Welcome to December 2020
Welcome back, Scholars! Can you believe we’ve made it through to the end of the year that wasn’t? Twenty-twenty (2020) will be in the wind in a few weeks, but that won’t stop colleges and universities from wanting their tuition when January rolls around. Every month, I create a list of what I believe are excellent opportunities for FREE CASH FOR COLLEGE.
By now, you should know that I DO NOT include scholarships less than $2.500, and only when necessary, like when the scholarship is so easy, no essay or they are giving the money away to anyone who has the wherewithal to apply (submit materials) – No Failure!

Inside This Issue
In this article, you will find Ten Scholarship Opportunities, 3 Books To Read, 3 Things To Do, 3 Bonus Opportunities, and Meantime Money Makers you might find interesting.
1. National Honor Sociery Scholarship ($7,000) – Due December 7, 2020
NHS is the oldest and best-known student recognition program. For nearly 100 years, NHS members have been making a difference in their schools and communities through their scholarship, service, leadership, and character. High school seniors who are National Honor Society (NHS) members in good standing of an affiliated NHS chapter are eligible to apply for the scholarship. There are no limits to the number of applications per chapter. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider’s website.
Contact:: Scholarship Committee, 1321 Murfreesboro Road, Suite 800, Nashville, TN 37217, mshedd@applyists.com
2. Denny’s Hungry For Education Scholarship ($3,000) – Due December 11, 2020
Denny’s partners with leading non-profit minority advocacy organizations to launch anti-hunger programs across the United States. The Denny’s Hungry for Education Scholarships are awarded to deserving high school and college students for their ideas to help Denny’s fight childhood hunger. Please note that there are a number of organizations that participate, so make sure you give yourself time to explore!
Applicants must be:
- Enrolled in an accredited high school or college in the United States or Puerto Rico
- Citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Puerto Rico
- Use the funds for education, such as tuition and related fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses
- Possess a minimum 2.5 GPA (high school and college). NOTE: Each partner organization may have additional requirements; however, GPA level varies
- Provide a 300-word essay (high school) or 500-word essay (college) on how Denny’s can bring their communities together
- Meet GPA level and other requirements set by each partner organization
Note: Students can apply for multiple scholarships each year, but the essay must be different for each scholarship application.
Contact: Denny’s, Inc., 203 East Main Street, Spartanburg, SC 29319, 1-800-733-6697
3. Burger King Scholars ($1,000 – $50,000) – Due December 15, 2020
Burger King is one of the most iconic fast food chains in the world. One of the ways that the company gives back is through Burger King scholarships. The Burger King Scholars program was created in memory of Burger King co-founder James “Jim” W. McLamore in 2000. This program was created to support students from the United States and Canada who are seeking higher education at a four year college or university. Keep reading to learn more about how you can apply for this great scholarship opportunity!
- Academic achievements
- Participation in school and community activities
- Length of employment (enrichment awards only)
- Work experience (James W. McLamore “WHOPPER” Scholarship only)
- Financial information (James W. McLamore “WHOPPER” Scholarship only)
- Eligibility: High school seniors or college students who are leaders in community service, athletics, or another extracurricular activity.
- Amount: Up to $50,000
- Deadline: December 15, 2020
- Be a citizen of the United States or Canada
- Have graduated from high school within the last three years
- Students who are applying as a full-time freshman to a four-year accredited, college or university that is located in the United States
- Cumulative unweighted grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.3
- Minimum ACT Composite score of 25 or a minimum combined SAT score of 1220
- Demonstrate an active leadership role in community service, athletics, and/or similar co-curricular activity
- Substantial work experience
Contact: burgerkingscholars@scholarshipamerica.org
4. Foreclosure Dot Com Scholarship ($2,500) – Due December 15, 2020
Foreclosure.com Scholarship Program at a Glance
Foreclosure.com continues to break new ground by offering a nationwide scholarship program. Currently enrolled college students (graduate students, law students, and/or high school seniors are NOT eligible) are invited to apply by submitting an essay. Freshmen entering Fall 2020 are eligible once they have received a student ID number. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Essays that are not the original work of the entrant will be immediately discarded and eliminated from consideration.
- GPA Requirement – NONE
- Essay Minimum 800 Words
- Essay Maximum 2,000 Words
- Your Essay Must Be Submitted in English
- Your Essay Must Be Titled
Awards: Three winners will be selected
- Top prize $2,500
- Second and third place will receive $500 each
2020 Essay Topic:
As a college student or recent graduate that may not qualify for a conventional home purchase, how would you leverage the “Rent to Own” (lease option) opportunity to achieve home ownership?
Please detail the process you would go through, referencing factors such as credit score, down payment, home searches, price range, and the planning and negotiating of the Rent to Own agreement, as well as exercising the final purchase or opting out of the sale.
Contact: ips@peodsm.org
5. P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship ($12,500) – Due December 15, 2020
Established in 1949, the International Peace Scholarship Fund believes that education is fundamental to world peace and understanding. The P.E.O (Philanthropic Educational Organization) funds the P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship for selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada. To learn more about the P.E.O., click here. Their motto is “Women helping women reach for the stars,” which pretty much tells you what the good people in the P.E.O. strive for!
Who is eligible to apply for the P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship?
- An applicant must be qualified for admission to full-time graduate study and working toward a graduate degree in an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada
- A student who is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada is not eligible
- Scholarships are not for online courses, research, internships or for practical training if not combined with coursework
- Applicants must have a full year of coursework remaining, be enrolled and in residence for the entire school year
- Doctoral students who have completed coursework and are working only on dissertations are not eligible as first-time applicants.
- International students attending Cottey College are eligible to apply for a scholarship
How much are these scholarships worth?
The maximum amount awarded for the P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship is $12,500.
When are the scholarship applications due?
The last day to submit eligibility forms is December 15, 2020. Applications for students already enrolled in school are due March 1. Those not yet enrolled are due April 1. Please click here for a handy calendar of due dates since those dates vary depending on whether students are enrolled in graduate school yet.
6. Robert Derby Scholarship ($2,500) – Due December 15, 2020
With a commitment to higher education, the staff at Robert J. DeBry & Associates have decided to offer an ongoing scholarship to help alleviate the rising costs of education. For the Spring 2021 semester, we have narrowed the scholarship to Utah based Institutions. If you are attending a Utah college and are from out of state, please feel free to apply.
Scholarship Application:
Write a 350-500 word essay about one of the following topics:
- Car accidents caused by distracted driving from smartphones, navigation, etc.
- Car accidents related to drowsy driving
- Motorcycle accidents related to distracted drivers or limited visibility
- Workplace accidents and what can be done to avoid them and improve safety
- Defective drug injuries, why they happen, and what can be done to avoid them
- The dangers cyclists face on the roadways and how drivers can improve awareness
- Wrongful deaths related to firearms
- How drivers can help avoid accidents with pedestrians and what pedestrians can do to be safe
- Accidents caused by driving under the influence, how we can teach young adults to avoid them
- How can we improve our roadways to make them safer and reduce accidents?
- Crosswalk safety for pedestrians, especially children, and how to avoid accidents
Scholarship Amount:
$2500 is offered per semester.
Contact: https://robertdebry.com/scholarship/
7. Be Bold No Essay Contest ($10,000) – Due December 31, 2020
Their mission is to eliminate student debt. The student debt crisis is handicapping our next generation, making students far less likely to pursue dream careers, own homes, or start businesses. Bold.org enables anyone and any company to create a customized scholarship, fellowship, or grant, in minutes. Your story is unique. Your philanthropy should be too.
They will consider all student types – One student winner per year: APPLY NOW for the Be Bold No Essay Scholarship Opportunity https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/ge-reagan/
Contact Bold Dot Org, Inc., https://bold.org/contact/
8. Simplr Artificial Intelligence Scholarship ($7,500) – Due December 31, 2020
In order to apply, please write a 1000-2000 word essay on one of the following topics. Make sure to include why you chose your field of study and how it applies to these future technologies.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain technology – Select the field you’re most passionate about and explore a specific role you think this technology will play in our future, and how this will effect positive change. Describe the key technological aspects as well as the human element that will likely be involved.
Commercial AI-generated music and AI-created inventions, for example, are not far off but they will forever change traditional intellectual property concepts. Explore the challenges in attributing and incentivizing the creation of new knowledge when the lines between human/machine creation and open/proprietary data are blurred. The scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who best demonstrates willingness and ability to be a candidate for success in the tech industry. Please note relevant hobbies, projects or extracurricular activities as they will be considered.
APPLY NOW for the Simplr Artificial Intelligence Scholarship ($7,500)
Contact: 1-844-4SIMPLR, https://www.simplr.ai/scholarships
9. Tallo’s Scholarship Sweepstakes ($15,000) – Sue December 31, 2020
Tallo partnered with Scholarships360 to bring students $1000s in scholarships every month. And best of all, it’s probably the easiest scholarship you’ll ever have to apply for. Check out the instructions below for how to apply.
Applying for the scholarship is an easy, two-step process designed to help you brag about your scholastic and extracurricular accomplishments while getting access to $20 billion (yes, billion) in scholarships.
1. Create a profile.
2. Apply NOW FOR Tallo’s Scholarship
Apply today for Tallo’s $15,000 Scholarship Sweepstakes
10. The Nora Excellence In Art Activism Scholarship – Due December 31, 2020
The #NoRA Excellence in Art Activism Scholarship is a one-time $5,000 scholarship awarded to a graduating High School Senior or a student currently enrolled in a baccalaureate program who uses art to engage in gun violence prevention. Students must present a portfolio of art, music, writing, or other artistic endeavor and a detailed explanation of how it is used to enact social change around gun violence prevention.
Complete the form below including a digital link to your portfolio. Your portfolio should include at least 3 but no more than 10 works of visual art, poetry, short writing, songs, or films. For longer form written work, please include a 20-page portfolio or book excerpt. For longer-form musical or film compositions, please include a 20-minute excerpt.
In addition, please complete the form below and email a copy of your high school transcript, two (2) letters of recommendation, and your most current college transcript (if a current college student) by the application deadline.
APPLY NOW For The #Nora Excellence in Arts Activism Scholarship
Contact: norascholarshipcommittee@gmail.com. https://noranow.org/scholarships/the-nora-excellence-in-art-activism-scholarship/
BONUS Scholarshpis & Residency
1. American Water Works ($30,000) – Due December
Must be a doctoral student in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico pursuing advanced training and research in the field of water supply and treatment.
Four research scholarships for graduate students, offering a range of awards for students with strong research plans. The Abel Wolman Fellowship awards $30,000 for an outstanding doctoral student which is renewable for a second year. The LARS Aquatic scholarships award $5,000 to a Master’s student and $7,000 to a Doctoral candidate. The Philip C. Singer scholarship awards $3,000 to an outstanding graduate student.
These scholarships are for students pursuing Masters or Doctoral degrees at an institution of higher education located in the U.S., Canada, Guam, Mexico, or Puerto Rico. Please click the Applicant Instructions link below for more information about each scholarship. If you have questions, contact Kathleen at scholarships@awwa.org.
Scholarships Due in February 2021
GE Reagan Scholarship ($10,000) – Due February, 2021
Honoring the legacy and character of our nation’s 40th President, the GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program rewards college-bound students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship with financial assistance to pursue higher education.
Each year, the Program selects numerous recipients to receive a $10,000 scholarship renewable for up to an additional three years – up to $40,000 total per recipient. Awards are for undergraduate study and may be used for education-related expenses, including tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, and board. In addition, Scholars are invited to participate in a special awards program and receive ongoing leadership-development support.
Apply NOW to GE Reagan ($10k) Scholarship
Contact: Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, 40 Presidential Drive, Semi, California and 850 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC, https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/ge-reagan/
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