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Press Release for Anthony Gay @ “Hot-Seat!”
Parents are already exhausted, and while many welcome the sound of back to school, just so they can get a break from the summer has come to an abrupt end for most parents around the country. However, parent’s reality is that they are new teachers whether they are ready or not!
Step right up, no training necessary – All parents are now school teachers, but without the salary, experience, nor a say in the matter. Here’s a parent and a professional who says …
“Parents have no choice! They’ve gotta do it, and I’m going to share with them why I believe it’s a better idea than going back to traditional school.”
Anthony Gay, President, Welcome 2 Reality, LLC
Anthony Gay is in the “Hot-Seat” this week on exhausted parents, fatherhood, and becoming a teacher during COVID. He’s an educator, entrepreneur, and writer who is devoting his life to the overall change in narrative for today’s youth!
He’s going to help parents understand this new education model and how they are adding to their resume … Teacher!
Finding success as a facilitator-teacher-trainer was easy. Designing pieces of training around mindset and how we see things as important helped many children, families, and men. So mindset shifts are something that remains as he continues to foster positive outcomes using real-world examples that are both clear and understandable.
Eventually, facilitation and teaching became a passion, and while at Post University and, he learned the art of how to researching for purpose, creating modules around existing needs he could and has designed, and develop award-winning training materials.
As the President and CEO of Welcome 2 Reality LLC and the creator of socially conscious content through media. Mr. Gay’s primary emphasis is improving communities by advocating for the equality for and rights of fathers.

Notable Accomplishments
- A leader in the Realm of Fatherhood in Connecticut
- Admissions Counselor at Post University
- Basketball Coach (High School & College Levels)
- Co-Author – Training for Cultural Competancu, Family-Centered Assessments, Fatherhood, Human TraffickingProfessionalism, Trauma, Working with Adolescents and more
- Developed and Co-Created the Man-Up Program Youth Series
- Multiple Award Recipient
- Ran Successful Music Label
- Sought After Lecturer & Seminar Presenter
- Successful Entrepreneur
Anthony Gay can be reached through his Welcome 2 Reality website. Thank you for reading.
New to the Roundtable?
The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics. It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues. There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach. These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.
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