pedophilia will always be with us as is the beggars, liar, robber, and thief. But what happens to the child with unresolved issues? Where does the wounded return when feelings of old creep up reminding a victim to feel like the perpetrator?

The “HOT-Seat” is warming up for Jocelyn Fagan (Tampa, FL), Entrepreneur, Licensed Minister, and Provisional Elder from Tampa, FL sharing her story of forgiveness and overcoming unbelievable life circumstances with a triumphant outcome. This one is sure to keep you on your toes – RAW and REAL … A story of abandonment, rejection, and sexual abuse – BUT Without Excuse/Repentance!

Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse - Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister RAW and True Thursdays 9:30 PM (EST)
Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse – Jocelyn Y Fagan (Tampa, Florida), an Author, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Minister shares her story RAW and True. In the “HOT-Seat”

“I am extremely compassionate about people feeling free, not making their past determine their futures!”

Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister

Notable Achievements

Minister Jocelyn’s published book, Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter is available NOW on Amazon Here! At the RoundTable, Jocelyn shares her personal experience in hopes that you will be willing to help a young person should they approach you with their truths. What will you do? What will you say?

Jocelyn Y Fagan is lives in Tampa, Florida with her husband Nathaniel and their son JaQ son. She is currently working on her second book.

New to the RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:

Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers PLEASE READ …

Back-Up Number: 209.399.9091 + Dial-In Number: 605.472.5272 # + Pin Number: 836692 #

Thank you for being here. We appreciate you!

Pierre Reddick is in the HOT-Seat on Using Creativity to Keep Kids Engaged in Education. He shares hacks, tips and tricks for Remote Learning

Best Edutainment Helpful for Kids – Pierre Reddick on Creative Teaching

CREATE a FREE VIDEO Like this One for Your Brand or Business Now – Get FREE Videos!

Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Pierre Reddick’s Press Release

In the Hot-Seat This Week …

This week we are pulling out the “HOT-Seat” for Mr. Pierre M Reddick, whose hometown is New Haven. CT, but he only went to school there for one year – His freshman year of high school. Before that, it was a small private day school in Branford, CT, where he and his sister were no doubt the minority, but fitting in nicely.

The long ride out to Branford every day seemed daunting for many people back in New Haven, and even fewer could understand why anyone would pay for school when it’s free, and you’re not rich?

For Pierre, it was the normal course of activity, and his creativity, love of life, the outdoors, and his ability to see the world through a broader lense is because he has never felt trapped – Not in the ways of education. After leaving New Haven Public Schools, he matriculated and graduated from Fort Mill, High School, graduated from Claflin University, attended Point Part University

Pierre Reddick is Co-Founder (PIMOSH Network), and Music Director for Crunch Bunch Kids. Pierre has also been quite successful in merging roles of educator and entrepreneur. The Urban Academics “HOT-Seat” because he can deliver hacks, tips, and tricks for inner-city urban students that will help parents, providers, and teachers tremendously.

“Being a teacher does not mean we want to replace parents. We would much rather partner with parents, but at the same time I’ve played the role of father to almost 400 scholars at any given moment.”

Pierre M Reddick

Notable Accomplishments

Pierre has been involved in the education field for five (5) years, and has served families in several capacities, including but not limited to the following:

  • Co-Founder & Creative Director at People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH)
  • Composition Facilitator
  • Crunch Bunch Music Producer
  • Dean of students
  • Five (5) Year Education Veteran in School System
  • HBCU Graduate (Claflin University Alum)
  • Interned at Atlantic Records
  • Lead Teacher for English Language Arts (ELA)
  • Music Producer & Writer
  • Teachers In Residence (TIR) Coordinator
  • Worked for CT School System
  • Worked for DC School System

To contact Pierre M Reddick, you can follow him on Instagram at thepierremarqui and Voisey as pthewriter to follow his new MUSIC journey

New to the RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:

Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

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Back-Up Number: 209.399.9091 + Dial-In Number: 605.472.5272 # + Pin Number: 836692 #

Intellectual Clairesa Clay (Brooklyn) – Black Brown and Poor Folks Storytelling, and how they see us, Urban Talk

Clairissa Clay, Intellectual on Black Brown and Poor Storytelling, Urban
Clarissa Clay, Blerd City’s Founder and Executive Producer

Lady Clairesa Clay (Brooklyn Born) takes intellectual talk on black, brown, and poor folks storytelling, and how they tell our stories. She’s a creative entrepreneur ready to accept a seat a the Urban Academics RoundTable.

Clairesa Clay (BLERD CITY’s Founder and Executive Producer) is an educator, entrepreneur, and writer who has developed cultural programs in films, visual arts, and literature serving in conjunction with academic and artistic organizations as well as many independent artists with whom she’s had the pleasure of working with.  

Blerd City’s vision came out of Lady Clairessa’s vision for combining education with the arts that are stimulating and captivate both sides of the brain. Black Nerds (BLERDs) are probably the most underutilized group in the country and abroad. The conference, which is normally held in July will be postponed due to the current NO Events happening around the world. When new dates and venues are announced, whether face-to-face or virtual, you can find it here at Urban Academics Online!

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To date, Lady Clairesa has supported many cultural projects presented by a few of the following:

Clairesa currently serves on the board of advisors for Reel Sisters and sits on the Board of Directors for the Image Nation Cinema Foundation, Inc.  

Clairesa’s debut film garnered notable awards and she is also a published writer. For the past 20 years, she has taught English with the New York City Department of Education serving urban inner-city students.

Urban Intellectual Rountable ClairesaClay talks about storytelling of black, brown and poor people. How They See Us

Getting on the LIVE Call is Easy, just send an email: contact@urban-academics.com