Education Updates Today – Welcoming the First Round 12 (COVID-19) Edition Hot-Seat Sitters Back to the Roundtable for Re-cap, Reviews, and Updates. Take your seat at the table, eat as much as you can sharing the content with others freely.
A big shout out to each of the professionals who were so willing to share their experience and wisdom with our members, each considered founding members of the Roundtable forever. There would be no beginning without you.
A quick shout-out to those who actually were fore-runners in shaping what we now know as the Urban Academics Roundtable. Your work and/or contribution will never be forgotten:
- Monet Byrd (Charlotte, NC)
- Andre Evans (Boston, Mass)
- Denise Ladson-Jonson (Charleston, South Carolina)
- Annette Kim Singletary (Phoneix, AZ)
Introducing the First Round 12, the Urban Academics Roundtable
- Kaye Harvey (Atlanta, GA and New Haven, CT), President & CEO, Alexis Hills Montesorri Schools, Inc.
- Lonnisha Minor (Charlotte, NC), NC Mental Health Professional
- Doreen Wade (Boston, Mass), Editor-In-Chief, New Egland Insider Magazine (NEI)
- Ed Joyner (New Haven, CT), Ph.D., New Haven Public Schools, Secretary of the Board, Former President of the Board
- Reverend James Whitfield (New Haven, CT), Re-Entry & Community-Based Programs
- Lonai Mosley (New York, NY), Creative Educator, Entrepreneur, Producer, and Teacher
- Teresa Giles (Syracuse, NY), Author, Educator, and Entrepreneur
- James Hills (Boston, Mass), Interim Executive Director, Drive Boston
- Brittanye Mackey (Waltham, Mass), International Student Advisor, Bentley Univerisity
- Sharon Hinton (Boston, Mass), President & CEO, Black Teachers Matter, Inc.
- Clairesa Clair (Brooklyn, NY) Educator, Entrepreneur, President & CEO of BLERD City, Inc.
- Katurah Bryant (New Haven, CT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT), Licensed Addictions & Drug Counselor, and CEO of Global Alchemy Group
This will be a most POWERFUL talk with folks from all over the country, and if you’ve stumbled onto this page, we welcome you to join us on Thursday’s at 9:30 PM (EST).
Getting on the Call is as Easy as 1 – 2 – 3
- Dial-In: 712.770.5605
- Access Code: 508941
- Eat and Share as Much Content as Possible
Are you, or someone you know is intereted in sitting in the Urban Academics HOT-Seat? Please, get in touch: contact@urban-academics.com
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