Category Archives: Families

Everything You Wanted to Know About GULLAH GEECHEE PEOPLE and Were Too Embarrassed to Ask

We celebrate BLACKNESS every day, but across the world, February is a constant reminder of how far we’ve come as a people; Look @ Us! Closing out Black History Month 2021 COVID-19 Edition is a historian caught in the “Twilight Zone.” Someone who can remember “Before Freedom!”

My mother was born and raised in a tiny little place in South Carolina, not even on the map, one of twelve siblings, yet I’ve never heard her refer to the term “Geechee Gullah, nor Gullah Geechee, but why? Learning of this cultural and wealthy legacy has changed my life, and I pray it changes yours as you travel through time with a tour guide who uses the term “After Freedom.”

Black History month may be coming to a close based on the world’s calendar, but Being black in America will always be a mixed-bag of emotionally charged questions from one generation to the next. However, today is the dawning of a new day where the truth shall make us free. Change has come. Let us not miss this moment.


Gullah is a combination of Creolized language taking root through customs, traditions, and awful circumstances resulting from slavery in the US. This “Gullah” language was spoken by slaves settling in both South Carolina and Georgia. It’s not written language; It’s the passage and patios of the Lowcountry.

A good pot of GUMBO passed down over time might sum it up? African, English, and any adaptations, expressions, and words – Even foreign languages picked up, based on slave owner’s nationality.

The word “Gullah” might be a mixture of the African word Gora or Gola (names of tribes living in Sierra Leone). Some believe the Gala or Gallinas are the African connection for the Gullah people in the Sea Islands.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. Enduring The Call; A 14 Day Journey, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

Who’s In The HOT-Seat

Alphonso Brown, Author, Entrepreneur and Famous Historian of Gullah Geechee Culture in the HOR-Seat at Urban Academics Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST:
Alphonso Brown, Author, Entrepreneur and Famous Historian of Gullah Geechee Culture in the HOR-Seat at Urban Academics Thursdays at 9:30 pm EST:

Alphonso Brown was born and reared in Rantowles, SC, a rural area about 12 miles south of Charleston. He graduated from Baptist Hill High School. He received a BS Degree from S. C. State University in Music and a Masters’s from Southern Illinois University. Other Graduate studies in music include The University of SC, Charleston University, and The Citadel.

Notable Accomplishments

Author: A Gullah Guide To Charleston, by Alphonso Brown – BUY THE BOOK NOW

A Gullah Guide To Charleston, by Alphonso Brown ($5.01)

Professional Affiliations, and Memberships

  • Entrepreneur: Owner & Operator, Gullah Tours
  • Lecturer: The Gullah Language & Black History of Charleston
  • Licensed Tour Guide | City of Charleston, SC
  • National Educators Association
  • Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.
  • SC Band Directors Association
  • SC Music Educators Association
  • The American Hymn Society

What’s More?

King Alonso is a member and the organist/choirmaster of Mt. Zion A.M.E. Church in Charleston. His concert choir participates in community events throughout the Southeast at colleges, churches, Fortune 500 conventions, and the Kellogg Foundation convention. And the annual Piccolo Spoleto Festival of Churches, where they do an all-Negro Spiritual Concert, looks forward. Also, every other year, the Choir performs the Dubois’ “Seven Last Words of Christ. During Christmas, they fulfill several selections from Handel’s Messiah.

Mr. Brown is a retired Band Director from The Charleston County School District, where he worked at Rivers High/Middle School for many years. He and his late wife, Laquines, are the proud parents of three sons: Howard, Terrence, and Joel, three daughters-in-law, and presently, eight grandchildren.

New To The Weekly Roundtable?

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

What Everyone Ought To Know About MATTERS OF THE HEART; How to Cope With Death and Dying

Death, Dying, and Matters of The Heart are significant now more than ever before most folks. COVID-19 has left the world grieving without closure. Yet, we all must continue going on without our lost family, friends, and loved ones.

We send your family’s condolences amongst those experiencing extreme loss of any kind, COVID-19 related or not. The overarching prayer is that you allow God’s blanket of love to cover your body, mind, and spirit, today and forever.

Loss in basic terms regardless of level (car, home, keys, money, etc.) can be devastating, but when a funeral home is involved, it hit’s a little different. There’s no turning back from tomorrow, next week, year, and forever; And this is true for an entire community. This week in the HOT-Seat is someone who works with families in crisis every day, providing professional service and hope for a future. He’s the bridge between the living and the dead. Don’t miss this one because it involves us all.

You cannot buy a ticket to this table, but if you are reading this; you have a divine reservation with your name on it. CLICK HERE to RESERVE A SEAT.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

In the HOT Seat

Palmer L Dupree, Sr., General Director and Funeral Director at Long & Son’s Mortuary Service. located in Charlotte, NC. Mr. Palmer is responsible for the overall funeral experience; they (funerals) are essential for grief, healing, and loss. These gatherings create unforgettable memories of loved ones, both living and gone on to be with the lord. Traditionally, It’s a particular time where everyone gathers from far and near to pay tribute. Memories from these events should live on forever.

Today, because of COVID-19 and social distancing, so many of us have had to say good-bye to our loved ones over a Zoom call or attend services wearing masks, unable to embrace in hugs. The African-American community has been the most challenging part of these kinds of losses—the pains associated with closure and the lack thereof.

On Death and Dying; Matters of the Heart

It is true that death and dying may be morbid but deserves attention and discussion; If you are reading this, even you have a date with GOD, you cannot pray or talk yourself out of it. With that said, let us explore what happens when you contact someone like Mr. Dupree or find yourself involved with a funeral home because you have lost a loved one.

Long & Son’s Mortuary

Long’s Mortuary, established in 1947 in Charlotte, NC, was managed by Lem Long, Jr. and Beamon Long (his uncle). One year later (1948), It became Long & Aery Funeral Home, and three years later went back to the name “Long’s Mortuary.” By 1958 (10-years later), Longs Mortuary relocated again to 2312 Beatties Ford Road, where it remains today. It’s a beautiful facility that is extremely professional.

By 1971, Long’s Mortuary morphed into Long & Son’s Mortuary Service (Mrs.) Eddie Vaughn Long, wife of Lem Long, Jr., and their son, Lem Long III, joining their team.

Long’s is a family and black-owned and operated business while serving Mecklenburg County and the surrounding areas.

1st Fleet

Current Fleet

Are You Interested in Becomming a Mortician?

In most U.S. states, Morticians need a minimum of an Associate’s Degree in mortuary science, but depending on the establishment, they may prefer those who have earned a bachelor’s. To become a funeral director or an embalmer, you must become licensed; However, you have not completed one to three years of experience at a licensed funeral home.

New To The Weekly Roundtable?

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or to get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary, or with the Urban Academics staff. Ask away and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

The Ultimate Deal On GULLAH GEECHEE (Charleston, SC) HISTORY And Real-Time Wisdom

If you were to google “Gullah” you would find terms like Gullah-Gullah Island, Gullah language, food/restaurants, etc. So where did the term Geechee Gullah, or Ghulla-Geechee come from? What’s the true history around this interestingly POWERFUL development of black folks, who I hear, landed in South Caroling as FREE Men; but later became slaves. Tonight; We’ll find out, you should grab a seat?

In this week’s HOT-Seat is a Chosen Visionary you cannot afford to miss. This is the closest you might ever get to a historian of this caliber, who has directly involved in the fight for Civil Rights his entire life. You can sit with him capturing nuggets of wisdom and learning truths you can’t get anywhere else. You can ask good questions getting age-old answers (from someone who was there).

You cannot buy a ticket to this table, but if you are reading this; you have a divine reservation with your name on it. CLICK HERE to RESERVE A SEAT.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

Who’s In The HOT-Seat

Rev. Nelson B. Rivers, III

Pastor, Charity Missionary Baptist Church, North Charleston, SC, and Vice President, Religious Affairs and External Relations, National Action Network (NAN)

In July 2014, Rev. Rivers became Vice President of Religious Affairs and External Relations of the National Action Network (NAN) under the courageous leadership of the Rev. Al Sharpton. Rev. Rivers is honored to work with Rev. Sharpton in an organization known for taking action in todays’ civil rights battles.

In September 2008, Rev. Rivers became Pastor of Charity Missionary Baptist Church in the Liberty Hill community of North Charleston, SC. He is committed to preaching and teaching the “liberating good news”of Jesus Christ. 

For over 38 years Rev. Rivers worked at every level of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) including President, North Charleston, South Carolina Branch; Executive Director,South Carolina State Conference; Director, Southeast Region; Chief Operating Officer, twice as Chief of Field Operations, and Vice President of Stakeholder Relations from 2008 until May 2014.

His civil rights work led to the election of more than 300 new black elected officials in South Carolina between 1986 and 1994. He was a leading organizer of the largest civil rights demonstration in the history of South Carolina when over 50,000 marched in Columbia, SC, in January 2000 to demand the removal of the Confederate Battle Flag. Rev. Rivers was there when the flag was finally removed from the front of the capital in 2015.

Noteable Accomplishments

  • PASTOR, Charity Missionary Baptist Church (North Charleston, SC)
  • Appearances: Rev. Rivers has appeared on BET, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, Sky News, and 60 Minutes.
  • Appearances: Rev. Rivers has a speaking role in the movie Separate but Equal starring Sidney Poitier.
  • Appointments: to the Board of Directors of the Direct Action and Research Training Center, (DART); A national network of grassroots, nonprofit, congregation-based community organizations that brings people together
  • Membership: Founding Member of CAJM in 2011; CAJM is an inter-faith, inter-religious, inter-racial group of 30 congregations and organizations in the Charleston, SC area doing justice through congregational work.
  • Membership: immediate past co-president of the Charleston Area Justice Ministry (CAJM)
  • Service: Board of Trustees of Wilberforce University from 1994 until 2014 and is now Trustee Emeritus.
  • Speaker/Preacher: invited and spoke at the historic Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Al where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. pastored. 

Three Movies You Should Buy

  1. Gulla Gulla Island, Season 1 (3-Discs) by Nickelodeon ($14.99)
  2. Songs Uv Dee Gullah Pee’Puls, by Matrix Media Inc. ($42.82)
  3. Daughters of the Dust, by Kino International ($49.99)

What’s More?

Rev. Rivers’has received numerous awards for his civil rights and community work, include, but are not limited to:

  • Honorary Doctor of Humanities Degree, Wilberforce University
  • Induction in Wilberforce University Association Hall of Fame• Induction into the South Carolina Black Hall of Fame
  • Medgar Evers Award of Excellence in 2004 as the top NAACP staff professional
  • Honored with the month of October 2008 South Carolina African American Heritage Calendar
  • 2016 H. E. DeCosta Trailblazer Award by South Carolina African American Heritage Commission
  • 2018 Joseph P. Riley, Jr. Vision Award by the YWCA of Greater Charleston during their MLK Celebration
  • 2018 Grimke Award Recipient from The Sophia Institute

Rev. Rivers is guided by the words of Jesus the Christ found in the Gospel of Mark 10:43: “Yet it shall not be so among you, but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.” He is honored to be a servant of the people of God!

He is married to the former Carolyn Smalls of Charleston and has five children and eight grandchildren. He received his bachelor’s degree from Wilberforce University in Ohio, which is the first private Black-owned and operated university in America. He is pursuing his Master of Divinity at Erskine Theological Seminary, Due West, SC. mHe is a lifelong servant in the fight for justice!

New To The Weekly Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Affiliates.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or to get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary, or with the Urban Academics staff. Ask away and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

How Award-Winning Producer and Writer Makes You A Better Salesperson

In business, regardless of a niche market or industry, branding could mean the difference between failure and success. When you combine the skills necessary to make a difference in today’s anxious, busy, and hectic society through social channels it gets even more difficult to navigate because everything is changing so fast.

To be in the know, you’ve got to surround yourself with folks who not only know what they are talking about but also know “how” to do what they are talking about and want nothing more than to share that with you. This week in the HOT-Seat is no different than any other, but one you don’t want to miss.

This week in the HOT-Seat is a Media Mogul who climbed up there all by herself! She’s an award-winning writer/producer skilled in social media branding, television, and movie production. It’s hard getting into a room with this one; But here’s your chance to dine at the table. Don’t miss this great opportunity, and PLEASE don’t keep it to yourself. Share with ALL your family, fans, and followers.

Three Books You Should Read

  1. Enduring The Call: A 14-Day Encounter, by Jocelyn Fagan ($14.00)
  2. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT ($14.99)
  3. When The Heart Takes Flight, by Carla Yarbrough ($9.99)

In this Week’s HOT-Seat

Carla Yarbrough is an award-winning producer/writer, digital communications strategist, social media branding and visual marketing consultant, and new media video producer. She comes from the field of communications, television, and video production working in the public and private sector. Carla is also an online adjunct lecturer in the Global Strategic Communications graduate program at Florida International University in Miami. 

Her career began in television at WTNH-TV 8 (ABC) in New Haven, CT. She has worked for the Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington, DC; the University of California Riverside; the University of Kentucky HealthCare; and the National Council on Compensation Insurance in Boca Raton, FL by leading visual brand strategies and new media projects. She was also an assistant professor at California State University, Long Beach in the department of journalism and public relations, and Cal State Fullerton in the department of communications for 12 years. 

You may not know this, but branding is a marketing practice that includes colors, fonts and can get really deep like language. For Example, at the Urban Academics. Weekly Roundtable, we refer to eating and food because we are “branding” the notion that food is not only physical but much the same it’s education, emotional, spiritual, and probably good for more than that. Your brand should represent you and the customers you seek to serve. Don’t miss this segment if you need to get in front of a qualified professional to ask questions at no cost to you! Use this link to register for a seat at this week’s roundtable.

Three Things You Should Do

  1. Buy a Black History Movie: Hidden Colors by Amazon Prime ($14.99)
  2. BUY a Black History Photo of Barack Obama ($12.95)
  3. BUY A “Free-Ish Since 1895” T.Shirt, by African Pride ($19.95)

Notable Accomplishments:

  • Author: “When The Heart Takes Flight” by Carla Yarbrough
  • Award: Emmy; Co-Producer for the film: “I Am A Man: Lessons in Life”
  • Entrepreneur: Executive Director and Owner of TenOutOfTen, LLC Production Company
  • Producer: Effects of HIV/AIDS on Children & Famliesin Soweto (South Africa)
  • Producer: Several Films at the Stax Museum of American Soul Music (Memphis, TN)
  • Service: The advisory Committee for Soulsville USA at Stax Museum
  • Working Credits: Consultant to CBS Television (Burbank, CA) for a drama series & comedy show
  • Working Credits: Appeared on NPR (KPCC 89.3) providing commentary and examining stereotypes in reality-based television

 What’s More?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Affiliates.

New To The Weekly Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Affiliates.

Do You Have Questions?

Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or to get in touch with Lady Carla Yarbrough. Ask away and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.

Urban Academics Online, Home of the "HOT-Seat" at the Weekly Roundtable. Thursdays at 9:30 PM (EST):

How To Make Us Better – Developing Collaborative Partnerships Built With Multi-State A-List

Dr. Ed Joyner has had a lifetime of academic experience, but it wasn’t always easy. He’s the Number Four Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat at Urban Academics. His willingness to share his story with such truth has made us all better. Many of our members refer to some of his one-liners often. Some call those “sound-bites,” and they make us better too!

For example, there’s no need to build a platform for one person or type of person – A table should be openly honest and where you can say what you have to. Anyone listening will give you what’s needed to get and keep the chest area clean and clear. Here at the Urban Academics Roundtable, we honor any opinions knowing that some people have salt, others use an herb you’ve never considered but a match nonetheless. We challenge you to listen to this incredible story, and if you move to change, we’ve done well, but there’s more—Check out BETA Membership AT Urban Academics.

The Philiosophy of Collaboration

According to most at the lowest level, collaboration is to share in contributing to a project or work – Something tangible is the outcome. It’s the thought of equal participation by people; animals don’t count and shared results amongst contributors.

Sometimes this concept, easy as it appears, had underlying cons as well as pros. An example of a con/scam would be one or more individuals demanding an equal reward for minimal to no effort to proposed outcomes, thereby causing everyone else to pick up the slack. It leaves a bad taste in some mouths while others could care less. If you’re not careful here – split right down the middle.

Collaboratives of all colors, shapes, and sizes exist for many things with a much broader philosophy. Membership is a better term than a partnership, and I will go over the differences in another post, as for this talk and how we can utilize others’ strengths to accomplish more than we could alone. BETA Membership at Urban Academics provides an opportunity for authors, entrepreneurs, speakers, or others to get their message out to the world. Collaborative content creation is a new way to create fresh content regardless of if folks are prolific thinkers and writers.

The best information or transfer thereof has been because there was more than one thought at the table. The Urban Academics Roundtable is the perfect platform and vehicle for constant Raw, Real, and Relevant Topical Content on Auto-Pilot. Not only that, but featuring real-life black, brown, and other to-notch HOT-Seat Chosen Visionaries from around the country and ultimately around the world. GO TO BETA MEMBERSHIP NOW.

The Raw, Real, and Relevant Replay Number Four – Available NOW! On-Demand! On YouTube! Oh Yes! Subscribe Now

Watch, or Listen To the Video:

The Multi-State A

Urban Academics desires to get everything right, but we know based on experience, things sometimes go wrong. With the BETA Membership programs, we want to partner with folks who wish for their products and services to rise up and above the packs, and we want the same. With BETA Membership, we provide you with services at a fraction of their original costs – In return for genuine and honest feedback. We will determine what works and what does NOT quickly make it better for black and brown folks who sometimes won’t read everything getting themselves into trouble.

So that you know, a “C” is failing in the inner-city urban schools. We know you cannot compete, and few if anyone has the time to step in for students, but Urban Academics wants to change that too! With the launch of Speaker’s Bureau at Urban Academics, we’ll be matching BETA Members through Speaker’s Bureau to speaking opportunities where decision-makers in academia are likely to be. GO TO BETS MEMBERSHIP NOW to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

Activists, Advocates, and Educators – Are You Prepared For A Good Thing?

Here we are into a new year ushering in prophecy and a paradigm shift; A unique dispensation has come. One this that’s true about COVID-19, the 2020 Presidential Election, and the 2021 Inaugural address, swearing-in President Joe Biden, Jr. and Kamala Harris. COVID-19 changed the world based on over-turning the U.S. education system, now turned over to Sir. Joe and Lady Kamala re-building; Bigger, better, and stronger than ever.

Every item purchased comes with instructions; even your t-shirts have tags with washing instructions included. Suppose our children aren’t reading by a certain age. In that case, many things go into play, including but not limited to low expectations, math restrictions, and not being able to read laundry labels. Frustration can set in when children are not successful in school. It may seem trivial, but it’s happening everyday within our inner-city schools.

It’s a good thing some urban professionals understood their calling and purpose early enough to position themselves as change agents. This week’s Chosen Visionary is an educational leader, activist, and advocate who has been developing young people for years. The communities of Bridgeport and New Haven, CT, are incredibly proud to have him, and the work he’s doing helps struggling students tremendously.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World) by Princeton University Press ($47.95)
  2. The Curse of Ham: Satan’s Vicious Circle, by Xulon Press
  3. The ZOLA Experience: A Journey of Recovery From Loss, by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT

Kevin P. Muhammad, leading by example, has consistently directed his energies towards improving the lives of those living in poor and underserved communities across the state of Connecticut. An unapologetic educational advocate for parents and their children, Mr. Muhammad, serves as a voice for the voiceless, liaising with schools and other agencies on behalf of families. As an educator, he works relentlessly to ensure that marginalized Black and Brown children can access a rigorous and equitable curriculum.

He’s a well sought-after compelling keynote and motivational speaker. He has presented numerous audiences, including schools, organizations, and communities, on an assortment of content and topics that include education, prison, reform, health care, and spirituality. In May 2016, he was the Keynote speaker at a community conversation on the necessity of Defining Leadership, held at The University of Massachusetts.

In 2017 to address the need for cultural sensitivity training and support among correctional officers at the Corrigan Radgrowski Correctional Center, Mr. Muhammad himself provides this training. He worked with officials on engaging with inmates of color and those from different ethnicities.

Kevin P Muhammad, Founder MUCKMUDD, LLC; Activist, Advocate and Educator


  • AWARD: 100 Black Men of Color” Honorees
  • AWARD: “Fathers Who Are Active in the Community”–Mother Demand Action
  • AWARD: Greater Bridgeport NAACP, Public Leadership Education
  • AWARD: Greater Bridgeport NAACP, Award for Education by W.E.B. Du Bois.
  • AWARD: The Muhammad Islamic Center, People’s Victory Award, Outstanding Service in Education
  • AWARD: 100 Black Men of Color” Honorees

Other Noteworthy Accomplishment

  • Collaboration: Connecticut Against Violence (CAV) Organization. For the past eight years, he has worked with CAV,
  • Created MUCKMUDD, L.L.C.
  • Member: Bridgeport’s Mayor’s Youth Violence Initiative: My Brother’s Keeper Youth
  • Offers day schooling as an alternative to the public school
  • Provides tutoring and mentoring services, to hundreds of (K-12) students within Fairfield County
  • Serves as an education advocate for children and families
  • Speaker & Facilitator

What’s More?

Mr. Muhammad is a graduate of Sacred Heart University with a Bachelor’s in Science and Biology. He maintains a Sixth Year Degree in Educational Administration and is currently pursuing another degree. When he finds any rare spare time, he loves spending it in fitness and with his family. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below.

New To The Roundtable?

The Urban Academics Roundtable is your weekly dose of shareable content around Academics & Education. Each week, the goal is to educate, encourage, inform, inspire, lead, motivate, share, teach black, brown, and poor folks worldwide.

Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and any People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Affiliates.

Wear Pearls and Tell All The Girls to Watch a Girl Take Over the World

How To Deal With(A) Very Bad GIRL FROM COMPTON

Girls in Pearls worldwide are celebrating and honoring the light of Lady Kamala Harris who takes her place in history today as the first African American (Black) Woman and the United States Vice President. A moment in history this bright contains within it the power to transcend a generation of folks who feel left behind and all alone.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are front and center for the 2021 Presidential Inauguration.  One might say they are no strangers to the Whitehouse nor to inaugurations – They’ve both been on politics so long, they’ve been to their share of prestigious events rubbing elbows as high up as you can get.  It hits different when you are at the very tip of the top, and your day has come much more than you could have ever asked or thought.

Today, everyone needs an example worth looking up to; It seems we have lost our way. Women have always been the backbone of everything and one coming straight from the inner=city who also happened to have attended an HBCU – Oh yes, it’s on.

Little girls, tweens, and our young adults need to understand this is confirmation their dreams are alive and well.  Yes, there was a sweeping of sorts before this moment and the world has changed. We lost co-workers, family members, and friends. Many people had to leave (the world) over two million people have already died within the last 10-months due to COVID-19. 

Please share this invitation to join us on ZOOM at 10:00 AM, Januaty 21, 2021

This is a virtual event over the ZOOM platform and it’s easy.  Here’s what you need to do: 

1.  Tell all your girls & guys too
2.  Wear Pearls
3.  Go to and login
4.  Enter the 
6.  Enter the Passcode
7.  Click the appropriate link for LIVE (Zoom Video)
8.  Join the Celebration

Wear Pearls, Tell Girls to Watch A Girl Take Over the World; Men Welcome (Pearls Optional) It’s Free, memorable, and virtual; Registration is required:

Need Free Press? Doreen Wade, Publishing Visionary on Winning In Media

In the way you and I are familiar with, public relations has changed significantly over the years, and that’s good news for anyone looking to score press and publicity, including you and me. It’s easier now than ever to reach out directly to folks in any industry (niche) you are interested in. Social media platforms like Linked In are priceless for freelancers and professionals. Facebook and Instagram are social in nature, but if you’re looking for more business leads, I recommend Linked-In.

With the changes in public relations, which is new, we all look forward to every day, sometimes every minute, depending on who we are. With millions of mom and pop publishers closing their doors, this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary managed to stay afloat amidst turbulent and unforeseen times.

Three Books You Should Read:

  1. AP News by Associated Press
  2. Free Speech on Campus, by Yale University Press
  3. The ZOLA Experience; A Journey of Recovery From Loss by Katurah A Bryant, LMFT
Doreen Wade, Publisher (Boston, Ma) HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary Number Two on Winning Tacticks For Free Press
Doreen Wade, Publisher (Boston, Ma) HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary Number Two on Winning Tacticks For Free Press

Doreen is the Publisher of New England Insider’s Magazine. She is a pillar in her community and is making strides in media.

Doreen Wayde’s HOT-Seat Replay …

Architech Scholarships For Minorities 20k Due Now

Quick and Easy Fix For Minority Architech Students $20k Available in Free Cash

Architech’s Foundation ($20,000) – Diversity Advancement Scholarship – Due January 15, 2021

If you are a minority and an engineering student, this multi-year scholarship, up to $20,000, can change your life! The Diversity Advancement Scholarship was designed to help more minority students pursue a successful career in architecture. Multiple scholarships are available.

Minority students with imagination and design skills will influence the built environment and the architecture profession.

Who is Eligible

  • a high school student planning to enroll in a NAAB-accredited architecture degree program;
  • a rising second-year college student in a NAAB-accredited architecture degree program; or,
  • a technical school or community college student who has completed high school or its equivalent and intends to transfer to a NAAB-accredited architecture program
  • Minimum G.P.A of 3.0
  • US Citizen

APPLY HERETo Apply To This Scholarship

NAAB-accredited degree programs may be a five-year Bachelor of Architecture degree or a four-year pre-professional bachelor degree followed by a Master of Architecture degree. Scholarships may be renewed for up to 5 years (up to a $20,000 total award—multiple scholarships are available).

The Diversity Advancement Scholarship was created in 1970 with an initial grant from the Ford Foundation after civil rights leader Whitney Young Jr. challenged architects in 1968 to create a more responsible and equitable field. Read the program report here.

More Scholarships Due in January

  1. Foot Locker Scholarship ($20k) – No Essay Athletic Scholarship, Due January 6, 2021
  2. Center For Alcohol Policy ($5k); National Essay Contest, Due January 8, 2021
  3. Black American Engineering Scholarship Award ($40k) Due January 15, 2021

Meantime Money Makers

  1. Flip Your Car – Accept This Fact About Your Car & Never Go Broke Again
  2. Make More Money With Your Existing Book, Product, or Service – Urban Academics BETA Membership 2021
  3. OMG, What to do with that Stimulus Check plus your Income Tax Return? Don’t Blow It; Invest in Bit-Coin!
  4. Partner with 2 or 3 friends to BUY property with CASH (Income Tax + Stimulus); Live FREE (almost)
  5. Sell Whatever You’ve Got – Get Light For The Flight
National Essay Contest Offers 5k For Alcohol Policy Ideas

2 Things You Must Know About the NATIONAL ESSAY CONTEST; Applications Due Now

Center For Alcohol Policy has $5k Scholarships; National Essay Contest, Due January 8, 2021

The Center For Alcohol Policy (5K) National Essay Contest is accepting entries for its 13th Annual Essay Contest. This national academic event is intended to foster debate, analysis, and examination of state alcohol regulation in the 21st Century. Each year, students and professionals are encouraged to participate in this significant effort to bring attention to state alcohol regulation, its complexities, and many successes. Two things you need to know about the National Essay Contest:

  1. It’s Worth Five Thousand Dollars ($5k)
  2. It’s Due January 8

Nothing to it but to do it – Get out your packet and write your article (essay); and please don’t freeze – Turn it in! There are so many of my students who actually write the essay and they are afraid to follow through. Not you; Get to it now while there is still time.

Guidelines and Rules for This National Essay Content


The essay contest is open to all over the age of 18 as of December 2020. Students, academics, practicing attorneys, policymakers, regulators, public health representatives, and any person with an interest in alcohol law and policy are encouraged to submit essays. 

No relatives of individuals working for the Center for Alcohol Policy, its leadership, or contest judges are eligible to submit entries for this contest. Any interested person working for a government entity must certify their ability to enter and win this contest prior to submitting an essay and comply with appropriate ethics laws.


  • A wide range of essay formats are eligible and encouraged, such as formal law review articles or graduate school essays.
  • Any form of citation is acceptable, as long as the structure is consistent throughout the piece.
  • The essay should be submitted double spaced with at least 12-point font in Times New Roman format and should not exceed 25 pages in length, exclusive of endnotes.
  • Submissions published previously or accepted for publication may be considered – Only if the author has secured consent from the other journal for the Center for Alcohol Policy to post the winning publication on its website with an appropriate note about the other publication.


All submissions will go through an initial screening process. Finalists from this process then will be given to a panel of judges who review the following for each essay:

  • Analysis of the question and the depth of this analysis;
  • The readiness of the essay for publication;
  • Quality of the writing, the originality of the topic, and the analysis used;
  • The thoroughness of the research and its overall ability to creatively and effectively discuss regulation of the alcohol industry.


More Scholarships Due in January

  1. Foot Locker Scholarship ($20k) – No Essay Athletic Scholarship, Due January 6, 2021
  2. Architect’s Foundation (20k) – Diversity Advancement Scholarship DUE January 15, 2021
  3. Black American Engineering Scholarship Award ($40k) Due January 15, 2021

Meantime Money Makers

  1. Flip Your Car – Accept This Fact About Your Car & Never Go Broke Again
  2. Make More Money With Your Existing Book, Product, or Service – Urban Academics BETA Membership 2021
  3. OMG, What to do with that Stimulus Check plus your Income Tax Return? Don’t Blow It; Invest in Bit-Coin!
  4. Partner with 2 or 3 friends to BUY property with CASH (Income Tax + Stimulus); Live FREE (almost)
  5. Sell Whatever You’ve Got – Get Light For The Flight