Tag Archives: Abandonment issues

Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse - Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister RAW and True Thursdays 9:30 PM (EST)

Lies & Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse – Jocelyn Fagan in the “Hot-Seat” with New Book & Some Truth

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In this Week’s “HOT-Seat”

Sexual abuse is just the tip of the ice-burg, and it’s time the conversation is brought to the table open for discussion. Children all over the world are abused and misused – Even the very institutions designed and developed to cure/fix/stop these problems are guilty of the same.

For some reason, pedophilia will always be with us as is the beggars, liar, robber, and thief. But what happens to the child with unresolved issues? Where does the wounded return when feelings of old creep up reminding a victim to feel like the perpetrator?

The “HOT-Seat” is warming up for Jocelyn Fagan (Tampa, FL), Entrepreneur, Licensed Minister, and Provisional Elder from Tampa, FL sharing her story of forgiveness and overcoming unbelievable life circumstances with a triumphant outcome. This one is sure to keep you on your toes – RAW and REAL … A story of abandonment, rejection, and sexual abuse – BUT Without Excuse/Repentance!

Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse - Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister RAW and True Thursdays 9:30 PM (EST)
Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse – Jocelyn Y Fagan (Tampa, Florida), an Author, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Minister shares her story RAW and True. In the “HOT-Seat”

“I am extremely compassionate about people feeling free, not making their past determine their futures!”

Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister

Notable Achievements

Minister Jocelyn’s published book, Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter is available NOW on Amazon Here! At the RoundTable, Jocelyn shares her personal experience in hopes that you will be willing to help a young person should they approach you with their truths. What will you do? What will you say?

Jocelyn Y Fagan is lives in Tampa, Florida with her husband Nathaniel and their son JaQ son. She is currently working on her second book.

New to the RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

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