Video games have become the most popular pastime of the American people. From married men to elementary school students too young to use a credit card, I’m here to school you if you have not heard of the video game effect!
Digital Video Games have taken over, and so much of mainstream America has jumped aboard! I want to know what is leafing the pack – From Dragen Edge Inquisition, FIFA 22, and Sims 4. We are indeed interested in what you like and dislike on this list – Please share your thoughts?
Here’syour the best source for Best Selling Video Games NOW. CLICK HERE for the best of the best! Please come back to let us know what you find:
Black History Makers are the reason there’s any such thing #blackhistory! The proof is in the pudding – We built this country on our backs, and for FREE! The truth is, there’s no American History without Black History; Come for me trying to debate that?
Juneteenth was another slap in the face when folks in Texas didn’t even know they were free for years. Some say that speaks to the ignorance of black folks and how true it is. How would an enslaved person know anything when everything was passed down from white enslavers. Even children could tell us anything, setting us up for beatings and even more hurtful things like being ripped away from family sold and never seen again.
They wonder why it’s easy for black men to walk out – They have no absolute reference for staying. Why do black parents sometimes beat/spank their children? The mindset behind these all too regular beatings, even in my generation, is a reference to black history makers. Whippings were synonymous with slavery and kept black folks in line – From the beginning.
Children became slaves of their new owners (parents); The skill, however, was passed down from our white enslavers, but most of their survivors with their privileged financial head-start don’t disown the credit and would rather erase that period from the history books, but nope!
We know this is true, but how do we reverse the curse?
Chosen Visionary in HOT-Seat 89 is Dione Sims, President and CEO at Unity Unlimited, inc, Produceif if Fort Worth, Tx Juneteenth Celebration with her grandmother, Opal Lee, and Software Quality Manager.
Uniuty Unlimited, Inc. will be hosting an art competition, and we will post the information here. Meanwhile, go shopping – Buy Black books so that you will have a working knowledge of historical facts that make up our heritage and legacy. Bookmark this page for easy access to information.
If you’re alive right now, it seems as if the thought of slavery is a thing of the past, like hundreds and hundreds of years ago; And while that is true, it really is not! The truth continues to point to these truths: Not every man is created equal and as petty as it may sound, that truth includes the fact that most folks in the United States have been trained to hate on some level causing many black and brown people to be mistreated.
On the surface, it may appear that we as a people are out of control; or simply have lost the way. Here’s the question: If we are not sure where we came from, how shall we ever return to a place where we know the truth. It seems impossible at best to believe we can ever truly experience what the actual slaves lived within the United States, but it goes down in history as having the largest groups of cash crops in the world.
The “experience” as it were, and its lingering effects are considered horrific, yes, but what would be more horrible is if we do not accurately account for these experiences in our voice as documentalists or story-tellers. But that all ends now with this week’s Urban Academics HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary. She spends her days interpreting the experience of 75-100 slaves who lived and died at the McLeod Plantation in Charleston South Carolina.
Reverend Toby Smith was born in Charleston, South Carolina, but grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She’s a graduate of USC, Columbia, and has done graduate work at American University and Colorado Christian University. Toby began her professional career at the Central Intelligence Agency, where she served domestically and abroad.
After eight years with the Federal Government, she returned home and began working at the Charleston County School District as the Public Relations Officer under the leadership of the late Superintendent, Sydney “Chip” Zullinger, who selected her to coordinate the district’s first bond campaign dedicated to repairing old dilapidated schools. That campaign led to politics and, her passion for the political process.
Rev. Smith’s biggest and boldest adventure to date: Commemoration 400, Charleston’s, year-long reflection on the experience of the enslaved and their descendants. Today, Toby is the Lead Interpretive Aide at McLeod Plantation Historic Site; One of two cultural locations in the US presenting slavery issues from the enslaved perspective. In this role, Toby interacts with guests and visitors from all over the world while telling compelling stories of the 74-100 enslaved people who lived and died at McLeod Plantation.
Rev. Toby Smith, Cultural Interpreter and Licensed Ordained Minister, HOT-Seat Visionary Number 41, Charleston SC
Notable Accomplishments
FIRSTS: City of Charleston Mayoral Candidate on Racial Reconciliation and engaging communities in need
FIRSTS: Charleston Metro Credit Union’s First African-American Director of the Affairs Group
MINISTRY: Licensed Ordained Minister at Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church (Rev. Willis Glover, Sr., Pastor)
SERVICE: Assists the Food and Clothing Ministry
SERVICE: Executive Director of Midland Park Community Ministries
SERVICE: Expanded food pantry and clothes closet programming and services to Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester Counties
SERVICE: Non-Profit Grants development and strategy funding
SERVICE: Non-Profit Grant Reviewer for the Compassion Capital Fund
SERVICE: Taught financial literacy, first-time homebuyer, pre-and post-bankruptcy, and mortgage default classes throughout the state of South Carolina
SERVICE: Weekly Bible study, and Sunday School Classes
SERVICE: Worked with Youth and Women’s Ministries
Writer:IMARA Woman magazine (Columbia, SC), covering education and financial literacy
Who should attend? Administrators, Educators, Child Advocates, Entrepreneurs, Guidance Counselors, Mental Health Professionals, Parents, Political Figures, Students, Upward Mobile Professionals, School Systems Interested in Change, Teachers, and People Involved in Motivating Our Students Higher (P.I.M.O.S.H.) Subsidiaries. GRAB a Seat HERE.
Do You Have Questions?
Use the Comments Section Below to ask questions or get in touch with this HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary or the Urban Academics staff. Ask away, and she will get to your questions and quickly as possible.
Believe it or not, Christmas is here, and with it, there’s lots of food mistletoe, and shopping; But it’s not as much fun without the background music of the temptations and Kirk Franklin’s Christmas. At least for Black and Brown families, we like that music in the background, as it sets the stage for family, laughter, and love.
There’s only one thing missing – Laughter in the voices of children after all isn’t that Christmas is all about – The kids? Well, PIMOSH Publishing Company is responsible for the Crunch Bunch Kids brand that’s mainly distributed through the FREE Library system across the country, and now has found itself into mainstream reach.
Thank Crunch Bunch Kids kids, A Christmas Letter, parents can now make playlists for the whole family, including the children. Of course, not all songs are child-like, but rather a genuine look at what life is like, even during the magical month of December. Get your copy now!