Category Archives: The Magazine

Here Is A Quick Cure For THE VERDICT 4.20.21

Here Is A Quick Cure For The April 20, 2021 VERDICT – It is In, and millions celebrate a 500-year victory on the backs of so many – Not only black folks have experienced injustice, but we are talking about America, these United States therein. GUILTY is a start, but it’s NOT a cure for injustice or police brutality built into a system of how things are done.

It appears ORDERS now come from the top of our new administration (SEE VIDEO BELOW)! The world exhales for the first time a police officer was thrown the BOOK – Ever! There is a GOD who can show us who BOSS is! Money cannot fix the heart of man – Only the human condition can do that; The LAW of reciprocity and Love.

As we celebrate the 1st Birthday of The Urban Academics Roundtable, we take pride in standing up in a time when the world shut down. No one person has all the answers, but together we can overcome obstacles that haven’t been invented yet.

Three Books You Should Read NOW

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

The following represent the Chosen for this generation in his order. AS you listen to each segment, try to apply each nugget to your life or situation. People come and go, but NOT this forty-eight.

Listen and learn – Then run and tell somebody else to do the same; it will come back to you 10, 20, 50, 75, and 100 fold. The LAW of giving and take Karma, reciprocity, reaping, and sowing all have to do with the idea that it is good to be the change you want to see; Or Do what you want to happen.

In This Week’s HOT-Seat; Introducing The HOT-Seat @ The Urban Academics Roundtable Seasons I, II, III, IV (COVID-19 Edition

SEASON ONE (12 Chosen Visionaries)

The Urban Academics Roundtable has been bringing the HOT-Seat for 52-Weeks totaling over 365 days. The first Urban Academics Roundtable was live on a recorded line, Thursday, April 16, 2020 – Dab smack in the middle of COVID-19. When the world shut down, everyone here stood up, looked for help and resources to share with others.

The first is always the last when you turn around. Forerunners sometimes get run over, it’s true. Some folks say the good guy ends up last, and the good girl marries trash. It doesn’t matter what they say. We have proof in real-time that life if given – Wake up living, NOW! If you’re a Chosen Visionary, To Get in the Hot Seat, CLICK HERE!

SEASON II (12 Chosen Visionaries)

In season II, we were in awe of who would show up to The Weekly Roundtable? It became clear that we were onto something, but the goal has always been to capture the moment in more than just pictures, from people living the inner-city urban experience.

Each segment became more and more RAW, REAL, and RELEVANT, and the plan was becoming clearer by the day. As we continued to move forward, after all, what else was there to do amongst COVID-19? Who knew from season II to season III folks would be reaching out to us – Folks, we would not have approached so early, even before BETA Membership 2021.

Everyone is talking about it – George Floyd’s death sparked a worldwide frenzy at a time when a worldwide pandemic is happening. The world is not changing; It has CHANGED! We want to hear from you – Please join us at the table for a Raw, Real, and Relevant conversation sharing Quick Cures for The Verdict of April twentieth (4.20.21), Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST). It’s FREE, but you’ve got to REGISTER HERE.

“Systemic Racism puts a strain on our souls.”

US President Joe Biden

“Today, we feel a sigh of release. A single act of justice does NOT mean EQUAL Justice!”

US Vice President Kamala Harris

Watch Video of US President and Vice President Address the Nation on another cure for The Verdict. It is so honest of an account – Proof that GOD is in control…

SEASON III (12 Chosen Visionaries)

By the time we arrived at season III, young people were lying down on highways, and the National Guard was dispatched to different parts of the country due to police brutality and basic outrage. Who said it’s too late? No such thing – We’ve had many young black men killed over the years for nothing – The Time is NOW!

It was clear this platform and what would happen within it had little to do with what we wanted as Co-Moderators.; Once it started, it grew stronger and began designing itself based on those sitting at the table and their individual needs.

Please join us at the Roundtable – We promise those who arrive will be on VIP and voice their thoughts early on? You can speak in order of your appearance. RSVP CLICK HERE.

SEASON IV (12 Chosen Visionaries)

Season IV (12 Chosen Visionaries)

Here we are at the close of season four (4) of the HOT-Seat @ The Urban Academics Roundtable. We were trying to understand Leadings (#1) and Anchors (#12) we built in the Green Room Experience at 9:15 PM. Some might refer to it as the VIP section? Let me know in the comments section if you’re Old School?

As we enter the close of 48 segments, 365 days of moving forward, we are proud to be here at the age of one (1). Here you all are. Present – NOW in the midst of a most precedented event in JUDICIAL HISTORY. A police officer was declared GUILTY of ALL charges for murdering a black man. This is the first time that has ever happened.

BONUS – Twenty-Five Women Speakers With Black Girl Joi

Twenty-Five Women Speakers With Black Girl Joy

Chosen Visionaries have been sitting at the Urban Academics Roundtable for over 1-year, and injustice, among other things, has been a constant during each segment.

CLICK HERE for BETA Membership

CLICK HERE for Daily New

CLICK HERE to Reserve the HOT-Seat


To RSVP for a Seat at Thursday’s Birthday Celebration and Quick Cures for The Verdict, CLICK HERE.

How To Make Your VIRAL MARKETING HACK Look Like A Million Bucks

If you’re looking for virtual marketing hacks, look no further than Mr. Glenn Murray, a Marketing & Viral Promotions Expert and Guru. He is the Principal Founder of 220 Communications, the parent company to 220 Publishing and Food, Wine, and Spirits Ventures.

Mr. Murray has led viral social media campaigns that have generated over 1-Million impressions for the arts, film, music, and culinary events, and he’s in this week’s hot-Seat giving up his secret sauce! Let’s talk about business – What it takes to make it wherever you’re trying to go; Authors, Businessfolks, Experts. Free-Lancers, Lifetime Students, Small-Business Owners, and parents! To Get on this call – Thursday’s at 9:30 PM (EST).

When we talk about Viral Marketing, it’s the process of getting the word out about a product, service, or both to the masses. I believe if your campaign generates over 1 million impressions, it’s considered to have gone “Viral.”

Some Viral Videos, however, don’t benefit the creator, either because they are not regularly publishing videos to YouTube or Vimeo, so how would they know how to monetize. The second way is when someone posts a random video they just captured in the car. She uploads and boom – The video of a cat laying next to a dog playing nicely gets 2 million views – When that happens, Ellen’s Show will call

Three Books You Should Read NOW

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

You are welcome to join us for an evening of enlightenment with another Chosen Visionary for these times. We’ll be at The Urban Academics Round-table with the GURU, who can change your situation virtually overnight. Bring an apron, bib, a fork, spoon, and knife; This is going to be yummy! Also, please DO

NOT FORGET TO BRING SOMEONE WITH YOU; It’s FREE, but you’ve got to Register HERE First!

Glenn Murray Chicago, IL Social Media Expert on Going Viral To Get The Bag Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST),
Glenn Murray Chicago, IL Social Media Expert on Going

If you are someone looking to get your book, idea, message, or thoughts out into the world, do these three things before you do anything else: (1) Decide who your target market is (ALL demographics included); (2) Figure out where those folks are in groups (large groups); and (3) Use YouTube to create a strategy based on what other successful marketers are using. If you need help, The Urban Academics is in the business of working with Authors & Entrepreneurs. You can register FREE and start from there!

Notable Accomplishments

Three Things You Need To Do Now

What’s More?

Mr. Glenn Murray is a man who enjoys watching TV or a good movie when he’s not busy attempting to save the world. A true gem in the fields of Marketing and Promotions.; You should get at him – Leave a message in the comments section below. Thank you for reading.

Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, CEOs, Child Advocates, Civil Service Members, Content Creators, Educators, Entrepreneurs, First Responders, Guidance Counselors, Journalists, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible. CLICK HERE FOR HOT-SEAT INFO!

Restrict access to this content? 

The Best April Fools Joke Ever – The Crucifixion of Jesus

Some might agree it would be the best joke ever if Jesus yelled “April Fools” when they found him missing from the tomb – After the Crucifixion! According to the story, Jesus was hung on a cross/tree and left for dead. They didn’t know ransomed for the whole world to see, and it backfired. The rest is considered Easter.

Today, it might be easier to believe in April Fool’s pranks and hoaxes; It’s hard to think of Jesus actually “Cracking the Sky” and coming back physically to rapture up his people. Do you believe he’s coming back? Do you believe that time is near? Could the crucifixion be more of a metaphor than anything else?

If you can remember, Easter was canceled for the first time in 2020 during COVID-19 leaving many folks with mixed feelings. But this week’s HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary brings the fire bridging the gap between April Fool’s, The Crucifixion, and Easter – His name again is Elder Roger Wilkins, and he will be looking for you at the Roundtable – Do NOT Miss It. Please join us; Grab A Seat Here!

Three Books You Should Read Now!

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

You might think combining the crucifixion with comedic fun is disrespectful. You could be right if I’m guilty of pointing out certain things or leaning towards something other than the familiar. However, the world as we knew it had changed forever. What was hidden in plain sight can be no more. We cannot ignore the obvious to fit into a status quo that does not include us.

There are so many holidays considered pagan, but Easter can become very sensitive because it deals with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. No one really wants to be on the wrong side of that argument. Just be open enough to enjoy each moment, including those when your brain begins to sharpen with new concepts and ideas.

There’s nothing new here – Any man of the cloth can make the correlation to Satan’s upset when Jesus was no longer in the tomb and came up missing. If he (satan) were omnipresent, could Jesus had gotten away with it? On the flip side, if these Bible accounts are too much for your belief system, you can still see the humor in the story as it relates to April Fools and Easter – FOr some odd reason, they are all rolled up together this year. That’s humor and irony!

In This Week’s HOT-Seat

Dining with us at The Urban Academics Roundtable this week is Elder Roger Wilkins, a Pastor who uses humor built into his Bible Lessons. Elder Wilkins is Pastor at Maranatha Life Changing Ministries in New Haven, CT. Grab A Seat At The Table; It’s FREE, but you’ve got to register here!

Elder Roger Wilkins, Pastor of Maranatha Life Changing Ministries New Haven CT in The HOT-Seat Thursdays at 9:30 PM RSVP:

Elder Wilkins has years of experience in Church Administration, which include with them certain disciplines that can only be found in the Church Of God In Christ organization (COGIC);

He has served as Minister of Music, Sunday school, and WPWW teacher on the local, jurisdictional, and national levels. He served as Church Administrator and Jurisdiction Secretary.

Notable Accomplishments

  • College Education: The Academy for Business and Careers
  • College Education: The University of Connecticut
  • Founder: Maranatha Ministries COGIC Inc.
  • Founder: Maranatha Life Changing Ministries
  • Ordained Minister: Ordained an Elder by Bishop C.H. Brewer Jr. in July of 1981
  • National Appointment: Administrative Assistant to Bishop HD Bordeaux, Jurisdictional AIM Chairman, Jurisdictional Financial Secretary, and National Adjutant
  • Retirement: State of Connecticut Department of Correction

Three Things You Should DO Now!

What’s More?

Personal Resume

Elder Roger Wilkins was married to the late Wanda Lee Moore for thirty years before her sudden passing in 2010. From this union, two beautiful daughters were born; Erica and Ashley Wilkins. By God’s grace Elder Wilkins continues to work the work of Him who has called him. In His service, until He comes,

Getting in touch with Elder. Wilkins after his HOT-Seat is easy. Use the space in the comments section below. Thank you.

Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, CEOs, Child Advocates, Civil Service Members, Content Creators, Educators, Entrepreneurs, First Responders, Guidance Counselors, Journalists, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible. CLICK HERE FOR HOT-SEAT INFO!

Number Six With A Mindblowing Getting Organized, Prepared Being Ready

Opportunity is the number one reported obstacle of why most people don’t pursue dreams, or in other words, their true calling. There are probably about 97% of the population falling into this category. But there is another three percent, and they make up the creatives and risk-takers who know no bounds to their thoughts snd ways. They are sometimes black sheep or wayward children – they don’t want to walk in a line unless they need to pass.

Number Six With A Mindblowing Getting Organized, Prepared Being Ready – Do you really want to know her secret? You are welcome to watch (listen) to the Raw, Real, and Relevant Replay below. Don’t forget you can leave questions for Lady Lonai Mosley, and she will get back to you. Meanwhile, please Subscribe to Urban Academics YouTube Channel.

More About Lonai Mosley

Lonai Mosley runs a fantastic digital boutique in Brooklyn, NY. Known to mere mortals as the Media Money Maker Mogul, she’s carved out quite the career in working with NYC Schools, entertainment companies, and more! She is HOT Seat Chosen Visionary Number VI, Season I. Enjoy!

Linwood Ali Jabaar Branham And His Love Train For Black Folks

What do people do when they forget who they are? This is the question this generation of black folks face when they stare themselves in the face and admit the truth. Who, what, when, where, and how did we get programmed this way?

What way? You might ask, and I’m glad you did (ask). This week’s HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary will take care of that with his plea for every boy, girl, man, and woman would say “Yes To Love!” Linwood Ali Jabbar Bran question and many more at the Urban Academics Roundtable – This week is no different, a Freedom Fighter, Historian, Writer, Founder and CEO of The Society of Former Slaves and Freemen, Inc.

GRAB-A-SEAT at The Roundtable (One-Time Registration) HERE

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

In This Week’s HOT-Seat

Mr. Linwood Ali Jabbar Branham Sr. is a life-long resident of New Haven, Connecticut, dedicating his life to the fight for justice, freedom, equality, and education for those who suffered systemic racism. He is the founder and CEO of The Society of Former Slaves and Freemen, Inc., a non-profit organization that promotes the education, liberation, and inspiration of people of color with an emphasis on the youth.

Mr. Branham is a motivational speaker on both local and national stages and on radio stations too! He’s worked closely with Churches, Elementary, Middle, High Schools, Colleges, Universities, and Juvenile Detention Centers to spread his love for learning and blacks and brown people. The motto is to get the message out by any means necessary. His passion is participating as a panelist with organizers of committees focused on education and black issues and speaking to groups of today’s youth.

Linwood Ali Jabaar Branham New Haven Connecticut
Linwood Ali Jabaar Branham New Haven Connecticut

The “Love Train,” according to Mr. Linwood, is a vehicle anyone can climb aboard, no change, no bills, just goodwill one towards another. To this chosen visionary, there’s no stopping us as black folks – They’ve tried everything, but it’s God’s will to use his chosen people, which is us. So, change your mind about hate, starting today. Here’s a special invitation for you to dine with us at the Urban Academics Roundtable. GRAB A SEAT HERE!

Notable Accomplishments

  • A loving Father and Grandfather
  • A visionary who sees history as a continual unfolding of God’s Perfect Will
  • A Writer and Historical Storyteller
  • An organized and commemorated the 1st annual Black Holocaust Memorial ceremony in the nation (2014)
  • Entrepreneur: Founder and CEO of The Society of Former Slaves and Freemen, Inc.

Three Things You Should DO

What’s More?

Mr. Linwood Ali Jabaar Branham, through education, helps people heal and promote awareness prevention. When he’s not busy saving the world, gardening, growing flowers and food are his past times. Getting in touch with Mr. Branham is easy; use the comments section below. Thank you.

Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible. CLICK HERE FOR HOT-SEAT INFO!


What happens when you combine beauty and smarts, technology and skill, and the called and chosen? A major move in the natural and the spirit! During these days of COVID-19, we are well aware that there must be RAM in the Bush!

Churches are closed, and most schools do not have the capacity to fully open – They can’t begin to understand what today’s kids face in the new world adults have been forced into. Where, or to whom do our children run when they’ve run out answers or tears of their own?

This week’s HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary is one who is seeing great success and living her best life. However, that’s not always been her story; One including Child Sexual Abuse, and even Breast Cancer. Here are survivor stories from one who lived to tell. You must jump on this call – One that can save your mind and ultimately your life. It’s FREE, but you’ve got to REGISTER HERE!

Struggling To Be Me; No Longer Silent and invisible at The Table by Rev. Willetta (Lettie) Ar-Rahmaan ($14.00 On Amazon)

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

In This Week’s HOT-Seat

Rev. Willetta “Lettie” Ar-Rahmaan, M.Div., MSIS is an Author, Bi-Vocational Ordained Baptist Minister, employed by IBM Software Quality Engineer Manager. She is the owner and visionary of On The Move Ministries, LLC, the former pastor of St. Paul United Methodist Church in Newton, NC, and former Minister of Assimilation at First Baptist Church West in Charlotte, NC. She’s a native of Hamden, CT, but completed high school in Durham, NC.

Rev. Willetta (Lettie) Ar-Rahmaan, Author, Computer Engineer for IBM, and Ordained Baptist Minister Dines at The Urban Acaemic Roundtable Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST):

Notable Accomplishments:

  • A MINISTER: Bi-vocational Ordained Baptist Minister
  • AUTHOR (Best Selling): Struggling To Be Me: No Longer Silent & Invisible at the Table. by Lettie Ar-Rahmaan ($14.00)
  • AWARDS: Technology All-Star award for Women of Color in STEM
  • EDUCATION: Associate of Science in Data Processing from Gateway Community College
  • EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from North Carolina Central University
  • EDUCATION: Master of Science in Information Systems from Strayer University
  • EDUCATION: Master of Divinity from The Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University.
  • PUBLISHED: “Dancing with God,” and a 21-Day Prayer Journal
  • PUBLISHED: “Lord Take My Ordinary Life and Mind” for two women ministries
  • PUBLISHED: A Sermon, “Breaking the Silence,” published in The African American Pulpit. 
  • SPECIALIZED TRAINING: church transformation and church vitality through the United Methodist Church
  • SPECIALIZED TRAINING: Connection Matter Congregation Trainer through Prevent Child Abuse, North Carolina

GRAB A COPY OF REV. WILLETTA (Lettie) Ar-Rahmann’s New Best Selling Book, Struggling To Be Me: No Longer Silent & Invisible at the Table. ($12.00) at AMAZON.COM!

Three Things You Should DO

What’s More?

Rev. Lettie believes through education, we can help people heal and promote awareness prevention. Lettie is the mother of one daughter and grandmother of three young women; Her Tag Line: #educatehealprevent.

Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

Why Did Slaves Grow Up In The Southern Colonies

If you’re alive right now, it seems as if the thought of slavery is a thing of the past, like hundreds and hundreds of years ago; And while that is true, it really is not! The truth continues to point to these truths: Not every man is created equal and as petty as it may sound, that truth includes the fact that most folks in the United States have been trained to hate on some level causing many black and brown people to be mistreated.

On the surface, it may appear that we as a people are out of control; or simply have lost the way. Here’s the question: If we are not sure where we came from, how shall we ever return to a place where we know the truth. It seems impossible at best to believe we can ever truly experience what the actual slaves lived within the United States, but it goes down in history as having the largest groups of cash crops in the world.

The “experience” as it were, and its lingering effects are considered horrific, yes, but what would be more horrible is if we do not accurately account for these experiences in our voice as documentalists or story-tellers. But that all ends now with this week’s Urban Academics HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary. She spends her days interpreting the experience of 75-100 slaves who lived and died at the McLeod Plantation in Charleston South Carolina.

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

Who’s In This Week’s HOT-Seat

Reverend Toby Smith was born in Charleston, South Carolina, but grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She’s a graduate of USC, Columbia, and has done graduate work at American University and Colorado Christian University. Toby began her professional career at the Central Intelligence Agency, where she served domestically and abroad.

After eight years with the Federal Government, she returned home and began working at the Charleston County School District as the Public Relations Officer under the leadership of the late Superintendent, Sydney “Chip” Zullinger, who selected her to coordinate the district’s first bond campaign dedicated to repairing old dilapidated schools. That campaign led to politics and, her passion for the political process.

Rev. Smith’s biggest and boldest adventure to date: Commemoration 400, Charleston’s, year-long reflection on the experience of the enslaved and their descendants.  Today, Toby is the Lead Interpretive Aide at McLeod Plantation Historic Site; One of two cultural locations in the US presenting slavery issues from the enslaved perspective. In this role, Toby interacts with guests and visitors from all over the world while telling compelling stories of the 74-100 enslaved people who lived and died at McLeod Plantation.

Rev. Toby Smith, Cultural Interpreter and Licensed Ordained Minister, HOT-Seat Visionary Number 41, Charleston SC
Rev. Toby Smith, Cultural Interpreter and Licensed Ordained Minister, HOT-Seat Visionary Number 41, Charleston SC

Notable Accomplishments

  • FIRSTS: City of Charleston Mayoral Candidate on Racial Reconciliation and engaging communities in need
  • FIRSTS: Charleston Metro Credit Union’s First African-American Director of the Affairs Group
  • MINISTRY: Licensed Ordained Minister at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church (Rev. Willis Glover, Sr., Pastor)
  • SERVICE: Assists the Food and Clothing Ministry
  • SERVICE: Executive Director of Midland Park Community Ministries
  • SERVICE: Expanded food pantry and clothes closet programming and services to Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester Counties
  • SERVICE: Non-Profit Grants development and strategy funding
  • SERVICE: Non-Profit Grant Reviewer for the Compassion Capital Fund
  • SERVICE: Taught financial literacy, first-time homebuyer, pre-and post-bankruptcy, and mortgage default classes throughout the state of South Carolina
  • SERVICE: Weekly Bible study, and Sunday School Classes
  • SERVICE: Worked with Youth and Women’s Ministries
  • Writer: IMARA Woman magazine (Columbia, SC), covering education and financial literacy

Three Things You Should DO

Are You New To The Weekly Roundtable

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

Everything You Wanted to Know About GULLAH GEECHEE PEOPLE and Were Too Embarrassed to Ask

We celebrate BLACKNESS every day, but across the world, February is a constant reminder of how far we’ve come as a people; Look @ Us! Closing out Black History Month 2021 COVID-19 Edition is a historian caught in the “Twilight Zone.” Someone who can remember “Before Freedom!”

My mother was born and raised in a tiny little place in South Carolina, not even on the map, one of twelve siblings, yet I’ve never heard her refer to the term “Geechee Gullah, nor Gullah Geechee, but why? Learning of this cultural and wealthy legacy has changed my life, and I pray it changes yours as you travel through time with a tour guide who uses the term “After Freedom.”

Black History month may be coming to a close based on the world’s calendar, but Being black in America will always be a mixed-bag of emotionally charged questions from one generation to the next. However, today is the dawning of a new day where the truth shall make us free. Change has come. Let us not miss this moment.


Gullah is a combination of Creolized language taking root through customs, traditions, and awful circumstances resulting from slavery in the US. This “Gullah” language was spoken by slaves settling in both South Carolina and Georgia. It’s not written language; It’s the passage and patios of the Lowcountry.

A good pot of GUMBO passed down over time might sum it up? African, English, and any adaptations, expressions, and words – Even foreign languages picked up, based on slave owner’s nationality.

The word “Gullah” might be a mixture of the African word Gora or Gola (names of tribes living in Sierra Leone). Some believe the Gala or Gallinas are the African connection for the Gullah people in the Sea Islands.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

Who’s In The HOT-Seat

Alphonso Brown, Author, Entrepreneur and Famous Historian of Gullah Geechee Culture in the HOR-Seat at Urban Academics Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST:
Alphonso Brown, Author, Entrepreneur and Famous Historian of Gullah Geechee Culture in the HOR-Seat at Urban Academics Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST:

Alphonso Brown was born and reared in Rantowles, SC, a rural area about 12 miles south of Charleston. He graduated from Baptist Hill High School. He received a BS Degree from S. C. State University in Music and a Masters’s from Southern Illinois University. Other Graduate studies in music include The University of SC, Charleston University, and The Citadel.

Notable Accomplishments

Author: A Gullah Guide To Charleston, by Alphonso Brown – BUY THE BOOK NOW

A Gullah Guide To Charleston, by Alphonso Brown ($5.01)

Professional Affiliations, and Memberships

  • Entrepreneur: Owner & Operator, Gullah Tours
  • Lecturer: The Gullah Language & Black History of Charleston
  • Licensed Tour Guide | City of Charleston, SC
  • National Educators Association
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.
  • SC Band Directors Association
  • SC Music Educators Association
  • The American Hymn Society

What’s More?

King Alonso is a member and the organist/choirmaster of Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church in Charleston. His concert choir participates in community events throughout the Southeast at colleges, churches, Fortune 500 conventions, and the Kellogg Foundation convention. And the annual Piccolo Spoleto Festival of Churches, where they do an all-Negro Spiritual Concert, looks forward. Also, every other year, the Choir performs the Dubois’ “Seven Last Words of Christ. During Christmas, they fulfill several selections from Handel’s Messiah.

Mr. Brown is a retired Band Director from The Charleston County School District, where he worked at Rivers High/Middle School for many years. He and his late wife, Laquines, are the proud parents of three sons: Howard, Terrence, and Joel, three daughters-in-law, and presently, eight grandchildren.

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Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

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What Everyone Ought To Know About MATTERS OF THE HEART; How to Cope With Death and Dying

Death, Dying, and Matters of The Heart are significant now more than ever before most folks. COVID-19 has left the world grieving without closure. Yet, we all must continue going on without our lost family, friends, and loved ones.

We send your family’s condolences amongst those experiencing extreme loss of any kind, COVID-19 related or not. The overarching prayer is that you allow God’s blanket of love to cover your body, mind, and spirit, today and forever.

Loss in basic terms regardless of level (car, home, keys, money, etc.) can be devastating, but when a funeral home is involved, it hit’s a little different. There’s no turning back from tomorrow, next week, year, and forever; And this is true for an entire community. This week in the HOT-Seat is someone who works with families in crisis every day, providing professional service and hope for a future. He’s the bridge between the living and the dead. Don’t miss this one because it involves us all.

You cannot buy a ticket to this table, but if you are reading this; you have a divine reservation with your name on it. CLICK HERE to RESERVE A SEAT.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

In the HOT Seat

Palmer L Dupree, Sr., General Director and Funeral Director at Long & Son’s Mortuary Service. located in Charlotte, NC. Mr. Palmer is responsible for the overall funeral experience; they (funerals) are essential for grief, healing, and loss. These gatherings create unforgettable memories of loved ones, both living and gone on to be with the lord. Traditionally, It’s a particular time where everyone gathers from far and near to pay tribute. Memories from these events should live on forever.

Today, because of COVID-19 and social distancing, so many of us have had to say good-bye to our loved ones over a Zoom call or attend services wearing masks, unable to embrace in hugs. The African-American community has been the most challenging part of these kinds of losses—the pains associated with closure and the lack thereof.

On Death and Dying; Matters of the Heart

It is true that death and dying may be morbid but deserves attention and discussion; If you are reading this, even you have a date with GOD, you cannot pray or talk yourself out of it. With that said, let us explore what happens when you contact someone like Mr. Dupree or find yourself involved with a funeral home because you have lost a loved one.

Long & Son’s Mortuary

Long’s Mortuary, established in 1947 in Charlotte, NC, was managed by Lem Long, Jr. and Beamon Long (his uncle). One year later (1948), It became Long & Aery Funeral Home, and three years later went back to the name “Long’s Mortuary.” By 1958 (10-years later), Longs Mortuary relocated again to 2312 Beatties Ford Road, where it remains today. It’s a beautiful facility that is extremely professional.

By 1971, Long’s Mortuary morphed into Long & Son’s Mortuary Service (Mrs.) Eddie Vaughn Long, wife of Lem Long, Jr., and their son, Lem Long III, joining their team.

Long’s is a family and black-owned and operated business while serving Mecklenburg County and the surrounding areas.

1st Fleet

Current Fleet

Are You Interested in Becomming a Mortician?

In most U.S. states, Morticians need a minimum of an Associate’s Degree in mortuary science, but depending on the establishment, they may prefer those who have earned a bachelor’s. To become a funeral director or an embalmer, you must become licensed; However, you have not completed one to three years of experience at a licensed funeral home.

New To The Weekly Roundtable?

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or to get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary, or with the Urban Academics staff. Ask away and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

The Ultimate Deal On GULLAH GEECHEE (Charleston, SC) HISTORY And Real-Time Wisdom

If you were to google “Gullah” you would find terms like Gullah-Gullah Island, Gullah language, food/restaurants, etc. So where did the term Geechee Gullah, or Ghulla-Geechee come from? What’s the true history around this interestingly POWERFUL development of black folks, who I hear, landed in South Caroling as FREE Men; but later became slaves. Tonight; We’ll find out, you should grab a seat?

In this week’s HOT-Seat is a Chosen Visionary you cannot afford to miss. This is the closest you might ever get to a historian of this caliber, who has directly involved in the fight for Civil Rights his entire life. You can sit with him capturing nuggets of wisdom and learning truths you can’t get anywhere else. You can ask good questions getting age-old answers (from someone who was there).

You cannot buy a ticket to this table, but if you are reading this; you have a divine reservation with your name on it. CLICK HERE to RESERVE A SEAT.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

Who’s In The HOT-Seat

Rev. Nelson B. Rivers, III

Pastor, Charity Missionary Baptist Church, North Charleston, SC, and Vice President, Religious Affairs and External Relations, National Action Network (NAN)

In July 2014, Rev. Rivers became Vice President of Religious Affairs and External Relations of the National Action Network (NAN) under the courageous leadership of the Rev. Al Sharpton. Rev. Rivers is honored to work with Rev. Sharpton in an organization known for taking action in todays’ civil rights battles.

In September 2008, Rev. Rivers became Pastor of Charity Missionary Baptist Church in the Liberty Hill community of North Charleston, SC. He is committed to preaching and teaching the “liberating good news”of Jesus Christ. 

For over 38 years Rev. Rivers worked at every level of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) including President, North Charleston, South Carolina Branch; Executive Director,South Carolina State Conference; Director, Southeast Region; Chief Operating Officer, twice as Chief of Field Operations, and Vice President of Stakeholder Relations from 2008 until May 2014.

His civil rights work led to the election of more than 300 new black elected officials in South Carolina between 1986 and 1994. He was a leading organizer of the largest civil rights demonstration in the history of South Carolina when over 50,000 marched in Columbia, SC, in January 2000 to demand the removal of the Confederate Battle Flag. Rev. Rivers was there when the flag was finally removed from the front of the capital in 2015.

Noteable Accomplishments

  • PASTOR, Charity Missionary Baptist Church (North Charleston, SC)
  • Appearances: Rev. Rivers has appeared on BET, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, Sky News, and 60 Minutes.
  • Appearances: Rev. Rivers has a speaking role in the movie Separate but Equal starring Sidney Poitier.
  • Appointments: to the Board of Directors of the Direct Action and Research Training Center, (DART); A national network of grassroots, nonprofit, congregation-based community organizations that brings people together
  • Membership: Founding Member of CAJM in 2011; CAJM is an inter-faith, inter-religious, inter-racial group of 30 congregations and organizations in the Charleston, SC area doing justice through congregational work.
  • Membership: immediate past co-president of the Charleston Area Justice Ministry (CAJM)
  • Service: Board of Trustees of Wilberforce University from 1994 until 2014 and is now Trustee Emeritus.
  • Speaker/Preacher: invited and spoke at the historic Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Al where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. pastored. 

Three Movies You Should Buy

  1. Gulla Gulla Island, Season 1 (3-Discs) by Nickelodeon ($14.99)
  2. Songs Uv Dee Gullah Pee’Puls, by Matrix Media Inc. ($42.82)
  3. Daughters of the Dust, by Kino International ($49.99)

What’s More?

Rev. Rivers’has received numerous awards for his civil rights and community work, include, but are not limited to:

  • Honorary Doctor of Humanities Degree, Wilberforce University
  • Induction in Wilberforce University Association Hall of Fame• Induction into the South Carolina Black Hall of Fame
  • Medgar Evers Award of Excellence in 2004 as the top NAACP staff professional
  • Honored with the month of October 2008 South Carolina African American Heritage Calendar
  • 2016 H. E. DeCosta Trailblazer Award by South Carolina African American Heritage Commission
  • 2018 Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Vision Award by the YWCA of Greater Charleston during their MLK Celebration
  • 2018 Grimke Award Recipient from The Sophia Institute

Rev. Rivers is guided by the words of Jesus the Christ found in the Gospel of Mark 10:43: “Yet it shall not be so among you, but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.” He is honored to be a servant of the people of God!

He is married to the former Carolyn Smalls of Charleston and has five children and eight grandchildren. He received his bachelor’s degree from Wilberforce University in Ohio, which is the first private Black-owned and operated university in America. He is pursuing his Master of Divinity at Erskine Theological Seminary, Due West, SC. mHe is a lifelong servant in the fight for justice!

New To The Weekly Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Affiliates.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or to get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary, or with the Urban Academics staff. Ask away and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.