Category Archives: Families

Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse - Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister RAW and True Thursdays 9:30 PM (EST)

Lies & Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse – Jocelyn Fagan in the “Hot-Seat” with New Book & Some Truth

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Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

In this Week’s “HOT-Seat”

Sexual abuse is just the tip of the ice-burg, and it’s time the conversation is brought to the table open for discussion. Children all over the world are abused and misused – Even the very institutions designed and developed to cure/fix/stop these problems are guilty of the same.

For some reason, pedophilia will always be with us as is the beggars, liar, robber, and thief. But what happens to the child with unresolved issues? Where does the wounded return when feelings of old creep up reminding a victim to feel like the perpetrator?

The “HOT-Seat” is warming up for Jocelyn Fagan (Tampa, FL), Entrepreneur, Licensed Minister, and Provisional Elder from Tampa, FL sharing her story of forgiveness and overcoming unbelievable life circumstances with a triumphant outcome. This one is sure to keep you on your toes – RAW and REAL … A story of abandonment, rejection, and sexual abuse – BUT Without Excuse/Repentance!

Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse - Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister RAW and True Thursdays 9:30 PM (EST)
Lies and Damn Lies About Sexual Abuse – Jocelyn Y Fagan (Tampa, Florida), an Author, Entrepreneur, and Licensed Minister shares her story RAW and True. In the “HOT-Seat”

“I am extremely compassionate about people feeling free, not making their past determine their futures!”

Jocelyn Y Fagan, Author, Entrepreneur and Licensed Minister

Notable Achievements

Minister Jocelyn’s published book, Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter is available NOW on Amazon Here! At the RoundTable, Jocelyn shares her personal experience in hopes that you will be willing to help a young person should they approach you with their truths. What will you do? What will you say?

Jocelyn Y Fagan is lives in Tampa, Florida with her husband Nathaniel and their son JaQ son. She is currently working on her second book.

New to the RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:

Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers PLEASE READ …

Back-Up Number: 209.399.9091 + Dial-In Number: 605.472.5272 # + Pin Number: 836692 #

Thank you for being here. We appreciate you!

Pierre Reddick is in the HOT-Seat on Using Creativity to Keep Kids Engaged in Education. He shares hacks, tips and tricks for Remote Learning

Best Edutainment Helpful for Kids – Pierre Reddick on Creative Teaching

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Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Pierre Reddick’s Press Release

In the Hot-Seat This Week …

This week we are pulling out the “HOT-Seat” for Mr. Pierre M Reddick, whose hometown is New Haven. CT, but he only went to school there for one year – His freshman year of high school. Before that, it was a small private day school in Branford, CT, where he and his sister were no doubt the minority, but fitting in nicely.

The long ride out to Branford every day seemed daunting for many people back in New Haven, and even fewer could understand why anyone would pay for school when it’s free, and you’re not rich?

For Pierre, it was the normal course of activity, and his creativity, love of life, the outdoors, and his ability to see the world through a broader lense is because he has never felt trapped – Not in the ways of education. After leaving New Haven Public Schools, he matriculated and graduated from Fort Mill, High School, graduated from Claflin University, attended Point Part University

Pierre Reddick is Co-Founder (PIMOSH Network), and Music Director for Crunch Bunch Kids. Pierre has also been quite successful in merging roles of educator and entrepreneur. The Urban Academics “HOT-Seat” because he can deliver hacks, tips, and tricks for inner-city urban students that will help parents, providers, and teachers tremendously.

“Being a teacher does not mean we want to replace parents. We would much rather partner with parents, but at the same time I’ve played the role of father to almost 400 scholars at any given moment.”

Pierre M Reddick

Notable Accomplishments

Pierre has been involved in the education field for five (5) years, and has served families in several capacities, including but not limited to the following:

  • Co-Founder & Creative Director at People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (PIMOSH)
  • Composition Facilitator
  • Crunch Bunch Music Producer
  • Dean of students
  • Five (5) Year Education Veteran in School System
  • HBCU Graduate (Claflin University Alum)
  • Interned at Atlantic Records
  • Lead Teacher for English Language Arts (ELA)
  • Music Producer & Writer
  • Teachers In Residence (TIR) Coordinator
  • Worked for CT School System
  • Worked for DC School System

To contact Pierre M Reddick, you can follow him on Instagram at thepierremarqui and Voisey as pthewriter to follow his new MUSIC journey

New to the RoundTable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics.  It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues.  There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach.  These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.

A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:

Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #

Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers PLEASE READ …

Back-Up Number: 209.399.9091 + Dial-In Number: 605.472.5272 # + Pin Number: 836692 #

Minister Dionne Thomas (Sacramento), Author, Entrepreneru and Prophet takes the "HOT-Seat" at Urban Academics Roundtable on the church, the libraries and our schools, Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST)

Dionne Thomas, Author, Entrepreneur Why Church, Library and School Really Work

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This week at the Roundtable, we are pulling out a seat for Minister Dionne Thomas (Sacramento, California), Author, Entrepreneur, and Prophet to the “HOT-Seat” at the Urban Academics Roundtable for a candid discussion on opening America’s churches, public libraries, and our public schools.

This conversation is timely, as the learning our children and families once depended on and all the leadership to go with it has all be disappeared. Those coming to this table are looking for answers, but many come with answers and ideas that can move black, brown, and poor folks forward.

Minister Dionne Thomas

Dionne Thomas (Sacramento, CA) is an Author, Entrepreneur, and woman of wisdom – Some call her a prophet to this generation, but why? Could it be that she was born for a time such as this to help a wayward generation decide which way to go?

What really is going on with our learning institutions? Where’s the church? When will libraries re-open, and what is going on with the public school system in this country?

Minister Dionne Thomas (Sacramento), Author, Entrepreneru and Prophet takes the "HOT-Seat" at Urban Academics Roundtable on the church, the libraries and our schools, Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST)

Get answers to these questions and more on Thursday night’s Roundtable

Little-girl Dionne was born into a family (paternal) with a long line of Clergy. Even she felt called to ministry at the young age of 9-years-old. Her love of family and its effect on children is the reason she is in this week’s “Hot-Seat.”

Members of the cloth in Lady Dionne’s family include, but are not limited to, great-grandfather Pastor El Vander Thomas’s grandfather Pastor Abraham Thomas, father Elder David Thomas, all now deceased were all ministers of the Gospel. Minister Dionne and her two brothers David, Jr., and Dwayne are also of the cloth. You can call it DNA or a Family Affair.

When Dionne was little, singing in the choir at her Grandfather’s church was a requirement, and she enjoys singing until this day – Will grab a microphone quick, whether it be to embellish a special song requested by an elder or to give a word folks have found valuable.

After her Grandfather retired from his church for full-time evangelism, Dionne joined Trinity Temple Church in New Haven. She was active in the church choir, state choir, participated in Sunday school and YPWW activities.

Along the journey, her aunt Evangelist Eloise Young started a singing group, which consisted of two cousins, her brother Dwayne and Minister Dionne.

She found herself serving others and volunteering in various church areas, including but not limited to serving as an Armor Bearer, a Choir Member, Intercessory Prayer Warrior, the Personal assistant to the First Lady, Sunday School President, and Sunday School Teacher.

One of her most favorable moments as a speaker of the gospel was entitled ​“Rekindling the Fire,​sponsored by Grace and Mercy ministry of deliverance.

Dionne, the Author, and Entrepreneur take a back seat to her passion – Speaking the gospel of Jesus Christ, which spills over into every area of her life.

Dionne is the proud mother of two children – A son, Paris, who is involved in church leadership, missions and is a minister of worship. Her daughter, N’Dia, is actively involved in her local church’s children’s ministry.

Dionne’s vision for the future is sharing the Gospel with everyone who will listen, regardless of the belief system. She is featured in the following book series: Chocolate & Diamonds for the Woman’s Soul, Volume 1.

County, Garry L McFadden, Black Lives Matter, Crime, Police Brutality, and "Homicide City." Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST)

Garry L McFadden, Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s 45th Sheriff, Black Lives Matter, Crime, Police Brutality, Racism, and Homicide City

Welcome to another segment of the Urban Academics Roundtable, where you get a good dose of food for the intellect – body, mind and soul.

The goal is to connect, educate, enlighten, equip, grow, help, inform, lead, love, share, and train black, brown and poor people who are called to children & Families, more specifically, around the line item of education, and the practical application of educating our kids.

Who was responsible for public schools in the US last year, and who will be responsible for educating our students by this time next year? Share your thoughts on these topics, questions get real answers you can use now!

County, Garry L McFadden, Black Lives Matter, Crime, Police Brutality, and "Homicide City." Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST)
County, Garry L McFadden, Black Lives Matter, Crime, Police Brutality, and “Homicide City.” Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST)

This week at the Roundtable’s “HOT-Seat” is Charlotte Mecklenburg’s 45th Sheriff Gary L McFadden, Black Lives Matter, Crime, Police Brutality, and “Homicide City.” Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST).

Pull up a seat at the table joining others from all over on a NEW LINE: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692. Feel free to share!

Carlton White Pays Tribute to Black Fathers in the Urban Academics "HOT-Seat" on Boys, Men, and Fathering Black, Brown and Poor Kids living the Uban Experience. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)

Rules Not to Follow About Fatherhood – Carlton White, Author/Entrepreneur with Advice

Welcome to another segment of the Urban Academics Roundtable, where you get a good dose of food for the intellect – body, mind and soul.

The goal is to connect, educate, enlighten, equip, grow, help, inform, lead, love, share, and train black, brown and poor people who are called to children & Families, more specifically, around the line item of education, and the practical application of educating our kids.

Who was responsible last year and who will be responsible by this time next year?

Carlton White Pays Tribute to Black Fathers in the Urban Academics "HOT-Seat" on Boys, Men, and Fathering Black, Brown and Poor Kids living the Uban Experience. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)

Carlton White Pays Tribute to Black Fathers in the Urban Academics “HOT-Seat” on Boys, Men, and Fathering Black, Brown and Poor Kids living the Uban Experience. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST).

Education Updates Today - First Round 12 at the Urban Academics Roundtable is a Recap, Review and Update of progress toward goals. Each of the 12 take back their HOT-Seat Moving Black, Brown, Poor and Others Living the Urban Experiene a Little Closer to the Changes the Roundtable Wants to See Happen Across the Country and Ultimately Across the World

Education Updates Today – Welcoming the First Round 12 (COVID-19) Edition Hot-Seat Sitters Back to Roundtable for Re-cap

Education Updates Today - First Round 12 at the Urban Academics Roundtable is a Recap, Review, and Update of progress toward goals.  Each of the 12 takes back their HOT-Seat Moving Black, Brown, Poor, and Others Living the Urban Experience a Little Closer to the Changes the Roundtable Wants to See Happen Across the Country and Ultimately Across the World

Education Updates Today – Welcoming the First Round 12 (COVID-19) Edition Hot-Seat Sitters Back to the Roundtable for Re-cap, Reviews, and Updates. Take your seat at the table, eat as much as you can sharing the content with others freely.

A big shout out to each of the professionals who were so willing to share their experience and wisdom with our members, each considered founding members of the Roundtable forever. There would be no beginning without you.

A quick shout-out to those who actually were fore-runners in shaping what we now know as the Urban Academics Roundtable. Your work and/or contribution will never be forgotten:

  • Monet Byrd (Charlotte, NC)
  • Andre Evans (Boston, Mass)
  • Denise Ladson-Jonson (Charleston, South Carolina)
  • Annette Kim Singletary (Phoneix, AZ)


Introducing the First Round 12, the Urban Academics Roundtable

  1. Kaye Harvey (Atlanta, GA and New Haven, CT), President & CEO, Alexis Hills Montesorri Schools, Inc.
  2. Lonnisha Minor (Charlotte, NC), NC Mental Health Professional
  3. Doreen Wade (Boston, Mass), Editor-In-Chief, New Egland Insider Magazine (NEI)
  4. Ed Joyner (New Haven, CT), Ph.D., New Haven Public Schools, Secretary of the Board, Former President of the Board
  5. Reverend James Whitfield (New Haven, CT), Re-Entry & Community-Based Programs
  6. Lonai Mosley (New York, NY), Creative Educator, Entrepreneur, Producer, and Teacher
  7. Teresa Giles (Syracuse, NY), Author, Educator, and Entrepreneur
  8. James Hills (Boston, Mass), Interim Executive Director, Drive Boston
  9. Brittanye Mackey (Waltham, Mass), International Student Advisor, Bentley Univerisity
  10. Sharon Hinton (Boston, Mass), President & CEO, Black Teachers Matter, Inc.
  11. Clairesa Clair (Brooklyn, NY) Educator, Entrepreneur, President & CEO of BLERD City, Inc.
  12. Katurah Bryant (New Haven, CT, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT), Licensed Addictions & Drug Counselor, and CEO of Global Alchemy Group

This will be a most POWERFUL talk with folks from all over the country, and if you’ve stumbled onto this page, we welcome you to join us on Thursday’s at 9:30 PM (EST).

Getting on the Call is as Easy as 1 – 2 – 3

  1. Dial-In: 712.770.5605
  2. Access Code: 508941
  3. Eat and Share as Much Content as Possible

Are you, or someone you know is intereted in sitting in the Urban Academics HOT-Seat? Please, get in touch:

Psychology Facts About Human Behavior with Katurah Bryant, Licensed Family and Marriage Therapist, Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and Certified Clinical Supervior Accepts the HOT SEAT Sharing experience, skills and wIsdom - the Roundtable, Intellectual Talk, Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)

Interesting Facts About Human Behavior – Katurah Bryant in “HOT-Seat”


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The Urban Academics Roundtable welcomes Lady Katurah Bryant to this week’s HOT-Seat. Ms. Bryant is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT), Licensed Addictions and Drug Abuse Counselor, and Certified Clinical Supervisor. Her many years of professional experience coupled with leadership roles make her perfect for this week’s HOT-SEAT!

Psychology Facts About Human Behavior with Katurah Bryant, Licensed Family and Marriage Therapist, Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and Certified Clinical Supervior Accepts the HOT SEAT Sharing  experience, skills and wIsdom - the Roundtable, Intellectual Talk, Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)

Lady Katurah Bryant now retired from the Connecticut Mental Health Center (CMHC) Substance Abuse Treatment Unit (New Haven), where she served as Assistant Clinical Director.

Ms. Bryant served at the Connecticut Mental Health Center for Thirty (30) years starting as a Nurse Clinician and climbing the ranks to Assistant Clinical Director of the Substance Abuse Treatment Unit.

Notable Accomplishments in Profession

  • AUTHOR, Newly Released the New BOOK by Katurah Bryant, LMFT, The ZOLA Experience; A Journey of Recover From Loss. BUY NOW!
  • Certified Trainer: National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA)Co-Chair of Training: National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA)
  • Curricula Design & Development: Specialized NADA Training for physicians and advanced practice clinicians – Under the guidance of Michael O. Smith, MD
  • Founding Partner: Multicultural Perspectives in Assessment, Consultation, and Training (MPACT)
  • Podcast Co-Host: Lady Katurah Bryant Co-Hosts with her Daughter, Hafeeza Ture, the Weekly Podcast, “Abundance is Your Birthright” on the Khalfani Radio social media platforms
  • Trainer/Facilitator (Annual Recurring): Yale University School of Medicine since 2009

The Author … The Autographed Signed by Katurah A Bryant, a Limited Edition Copy ($50.00)

The Entrepreneur

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Global Alchemy Group, Training Division: Education, The importance of generational health and wealth
  • VIP Affiliate with Karatbars International, a gold saving and wealth-building opportunity
  • NNA Certified Notary Public and Signing Agent with Ascension Mobile Notary
  • Developed a Certification Program: The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery from Loss, a brief treatment intervention addressing grief, trauma, and loss. This training is offered to clinicians
  • Lady Katurah has worked in Private Practice as a clinician and as a consultant to various agencies in Connecticut

There is More …

CLICK Image for Podcast

And … Even More?

Katura Bryant enjoys dancing ( line and swing-out swing dancing) and is also a Lifetime Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority, Inc.

Take Your Seat At the Weekly Roundtable

Getting on the Urban Academics RoundTable LIVE Call is easy:

  1. Remember the date – LIVE Thursdays at 9:30 OM (EST)
  2. Organize your thoughts and questions around the “HOT-Seat” topic
  3. Dial-In: (712) 770-5605
  4. Access Code: 508941
  5. Pull up a seat – Eat BUT Also Share, it’s Intellectual Talk

Only the Chosen Can Sit In The “HOT-Seat”. Is that you?

Those who receive invitations to sit as a Guest Speaker in the “HOT-Seat” are respected by peers and considered leaders in their respective fields. To make a recommendation, contact Patrina Reddick.

If you are interested in the HOT-Seat yourself, complete the Online Guest Speaker HOT-Seat Form.

Free Money for College Students (10k) - DCTAG Extends Deadline Until September 7th

Free Money for College Students (10k) – DC Tuition Assistance Grant (DCTAG) Extends New Due Date for 2nd Time Until September 7th

DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), extended their July 23rd extension pushing back further until September 7th. The original due date for completing online applications for the DC Tuition Assistance Grants (DCTAG) was June 30th but now DC students have more time.

This is great news for the procrastinators of the world and evidence that the last can truly be first if he or she would only turn around and go in the opposite direction, that’s always true!

Updates to DC Tag (10k Scholarship)

Being prepared gets you ahead a lot quicker than anything else – If you do NOT have a move-in or start date for your acceptance school yet, they may be struggling with whether they will opne or not fall of 2020. Consider giving them a call – At least they will know your name before all the other students show up! It’s a good PRO-TIP to be on the radar of leadership.

Do you need help?

If you need help gathering all your information into one place so that you are organized and ready for opportunities that come up around scholarships and not going into major debt to fund your college tuition, let me know in the comments section below. I would be happy to help point you in the right direction. Meanwhile, here’s a guide Called The College Scholarship Book, filled with hacks, ideas, and tricks for getting your more free cash for college.

Intellectual Clairesa Clay (Brooklyn) – Black Brown and Poor Folks Storytelling, and how they see us, Urban Talk

Clairissa Clay, Intellectual on Black Brown and Poor Storytelling, Urban
Clarissa Clay, Blerd City’s Founder and Executive Producer

Lady Clairesa Clay (Brooklyn Born) takes intellectual talk on black, brown, and poor folks storytelling, and how they tell our stories. She’s a creative entrepreneur ready to accept a seat a the Urban Academics RoundTable.

Clairesa Clay (BLERD CITY’s Founder and Executive Producer) is an educator, entrepreneur, and writer who has developed cultural programs in films, visual arts, and literature serving in conjunction with academic and artistic organizations as well as many independent artists with whom she’s had the pleasure of working with.  

Blerd City’s vision came out of Lady Clairessa’s vision for combining education with the arts that are stimulating and captivate both sides of the brain. Black Nerds (BLERDs) are probably the most underutilized group in the country and abroad. The conference, which is normally held in July will be postponed due to the current NO Events happening around the world. When new dates and venues are announced, whether face-to-face or virtual, you can find it here at Urban Academics Online!

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To date, Lady Clairesa has supported many cultural projects presented by a few of the following:

Clairesa currently serves on the board of advisors for Reel Sisters and sits on the Board of Directors for the Image Nation Cinema Foundation, Inc.  

Clairesa’s debut film garnered notable awards and she is also a published writer. For the past 20 years, she has taught English with the New York City Department of Education serving urban inner-city students.

Urban Intellectual Rountable ClairesaClay talks about storytelling of black, brown and poor people. How They See Us

Getting on the LIVE Call is Easy, just send an email:

Sharon Hinton (Boston, MA) Founder and President, Black Teachers Matter, Inc. on Urban Talk Show Thursday at 9:30 PM (EST)

Sharon Hinton, Adjunct Professor at Springfield College (Mass) at Urban Talk Show, the Roundtable, Thursday June 18, 2020 9:30 PM EST

Sharon Hinton (Boston, MA) Founder and President, Black Teachers Matter, Inc. on Urban Talk Show Thursday at 9:30 PM 9:30 PM (EST).

Lady Sharon Hinton is a Mother, Educator, Community Activist, and Founder of Black Teachers Matter, Inc. has been in the music industry and media as a singer, performer, recording artist, manager, and promoter. Besides, she has worked in radio and television for over 25 years as a broadcaster, producer, director, writer, editor, studio manager, and teacher.

As a former Adjunct Professor at Springfield College School of Professional and Continuing Studies, she taught adults in Community Development and Social Change. Also, Lady Sharon has worked with The Peoples Academy, a Technical/Vocational Institute in Boston, Mass.

Notable Accomplishments

  • 2020 Organized city-wide motor vehicle celebration for the entire graduating class of all 44 Boston Public High Schools during COVID19 Pandemic – supported by Mayor Martin J Walsh, and many others
  • • 2013 BUILD Mentorship Team received $500 Award for Best Business Plan
  • 2012 Registered 60 students to vote in local and national elections in collaboration with several Northeastern University student organizations civil engagement projects
  • 2012 completed three-semester Humanitarian Relief Efforts for Eastern Africa with Youth in Action Africa, Northeastern University African Student Organization, Cape Verdean Student Association, and Northeastern Black Students Association to foster community service and civic engagement.
  • 2012 Faculty Advisor for Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. for 9 years
  • 2012 Faculty Advisor for Northeastern University Evangelical Fellowship Forum for 11 years
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More Accomplishments …

  • 2012 Faculty Advisor for Unity Gospel Ensemble for 7 years
  • 2011 Developed and successfully Directed First Faculty vs. Students Basketball Fundraiser in collaboration with Northeastern Black Faculty and staff and several student organizations promoting better faculty/staff/student communication and interaction on and off-campus
  • 2011 Recipient of the Black Achievement Director’s Award – John D. O’Bryant African American Institute – Northeastern University

Lady Sharon Hinton’s list of accomplishments continues to go on and on. Speaking to her, years of experience, knowledge, and wisdom are highly valuable, and she’s someone you don’t want to miss on the live call this Thursday. Her greatest accomplishment to date (outside of being a mom) is establishing Black Teachers Matter, Inc., where she is President and CEO.

Urban Talk Show, the Roundtable Thursdays at 9:30 PM EST

How to get on the call

Getting on the Urban Academics RoundTable LIVE Call is easy:

  1. Remember the date – Thursday, June 18, 2020
  2. Organize your thoughts and questions around the “HOT-Seat” topic
  3. Dial-In: (712) 770-5605
  4. Access Code: 508941
  5. Pull up a seat

Are You Guest Material for the “HOT-Seat”

Those who receive invitations to sit as Guest Speaker in the “HOT-Seat” are respected by peers and considered leaders in their respective fields. To make a recommendation, contact Patrina Reddick.

If you are interested in the HOT-Seat yourself, complete the Online Guest Speaker HOT-Seat Form.