The loss of anything can be quite painful, and depending on how meaningful the absence of the loss is, it will determine how you can cope or not so much. Many therapeutic-related books and programs have been written around topics associated with the idea of death, dying. And the overall concept of loss and how to recover from it. These books and manuscripts touch on the basics around different kinds of losses and how you should determine to get past it (loss) and move on. But what about a limb? Limbs are a little bit different from losing a car in an accident or a job you never liked in the first place. Even the strongest of a parent is fearful of certain words associated with their children.
We all have differences, some seen while others are not as obvious. But limb differences are noticeable, almost like skin color, except you can hide the fact of missing limbs with prosthetics and new technology so advanced that no one would ever know that you or a family member is an amputee. Today’s medical advances are fantastic and mind-blowing at the same time. The hard part is accepting the diagnosis and setting your heart and mind for the journey ahead. The specific and easy part is continuing to shine your loving light on your beautiful child, assuring him or her that you will be there every step of the way, as you are around for this very purpose.
Paisley, a 3-year-old little girl, was born with a rare medical condition only found in 1 and 1 million births. This condition affected her lower limbs, and she is clinically diagnosed with the most severe form of Tibial Hemimelia. Paisley’s lower legs and feet were amputated in 2019 to maximize her quality of life and ability to run, jump, and play. Some folks opt for only partial amputations, and in some cases, that may make more sense as you discuss options with your primary care doctor or chosen specialist. If you’ve got questions, get on the call, getting them addressed now. You are welcome here, and the table is all set.
Paisley and her medical condition has had and continues to have a significant impact on Paige’s outlook on life and work-life-home balance. It (a rare illness) has also opened new doors for presentations and speaking opportunities for the veteran marine corps officer. Paige is now an advocate for limb differences awareness and promotes events, fundraisers, and education through her family’s journey as an amputee family.
Paige Thomas-Minor, Active Duty, U. S. Marine Corps Officer. Hails from a small city, Coatesville, PA with a career spanning 20 plus years of worldwide travel, combat, and humanitarian deployments. Paige resides in Northern Virginia with her two children, one of which has special needs.
Little Paisley is shown here with her prosthetic legs and is the happiest and smartest little lady around.
Noatable Accomplishents
Active Duty, U. S. Marine Corps Officer
Advocacy – Limb Differences Awareness and Education
Humanitarian Deployments
Public Speaker & Humanitarian
Special Needs Parent of two
Twenty-Year US Veteran
Worldwide Travel Combat
What’s More
Paige enjoys curling up to a good book and spends most of her time reading to her children or some other quality interaction with them. She is highly disciplined and must adhere to a strict schedule to get it all done, but she does not complain, and excuses are not accepted.
New To The RoundTable?
The Urban Academics Roundtable
Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST)
605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 #
Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers …
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1. Back-Up Number209.399.9091 +
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The Gen.G Foundation’s mission is to develop talented young gamers who can lead the industry’s next generation. We envision a community that promotes inclusion and diversity while encouraging academic excellence. Known as the “Gen 10”, the 10 scholarship recipients will strengthen the diversity and representation that gaming needs to reach its full potential.
A Message From Ms. Patrina!
Thank you for visiting with me (Ms. Patrina) at Urban-Academics today. The fact that you have found me HERE means that you are worthy of the FREE Cash For College You Seek. Be BOLD, take CONFIDENCE, complete every step of the process, and submit ALL your scholarship applications. College can be FREE if that’s what you want?
If you’re back and living the on-campus life, shout out your name and college/university you attend or will once you graduate from high school with good grades, FAFSA forms completed (with all attachments), and lots of scholarship applications submitted. There is FREE Cash for College everywhere, and remember that I’m here to help – Ask your questions in the comments section below. Sometimes things can get confusing.
If you have questions or need any help, please ask in the comments section below. It’s my pleasure to assist – Make sure you visit again!Contact Ms. Patrina.
Scholarship Cont …
It’s a great opportunity and their investment alone (One Million Dollars) spread across ten (10) chosen students. The application is straightforward and pretty easy to follow. As always, if you have questions, please use the space below and I will get back to you.
This ($10,000.000) = Writing Three (3) Essays – $3,333 FREE Cash for Each!
The General G Gamer Scholarship is requesting three essays (500 word max) for each. All three are general and so not require much effort. However, I would recommend that you DO NOT use their portal to write your responses. Instead, use your own text writing software (MS Word or Pages for Apple) to create your documents, and then upload them when you are ready for launch.
Remember, every time you make updates they retain every original. Therefore, please edit, re-edit and send out for editing to find hidden mistakes (they are potentially everywhere).
Need Help With Essay Writing? Even if you think you don’t you probably do lol. What’s the harm in doing a little research to guarantee you stand OUT amongst the pack of hungry wolves. The General G Scholarship opportunity is looking for ten (10) extraordinary young people, those who are over-achievers on purpose. These kinds of opportunities are reserved for the “choen,” but that is an ego word and a relative term, so you do the math, or NOT!
the General G Scholarship is accepting online (over the internet) applications
the General G Scholarship requires three essays, no more than 500 each – You can do it!
the General G Scholarship requires only one “proof of enrollment” document(s), which is a running PDF of all requested forms, i.e.: transcripts, a letter confirming dates of matriculating as a full-time student, proof that you have accepted an offer to a college or university in the fall. No excuses – get her done!
the General G Scholarship will accept your transcript via upload AND it does not count against any PDF you submit. Check it out here.
the General G Scholarship will allow you to upload an optional video – You should really do this. Why?
First of all, the video is optional, which obviously separates the do’s from the do not lol. You know what I mean – Take 5-minutes or 15 to create something unique and specific about you that will no doubt separate you from other applicants who will not go the extra mile. We need people who will do what it takes to get the job done, and in turn, the rewards are great. That may be old-school but it’s tried and true. Apply NOW.
Who Should Apply?
YOU! If you’re on a track towards game development, here’s your shot! General G Scholarship is awarding Ten Thousand US Dollars to successful students here. Not only that, but an opportunity like this one can change your life and that of your immediate family too. Give it a try, especially if you feel it in your gut? I believe in you – Now, go and believe in yourself.
How to Apply
Please remember – You only get to submit an application anywhere once (electronically). Even if you go back and make revisions, they still have ALL your edits and editions. Do yourself a favor, especially if you want to make a career out of gaming in technology.
Students who have found success in science, technology, engineering, and math should consider this opportunity. Remember, a complete – Submit Your APPLiCATION Here:
Got Questions?
If you like this post, please give it a thumbs-up, if you need it you must know others who need it, so share the love, mention Urban Academics on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – The Spot for HOT Scholarships? If you’ve got a question about a specific scholarship, process, or have a testimonial, please shar in the comments section below. Thank you for reading, I appreciate your time.
Hello and thank you for stopping by today for Walt Disney’s Imagineering Competition and Team Scholarship Give-Away. It sounds like a dream come true for any students passionate about electronics, engineering, and/or technology. I’ve outlined some of the rules below, and if you’re interested or know others who might be, use the share button – share the LOVE with your friends. This competition has an Application DEADLINE on October 11, 2020. Here you will submit information about your team and what you wish to accomplish. Your Project Submission is DUE on November 7, 2020.
Listen! If you are a natural at building things and like technology – A natural at it out in the community, home, and school, please make a brave attempt at something like this. They have specific rules for how you get “chosen” for the Disney Imaginations Design Competition (Imagineering). If you are smart enough to follow directions (the rules) and follow each step as you read, it’s likely you will get chosen – I would choose you. Here is How to Apply.
Walt Disney’s Imagineering Imaginations – Scholarship Competition is DUE 10.11.20
Disney Imaginations invites students to create an iconic installation on their campus or city that serves as an inspiration, honors the past, and is a vision of the future.
A Reunion, according to Ditionary.Com, is a noun (person, place, or thing) and defined as an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation.
You are invited to join Urban Academics at the RoundTable – The Celebrating of twelve (12) remarkable human beings who are making the world a better place. The Roundtable Reunion happens every 13th episode (after the anchor #12).
This Reunion Crucial For Your Business. Here’s Why
Before we dive into the happenings for Season II of HOT-Seat at the Urban Academics Roundtable, let’s look a little closer at the definition or spirit of the word reunion …
Reunion Defined
an instance of two or more people coming together again after a period of separation.
a social gathering by members of a certain group of people who have not seen each other for some time
the act or process of being together again as a unified whole
Synonyms …
Homecoming > Reconciliation > Assembly > Get-Together > Making Up > Reuniting
The Roundtable Reunion Season II
The Roundtable Season II is the completion of 24 consecutive Segments at the Urban Academics Roundtable, and without 12 (season I) + 12 (season II) we would not be able to celebrate the milestones associated with this wonderful content creation platform and each person in the HOT-Seat and around the table.
“We have been fed once again, and it was Ummm Ummm good. Now, go and share some of what you got from this table with others. Until next time”
Kaye Harvey, President & CEO, Alexis Hill Montesorri, Inc., and Roundtable Moderator
Why Reunion II is Crucial
What you may not have realized is Urban Academics is a content creation platform that will re-purpose every single roundtable discussion so that our people can get information the way they want it – Not the way we think.
The easiest way to create new fresh content – Different from the old, outdated, or re-constructed curations on the internet today. Our people not only get the news lately but sometimes it’s the wrong information from sources we have learned to appreciate instead of tolerating.
Crucial Reasons 1-7
Urban Academics growing extremely fast (actual hits)
Urban Academics Online has Authority
Urban Academics Online is Indexed
Urban Academics has consistently produced weekly content
Urban Academics has strong backlinks
Urban Academics subscribes to a collaborative philosophy
Urban Academics Understands the POWER of Twelve
The easiest way to do it was the old-fashioned way of simply talking about everything – The good, bad, ugly, and downright nasty! That’s how you get it done with and out in the open, with others present, the family (village). During the last 24-weeks, you have played a major role in family conflict and discussions.
What’s really cool is the idea that has actually re-created the way content is created, but also how google LOVEs what we are doing here at Urban Academics – We are growing very fast as a platform, which means a few things:
In the HOT-Seat for Season II
Episode 1, Segment #13: Calton White (Waterbury, CT)
Episode 2, Segment #14: Minister Dionne Thomas (Sacramento, CA)
Episode 5, Segment #17: Anthony Gay (Waterbury, CT)
Episode 6, Segment #18: Pierre M Reddick (Wshington, DC)
Episode 7, Segment #19: Minister Jocelyn Fagan (Tampa, FL)
Episode 8, Segment #20: Dr. Iline Tracey (New Haven, CT)
Episode 9, Segment #21: Dr. Sabrina Moore (Columbia, SC)
Episode 10, Segment #22: Andre Davis (DC, New Haven, and NYC)
Episode 11, Segment #23: Cherie Beasley-Rutherford (Long Beach, CA)
Episode 1, Segment #24: Apostle Merilyn Davis (Atlanta, GA)
Urban Academics Update (24-Weeks) + Two Reunion(s)
Urban Academics Online, the platform has been around for some time, but after expanding into the intellectual talk space it became obvious what to do with newly generated content. It was not, however, so easy to figure out how. We are rolling out a BETA on Urban Academics Membership Portal. Find out more about the once in a lifetime opportunity to partner with The Roundtable – For authors, entrepreneurs, and enterprise business and non-profits.
I’m techy by nature, I can read code and know old school HTML (the reason I can read code). But when it comes to marketing, someone else is in control and we must know what we are doing or we’re gonna get burned.
Because we are each in the spirit of collaboration, any content created here comes with unmeasurable power to change lives (around the world). Our hope is that world-wide content creators, including you, will lend their voice to these conversations. It’s no doubt a work in progress, but it’s time for next-level existence.
We now know for a fact how lucrative and valuable (worth lots of money) RAW, REAL, and RELEVANT content for black, brown, poor, and others living the inner-city urban experience can be. In no time flat, we’ve come up with a power-house plan for authors, entrepreneurs, and enterprising folks in business and innovation. Introducing Urban Academics Membership Portal.
Here’s some food for thought about your rights and the upcoming vote. This week we welcome a guest in the “HOT-Seat” who will guide you down memory lane, understanding where the vote has come from, where it is today, and what we can expect after November 2020?
NEW RoundTable CONFERENCE LINE: Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #
What’s trending in the US and across the world is the US presidential election. The art of politics has always been a reality show pointing to truths about how it (the United States of America) was established and determined to control its people and runs its government and military.
Regardless of your fundamental core beliefs or knowledge about politics locally or across the world, everyone knows about the debate and the countdown to the upcoming presidential election. This week at the RoundTable, it’s going to be good.
Hello and thank you for stopping by for the Students With Heart Foundation’s Scholarship opportunity. It’s the easiest $6,000 you can get, but there’s one problem. They are only accepting the application packets via fax and the deadline is October 1m 2020. We cannot change the date, but we can fax your packets to the scholarship committee 305.397.1817. Send your completed packet (in one PDF document) to and I will FAX to 305.397.1817 as directed on their website.
Students With a Heart Foundation Scholarship ($6,000) is DUE NOW
The Students with Heart Foundation provides financial assistance scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students who suffer from all different types of heart disease and deformities. Here’s a real opportunity for you to share your true life story for six thousand dollars in scholarship funding for college.
Relieving some of the stress from the rough and rigorous journey they will face throughout college is great prevention in heart health, and you might be the winner of a $6,000 scholarship by the Students With A Heart Foundation.
APPLICANTS ARE ONLY ACCEPTED BY FAX: 305.397.1817, which may be difficult for some? If you can gather your materials and essay, but need help faxing – Feel free to email me: with “SCHOLARSHIP PACKET” in the subject header. We can fax your documents to the scholarship committee for you, no charge! Remember the deadline is October 1, 2020.
Applicants must be enrolled or enrolling in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at an accredited U.S. college or university as at least a part-time student
Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, be U.S. citizens or permanent residents
Applicants must submit a letter from Medical Doctor (or a medical bill may work)
Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation
Applicants must submit a personal statement of no more than 2,000 words and no less than 500 words, describing what obstacles they have had to overcome due to their cardiac disease or deformities.
SEND YOUR INFORMATION DIRECTLY TO: Scholarship Committee, 1535 16th Ter., Homestead, FL 33030,, 305-397-1917
In ADDITION – Urban Academics is happy to FAX your packet to this fax number: 305.397.1817. Lots of people don’t have fax numbers, thus eliminating too many people. We are happy to fill the gap for our students.
Welcome Back, Scholars – COVID-19 Has Been A Beast!
Believe it or not, school is in session and whether or not you are home-bound remote, or back on campus physically socially distancing yourselves from each other, you’ll need money! Cash at college dwindles from an occasional $100 to the rare $20, so buckle up and find your own money, and how about now!?
A Message From Ms. Patrina
Thank you for visiting with me (Ms. Patrina) at Urban-Academics today. The fact that you have found me HERE means that you are worthy of the FREE Cash For College You Seek. Be BOLD, take CONFIDENCE, complete every step of the process, and submit ALL your scholarship applications. College can be FREE if that’s what you want?
If you’re back and living the on-campus life, shout out your name and college/university you attend or will once you graduate from high school with good grades, FAFSA forms completed (with all attachments), and lots of scholarship applications submitted. There is FREE Cash for College everywhere, and remember that I’m here to help – Ask your questions in the comments section below. Sometimes things can get confusing.
If you have questions or need any help, please ask in the comments section below. It’s my pleasure to assist – Make sure you visit again!Contact Ms. Patrina.
In this Post
In this post, you’ll find the following:
three (3) things to do
three (3) books to read
ten (10) scholarships due in October
five (5) Meantime Money Makers
To get your bonuses to make the meantime money, scroll down to the bottom of this page (The End). Don’t get lost and forget about apply for some of this FREE Cash for college.
THREE (3) Things-To-Do ASAP!
Make a list of ALL Scholarships You Qualify For (Check it Twice)
Send a quick email to the address supplied here – Introduce yourself and follow-up to inform the scholarship committee that you have completed the application process
Submit completed application answering ALL questions, leaving no line/question/space blank. When in doubt, use “N/A.”
The Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Woman’s Services, $5,000 (Due October 15, 2020)
Levine Scholarship at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, (UNCC), $155,000 – 20 Scholarships Available (Due October 16, 2020)
Thurgood Marchall College Fund and Lowes Spring Scholarship $500 – $7,500 (Due October 16, 2020)
Thurgood Marshall and Wells Fargo Emergency Gap Scholarship, $750 (Due October 19, 2020)
Coca-Cola Scholars Program, $20,000 (Due October 31, 2020)
Elks National Family Scholarship, $5,000 (Due October 31, 2020)
Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Voice of Democracy Competition, $30,999 (Due October 31, 2020
1. Students With a Heart Foundation Scholarship ($6,000 Due 10/1)
The mission of Students with Heart Foundation is to provide financial assistance by means of scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students who suffer from all different types of heart disease and deformities, thus relieving some of the stress from the rough and rigorous journey they will face throughout college. APPLY NOW – CLICK HERE for MORE INFO
Disney Imaginations Design Competition is accepting applications for students who can build teams to create an iconic installation on their campus or city that serves as an inspiration, honors the past, and is a vision of the future. Applicants can form teams to two to four participants. APPLY NOW – CLICK HERE for MORE INFO
The Gen.G Foundation’s mission is to develop talented young gamers who can lead the industry’s next generation. We envision a community that promotes inclusion and diversity while encouraging academic excellence. Known as the “Gen 10”, the 10 scholarship recipients will strengthen the diversity and representation that gaming needs to reach its full potential. APPLY NOW – CLICK HERE for MORE INFO
4. The Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Woman’s Services, $5,000 (Due October 15, 2020)
The Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies encourages original and significant research about women that crosses disciplinary, regional, or cultural boundaries, and supports the final year of dissertation writing for Ph.D. candidates in the humanities and social sciences whose work addresses topics of women and gender in interdisciplinary and original ways. Previous Fellows have explored such topics as transnational religious education for Muslim women, the complex gender dynamics of trans identity management, women’s electoral success across racial and institutional contexts, women’s sports, militarism and the education of American women, and the relationship between family commitments and women’s work mobility. For more information: Scholarship Committee, 5 Vaughn Drive, Suite 300, Princeton, NJ 08540-6313,, tel: 609-452-7007, fax: 609-452-0066
5. Levine Scholarship at UNCC ($155k Due 10/16
The Levine Scholars Program is UNC Charlotte’s most prestigious merit scholarship program that was established by benefactors Sandra and Leon Levine. Levine Scholarships are awarded to extraordinary high school seniors based on scholarship, ethical leadership, and civic engagement. Students must be nominated online by their school counselor or college advisor at their current high school. There are no limitations to the number of students who can be nominated from each high school. Homeschooled students can be nominated by a professor or teacher who is not related to the student. Students must be applicants for freshman enrollment at UNC Charlotte in a baccalaureate program for the fall term immediately following their high school graduation. Students must be admitted to UNC Charlotte to receive a scholarship. Students must demonstrate a commitment to community service, hold an academic record that reflects a sustained passion for knowledge, and possess a capacity for ethical leadership that elevates fellow students to a higher standard. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider’s website. Scholarship Committee, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223,, tel: 704-687-7288, fax: 704-687-1454
6. Thurgood Marchall College Fund and Lowes Spring Scholarship $500 – $7,500 (Due October 16, 2020)
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) and Lowe’s are proud to offer financial assistance to outstanding students attending one of TMCF’s member-schools that include 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs). Sixty (60) scholars will be selected to receive a spring scholarship up to $500- $7,500 for the 2020-2021 academic school year. Selected students must be in good academic standing but at risk of not returning or graduating from college due to an outstanding financial need and/or emergency situation that leads to a financial aid crisis. More Information. Apply NOW!
7. Thurgood-Marshall College Fund and Wells Fargo Emergency Gap Scholarships, ($750) Due 10/19
offer financial assistance to outstanding seniors attending one of TMCF’s member-schools that include 47 publicly-supported Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs). Sixty-seven (67) scholars will be selected to receive a spring emergency gap scholarship of up to award $750 for the 2020-2021 academic school year. Selected students must be in good academic standing but at risk of not returning or graduating from college due to an outstanding financial need, and/or emergency situation that leads to a financial aid crisis. More Information HERE. Apply NOW!
8. Coca Cola Scholars Program ($20,000) Due 10/31
150 scholarships up for grabs ($20k). The Coca-Cola Scholarship is awarded to graduating high school seniors and is achievement-based. Students with the capacity and personality to lead and serve others making a significant impact on schools, students and communities should apply. Applicants must be current high school/home-schooled seniors attending school in the U.S, anticipating completion of a high school diploma at the time of application and planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution: Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 442, Atlanta, GA 30301, tel: 800-306-2653, fax: 404-733-5439
9. ELKs National Family Scholarship ($5,000) Due 10/31
The ENF Emergency Educational Grant program provides financial assistance to children of deceased or totally disabled Elks, who wish to obtain or further their college education. In order to apply, the Elk parent or stepparent must have been a member in good standing for at least one year at the time of his or her death or the Elk parent or stepparent must have been a member in good standing for at least one year before he or she became totally disabled and must continue to be an Elk in good standing when applying for assistance. Applicants must be able to demonstrate financial need. For more information: Scholarship Committee, 2750 N. Lakeview Avenue, Chicago, IL 60614-1889,, tel: 773-755-4732, fax: 773-755-4733
10. Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), Competition, ($30,000) Due 10/31
The VFW established the Voice of Democracy program (VOD) in 1947 to provide students grades 9-12 the opportunity to express themselves in regards to democratic ideas and principles. Applicants must write an essay answering the prompt and then record their reading of the draft to an audio CD or flash drive. The recording can be no shorter than three minutes and no longer than five minutes (plus or minus five seconds). Prizes and scholarships can be awarded at the Post, District, state, and national levels.
The national first-place winner receives a $30,000 scholarship paid directly to the recipient’s American university, college, or vocational/technical school. For more information, Scholarship Committee, 406 West 34th Street, Kansas City, MO 64111,, 816-968-1117 x756
BONUS – Five (5) Meantime Money Money-Makers
These are some hard times we are facing – Every Brown Round Penny Counts – Maybe we ought to teach that to your children? Meantime, let us focus on some money we can find laying around the house. If you look around right now you can spot something you never use, but is worth money to someone else who could not only use it but actively searching for it on and off-line.
For the digital love in you and the fact that the world has turned marketing upside down, and if you’re not willing to at least add a digital component to your offerings it will consistently become harder and harder to compete. Good customer service and personalized attention are always good. At all costs keep the customer first leading with the best possible experience (making things easy). Here ya go – Get your money up! Re
You’re on social media all day, so why not make some extra cash? Working at home fiddling around with Facebook, Twitter, and/or Youtube can help you increase your bottom line. Check out Paid Social Media Jobs now!
YouTube has over 2 Billion unique visitors monthly and on any given day, they see at least a Billion videos, generation billions of daily views. In other words, there’s no better time than now to set up your channel. It’s FREE and when you’re ready to grow, choose TubeBuddy – So your channel can grow.
The stock market can be tricky and sometimes the little guy gets left out. NOt because he/she has no options, but rather ALL his/her options. I recommend you start young – Get the information you can use now and well into your future. Check out Trading Pro today!
What you are reading right now is a blog! Yes, it’s also a website, but this particular piece of the website is considered a “blog.” If you have an idea, message, product, or service others need to know about, this is a perfect way to do just that. You found me, right? Start with The Sassy Way to Starting a Blog – NOT just for girls!
There you have it ladies and gentlemen, 10-Scholarships Due in June, an opportunity for graduate and high school students, along with a few money-making-now opportunities you can look into no. Let’s get to it, no time to procrastinate.
5. FREE Training; Learn Affiliate and Internet Marketing:
This training reveals secrets to online marketing fast! The initial training is FREE, so you can use it to promote your own products too. Definitely worth the almost 2-hours. FREE Training on Affiliate and Internet Marketing.
If you’ve ever wondered how someone could go from extremely ill, near-death and suddenly bounce back as if it were a real-life miracle? They just may have a “Street M.D” working with them on their ailment or illness.
In the “HOT-Seat” this week is King Andre Davis, A.K.A Dr. Dre. (Nw Have, New York, and Washington, DC). Get your health and wellness questions ready, because this will be good.
“It’s ALL about the foods we eat. The ingreients are either healthy or they are NOT. It’s garbage in and garbage out, and it’s your choice what you allow into your boody. You only get one, so care for it.”King Andre Davis, AKA Dr. Dre
Notable Accomplishments
AWARDS – Recipient of 100th Anniversary Pre
AWARDS – Youth Empowerment National Association of Black Law Enforcement Officers Inc.
AWARDS – Recipient of the “Heart-Beat Award” for Consistent and Positive Contribution of Youth Services
Co-Founder, Fatherhood Initiative
Facilitator at Healthy Start (New Haven)
Health & Wellness Coach & Trainer
Andre works on behalf of the inner-city and urban communities in New Haven, CT, New York, NY, and Washington, DC. He enjoys good people, good vibes, family and travel. Andre Davis has two children, one pursuing a Ph.D at Univeristy of Virginia Med School and a son, at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA) persuing a Philosophy Degree. The Davis family are advid advocates of educatio.
Are You New to the Roundtable?
The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics. It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues. There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life having something worthy to share/teach. These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.
A NEW Roundtable CONFERENCE Line:
Dial In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #
Cricket, Metro PCS, and T-Mobile Customers PLEASE READ …
This week in the “HOT-Seat” at Urban Academics is Sabrina B Moore, Ph.D., the Director, Student Intervention Services at the South Carolina Department of Education. She is in charge of overseeing school safety and climate initiatives.
Dr. Moore has over 30-years of combined administrative and teaching experience. She’s also a certified trainer in Adult Mental Health First Aid, Restorative Practices, Active Shooter Response Training, and Working with At-Risk Males.
“Safety on any level starts at home, then it spreads abroad”.
Dr. Sabrina B Moore, Director of Student Interventions, SCDE
Recent Collaboration with educators, law enforcement officials, mental health professionals, and schools psychologists in the development of the South Carolina School-Based Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Guidelines
Recipient of the Governor and Mrs. Richard W Riley Award for Excellence in Dropout Prevention
SCDE Video Production: Preventing the Risks of School Violence: Informed Educators
SCDE Video Production: Preventing the Risks of School Violence: Informed Students
Speaker/Presenter at local, state, or national conferences
Under Dr. Moore’s Leadership, SCDE has been awarded over 10 million in federal funds to address school safety issues
Lady Sabrina Moore Enjoys family, friends, and good times. And lives in Columbia, SC, with her husband David, son (Garrison), a recent Class of 2020, COVID-19 Graduate and President/CEO of Moore Puzzles and Gifts. Daughter (Jami) also bears the esteemed “Dr.” before her name, following in Mom’s footsteps…
NEW RoundTable CONFERENCE LINE: Dial-In: 605.472.5272, Pin: 836692 + #
Taking the “HOT-Seat” at Urban-Academics during an Inaugural “Special Edition” Session is Lady Iline Tracey, Ed.D, and the Head Chief Woman in a town known as New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) Superintendent of Schools.
Dr. Tracey started in education very young, getting her first paid role while only sixteen years old. Her passion for learning and genuine concern for others is what got her here. If you’ve got questions, she’s got answers.
“I believe in collaboration – We can move mountains. I believe education is the great equalizer.”
Dr. Iline Tracey, Superintendent, NHPS
Notable Accomplishments:
COVID-19 hit just months into Dr. Tracey’s tenure as Interim Superintendent
Developed Literacy (Child and Adult) Programs
Dr. Tracey was working (paid) in the field of education at the age of sixteen
Grew up on a farm in the Jamaican Countryside
Her career at NHPS started at Dwight School
Highest Paid City of New Haven Employee/Official
Unanimously voted in as Super Intendent of NHPS
91% of 1,000 feedback surveys were in favor of Dr. Iline Tracey
Iline Tracey, Ed.D. has seven children, eight grandchildren, and her hobbies include hiking, reading, and researching.
You can contact Dr. Tracey VIA Phone: (475) 220-1003, or EMAIL: **PLEASE NO SPAM!!!
Are You New to the Roundtable?
The Urban Academics Roundtable provides a discussion on a variety of topics. It’s intellectual talk around black, brown, and poor folks issues. There’s the coveted “HOT-Seat,” which is pulled out for people of all walks of life to have something worthy to share/teach. These conversations are necessary and RAW, often too “HOT” to stop.
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