STEM education has become increasingly important in today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world. Science, technology, engineering, and math are the fundamental building blocks of many of the world’s most innovative and exciting careers. Unfortunately, many inner-city youths do not have access to the same resources and opportunities as their more affluent counterparts. However, STEM education can change the lives of these young people by providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the 21st century.
Coding and Gaming
Coding and gaming are among the most exciting and dynamic areas of STEM education. This field has exploded in recent years, and there are now more opportunities for young people to learn how to code and create their games. These skills are in high demand in the tech industry and can lead to well-paying and fulfilling careers.
In addition to providing a pathway to a career, coding and gaming can also help young people develop essential skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. These skills are valuable in any job and can help inner-city youth overcome the challenges they may face in their daily lives.
Another exciting area of STEM education is robotics and automation. This field is rapidly evolving, and many different types of robots can perform a wide range of tasks. From manufacturing to healthcare to education, robotics, and automation are changing the way we live and work.
Inner-city youth can benefit from learning about robotics and automation in several ways:
It can help them develop important technical skills that are in high demand in many industries.
It can expose them to the many different types of careers that are available in this field.
It can help them understand the ways in which technology is changing the world around them, and how they can be a part of that change.
Service Answering Tech Solutions
Tech-Titans at Microsoft Enrolling now for spring break live in Charlotte or virtual worldwide!
In addition to coding, gaming, and robotics, there are many other areas of STEM education that can benefit inner-city youth. One of these areas is service-answering tech solutions. This field involves the use of technology to provide customer service and support. This area is experiencing rapid growth, and many different types of jobs are available in this field.
For inner-city youth, learning about service-answering tech solutions can be a great way to develop essential skills like communication, problem-solving, and customer service. In addition, it can provide them with a pathway to a career that is in high demand and pays well.
If you are an inner-city youth or the parent, it is crucial to take advantage of STEM education opportunities. One upcoming opportunity is Tech-Titans at Microsoft, which enrolls live in Charlotte, NC, and virtually worldwide from April 10-14; Designed to provide young people with hands-on experience in coding, gaming, robotics, and other areas of STEM education.
In addition to providing opportunities for young people, Tech-Titans at Microsoft is also an excellent resource for entrepreneurs and small business owners. This program can help these individuals learn about the latest technology trends and how they can leverage technology to grow their businesses.
Enroll Your Kids and Submit Your Business Now
If you are interested in enrolling your kids in Tech-Titans at Microsoft or submitting your business to the program, now is the time to act. This program is offered twice a year, and spaces fill up quickly.
Have you ever heard of the term Returning Citizen Juvenile Lifer? Neither had I until the day I was blessed to interview Ray Boyd, A.K.A. Ra’Sun Allah from New Haven, CT. His story is not glamorous at all. However, it has the power to change the trajectory of any life.
Old-timers call it the “Slow Walk!” no one wakes up in the morning with the wish of being arrested and thrown in jail. If you watch those court and crime shows on TV, you owe it to yourself the honor of meeting and hearing the story of the King sitting in HOT-Seat Number 90. Nine is the number of wisdom – You are invited to dine at the Urban Academics Roundtable Thursday at 9:30 pm (EST).
HOT-Seat 90 is Advocate is Author, Returning Citizen Juvenile Lifer, Ray Boyd (New Haven, CT) is Chosen Visionary
Ray Boyd, A.K.A. Ra’Sun Allah, Activist, Author, and RETURNING CITIZEN JUVENILE LIFER
Meet the man who spent close to 30-years in prison for a crime committed when he was 17-years-old. Ray Boyd, AKA Ra’Sun Allah, was just seventeen years old when he entered a prison environment with hardened criminals and had to find his way. He was sentenced to fifty (50) years!
Ray transformed his life alone, while in prison, and he’s changed his life for the better. His story, in his words and voice, will no doubt change the trajectory of your life! Christianity was the chosen religion of his household, but young Ray grew closer to Suni Muslims and what is known as “Five Percenter.” Today, he takes his life seriously and lives with a God-like conscious where he gives back every day, is aware of his reckless early years, and is moving on to bigger and better.
According to King Ray, his journey of crime started at home, and by the age of 12, he was already selling hard drugs regularly – To hear from Ray Boyd directly, show up to the Urban Academics Roundtable (FREE Registration). He’s now an advocate, author, broker assistant for a prominent real estate firm, and a returning citizen juvenile lifer. Can you imagine – Half your life behind controlled gates for one false move.
The Returning Citizen Juvenile Lifer has Authord a Book! Buy it NOW ($19.95)
Rehabilitating a Returning Citizen Juvenile Lifer
King Ray volunteers to abolish the American Prison Industry Complex and Solitary Confinement with CT. He is the author of the Model Inmate and an advocate for Second Chance Offenders.
It is clear that the streets of New Haven, Connecticut can be compared to New York City (it never sleeps). There’s also the only thing between New Haven and New York is the Metro-North Rail Train. All sorts of things happen in New Haven where young Ray Boyd was caught into the culture of a lifestyle of new money! The money was too much for inner-city kids to handle; So we thought!
New Haven produced several millionaires out of the 80s and early 90’s drug trade. There were some athletes and Rap superstars amongst them – Mostly all succumed to the pressures of steet like. For the first time, folks were able to purchase homes for their families. Others made sure younger siblings were able to attend college. Thirty years later, not too much has changed. New Haven, home of Yale University, is the most dangerous city in Connecticut. The battle of the haves and have nots continues, but in the inner-city that term is NOT sysnonymous with the likes of our white counterparts, regardless of how the money is gained.
Ray Boyd, A.K.A. Ra’Sun Allah, Activist, Author, and RETURNING CITIZEN JUVENILE LIFER, is New Haven.
More About Ray Boyd A.K.A. Ra’Sun Allah – Returning Citizen Juvenile Lifer
This King, when he is not running around with an “S” on his chest doing his best to advocate and fight for others, he is doing more of the same. He is taking care of himself and drinking plenty of water these days to stay hydrated. King Ray also reads quite a bit and walks. Ray is an author who has written two additional books, and they will be released soon.
He looks to bring his program acumen and his thirty-seven years of lived experience into the Second Chance Re-EntryInitiative(SCRIP) to be of some benefit to the lives of the young men and women who may walk through the door.
You do NOT want to miss this week’s Urban Academics Roundtable under any circumstances! Ray Boyd, Advocate, Author of The Model Inmate, Broker Assistant, and Returning Citizen Juvenile Lifer! Hear the story of a man incarcerated for 29.5 years for a crime committed when he was only 17 years old – A story that will change your life forever. Run – Tell a friend to meet us at the table Thursdays at 9:30 pm (EST): The Urban Academics Roundtable is FREE, and you can Register Here.
To reach out to King Ray Boyd, AKA Ra’Sun Allah, Chosen Visionaries, or Roundtable Moderators, please use the Modera out the comments section below. Thank you for being here and reading to the end; God Bless You!
Video games have become the most popular pastime of the American people. From married men to elementary school students too young to use a credit card, I’m here to school you if you have not heard of the video game effect!
Digital Video Games have taken over, and so much of mainstream America has jumped aboard! I want to know what is leafing the pack – From Dragen Edge Inquisition, FIFA 22, and Sims 4. We are indeed interested in what you like and dislike on this list – Please share your thoughts?
Here’syour the best source for Best Selling Video Games NOW. CLICK HERE for the best of the best! Please come back to let us know what you find:
Public school teachers worldwideith what they do and start our loving each child the same. Loving job is different than enjoying the company and time spent daily with folks you work with or are serving. It would be great if a e-requisite were required to love to teach: YOU MUST LOVE CHILDREN BEFORE YOU CAN TEACH!
By now,,, you know that’s not close to how it works. Spoiler Alert: Teachers are no all created equally,,, like folks in any other profession – The wheat and the tare grow together. Only God can do the separating. In o her words, quit trying to know ople – They change every day. Put your treasure in GOD who never ch ges, and his promise of daylight and moonshine coupled with new mercies have not failed us yet!
PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS And Love – How They Are The Same
What’s Love Got to do With It?
Love is a relative term depending on anything that could mean something different to everyone (love). Every public school teacher was a student, and eryone everywhere, at any grade level, athletes whether varsity or JV, award-winning Emmy, grammy, and Oscar nominees were once students in a teacher’s classroom.
Teachers don’t just make the world go around. They are the world,,, and they ALL get into heaven FREE (says me)! Teachers, up until recently,,, were not ignored t rather reduced in the class hierarchy of local, state, and federal laws about education and teaching, especially if one is certified as a teacher or has continued education after goal attainment.
PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS And Love – How They Are The Same
HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary Number 87 is Dr. Feyi Obamehinti (Keller, TX)
Dr. Feyi Obamehinti is a life educator who loves to empower people with research-based principles to thrive in life. A dynamic international and national trainer/speaker, Feyi is passionate about helping educators at all stages of their career journey. As an educational expert, Feyi uses her expertise to equip, support, and provide leadership to educators at the local, state, and federal levels in areas of best practices in education. She is the Co-founder of Oasis Focus Inc. (a nonprofit organization) that empowers and equips disadvantaged communities through value- based principles for families, public schools, and the workplace.
PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS And Love – How They Are The Same
Teachers Must Love All Students
According to Dr. Obamehinti, one should not teach if tey are not called to fo so! Teachers are special folks designed after God’s heart to guarantee the safe passage fro childhood to adult. Those who end up in education by accident do not end up being the best at this job.
Teachers Shuold Love God, His Children and Serve People
Dr. Feyi is a lifelong learning who is passionate about teaching, but she is also a minister who is extremely driven to spread the word of God, not only with accuracy, but with evidence, signs and wonders. Her voice resonates as one who is called to lead. She’s offering a Precept Study Course, and you are invited to attend. USe the link below for more information.
Dr. Obamehinti’s Spring Precept Study is here:
1. In Person Precept Study: The Power of Knowing God, a 7-weeks study on knowing God intimately. Abraham, Noah, Nehemiah, Deborah, Paul are a few examples of God’s servants that knew God so well. Anyone can too. I’ll love to be your guide as we dive into the scriptures to discover the treasures that make intimacy with God a living testament. This in person study begins March 2 and ends April 13 from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Click the study link here to register.
2. Online In & Out Precept Study: How To Study Your Bible, is a 6 weeks study on how to study your Bible. We will use the Precept Topical study of Living for God’s Glory as the guide on learning how to dig into God’s Word and hear what the Holy Spirit is saying in the scriptures. I’ll love to be your guide on this learning journey together. This is for everyone, new and veteran followers of Christ. This online study begins March 23 and ends April 27 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Please share with anyone (men and women) that could use this time of study time. Click the study link here to register. After registering, you will then receive a confirmation email that will have information to join the weekly virtual meeting for the entire 6 weeks.
Teachers Love Good Causes Too!
Dr. Obamefinti is the Board Chair for the National Diabetes Foundation where she serves as educator and expert. She is passionate about her seat and takes it seriously as part of her everyday life – Here’s a panel discussion where Dr. Feyi Obamehinti is featured; Watch below:
Dr. Obamehinti and Self Care
When Dr. Obamehinti is not running around with an “S” on her chest saving the world, she enjoys simple things – Soaking in the tub, Quietly at home reading the word of God and praying for his people. She is a vessel of love that pours God’s heart into the minds of his teachers, as they are trusted with our beloved children. If you have questions for HOT-Seat Chosen Visionary Number 88, or any of our team members use the comments section below.
Deadline Varies – Gold Medal Portfolio Awards ($510,000),
June 15 – ScholarshipPoints will award a $10,000 scholarship to one lucky member
June 30 – The Ernest Scholarship ($5,000):
(1) DUE May 5 – STOP The Blled Scholarship ($3,000)
Are you a high school student? You can help yourself and help your school by a) making a 1 to 2-minute video or b) writing an essay from 250 to 500 words addressing one of the topic areas below.
Winning students will receive scholarship money towards post-secondary education. The schools of the winning students will receive free STOP THE BLEED® Kits.
This year’s program consists of National Scholarships and Frontline Family Scholarships. Please note that these scholarships have separate applications. Eligible students can apply for both scholarships. Students are limited to one scholarship award.
Eligibility is limited to high school age students in the US and its territories.
(2) DUE MAY 14 – Beans For Brains Scholarship ($2,500)
For this money, you need to have a few skills in the creative department, like you must know how to crochet, knit, or weave and hold at least a 3.5 GPA!
The Brower Youth Award is about Environmental Leadership. It was established in 2000 to honor renowned environmental advocate David Brower.
Six recipients of the Brower Youth Awards will each win a $3,000 cash prize, a professionally produced short film about them from an Emmy award-winning film crew, along with flight and lodging accommodations for a week-long trip to the San Francisco Bay Area.
Youth environmental change leaders ages 13 to 22 (as of July 1) living in North America (including Mexico, Canada, some Caribbean Islands) and U.S. territories are encouraged to apply. During their stay in California, the recipients will participate in a camping trip, leadership activities, speaking and media engagements, training sessions, and environmental conferences, giving them a chance to meet with mentors and peers.
The Links, Incorporated is an international, not-for-profit corporation established in 1946. The membership consists of more than 16,000 professional women of color in 288 chapters located in 41 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, and the United Kingdom.
It is one of the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of extraordinary women committed to enriching, sustaining, and ensuring African Americans’ culture and economic survival and other persons of African ancestry.
An applicant for the White Rose Scholarship Award must be a Massachusetts resident who is an African American male or female and a high school senior applying for fall admission into an accredited four-year college/university. Minimum GPA of 3.0 required. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider’s website.
(5) DUE May 20 – VSA Emerging Young Artist Program ($20,000)
The VSA Emerging Young Artists Program, a Jean Kennedy Smith Arts and Disability Program, recognizes and showcases the work of emerging young artists with disabilities, ages 16-25, living in the United States.
A jury will select fifteen artists. Winning artists will receive an all-expenses-paid professional development workshop at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. Recipients are notified by July 15.
(7) DUE May 28 – EQuity Scholarship Essay Competition ($5,000)
EQuity is a Black-owned learning and development venture working to advance racial justice by developing emotional intelligence.
They’ve launched a scholarship essay competition to amplify their work at the intersection of emotional intelligence and racial justice. This fall, they will award one $5,000 scholarship to the winner. Any degree-seeking student is eligible to apply.
Complete an interest form to receive all information about the scholarship moving forward for more information or to apply.
Scholarship Winner Will Be Announced This Fall
Contact Info: Scholarship Committee, 615 S Main St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-35 – 202-670-6017
The scholarship is open to US-based high school and university students who embody at least THREE of their company’s core values : (1) seize opportunities, cultivate relations, magnify moments, pursue excellence, and promoting good stewardship).
You could win an easy $2,500 scholarship by answering 3 quick questions to share ideas on how your school, district, or textbook could improve its curriculum on race, racism, and US history. We’ll use your feedback and work with experts to create guides for students and educators to improve race and history education nationwide. Answer the 3 quick questions, and you’ll automatically enter to win the $2,500 scholarship.
Deadline Varies – Gold Medal Portfolio Awards ($510,000) , Open to graduating high school seniors who has or can create a portfolio of eight pieces of creative and original works of art.
June 15 – ScholarshipPoints will award a $10,000 scholarship to one lucky member. All you have to do to become eligible is become a ScholarshipPoints member and log in. It’s simple, fun, and completely free!
Opportunity is the number one reported obstacle of why most people don’t pursue dreams, or in other words, their true calling. There are probably about 97% of the population falling into this category. But there is another three percent, and they make up the creatives and risk-takers who know no bounds to their thoughts snd ways. They are sometimes black sheep or wayward children – they don’t want to walk in a line unless they need to pass.
Number Six With A Mindblowing Getting Organized, Prepared Being Ready – Do you really want to know her secret? You are welcome to watch (listen) to the Raw, Real, and Relevant Replay below. Don’t forget you can leave questions for Lady Lonai Mosley, and she will get back to you. Meanwhile, please Subscribe to Urban Academics YouTube Channel.
More About Lonai Mosley
Lonai Mosley runs a fantastic digital boutique in Brooklyn, NY. Known to mere mortals as the Media Money Maker Mogul, she’s carved out quite the career in working with NYC Schools, entertainment companies, and more! She is HOT Seat Chosen Visionary Number VI, Season I. Enjoy!
Dr. Ed Joyner has had a lifetime of academic experience, but it wasn’t always easy. He’s the Number Four Chosen Visionary in the HOT-Seat at Urban Academics. His willingness to share his story with such truth has made us all better. Many of our members refer to some of his one-liners often. Some call those “sound-bites,” and they make us better too!
For example, there’s no need to build a platform for one person or type of person – A table should be openly honest and where you can say what you have to. Anyone listening will give you what’s needed to get and keep the chest area clean and clear. Here at the Urban Academics Roundtable, we honor any opinions knowing that some people have salt, others use an herb you’ve never considered but a match nonetheless. We challenge you to listen to this incredible story, and if you move to change, we’ve done well, but there’s more—Check out BETA Membership AT Urban Academics.
The Philiosophy of Collaboration
According to most at the lowest level, collaboration is to share in contributing to a project or work – Something tangible is the outcome. It’s the thought of equal participation by people; animals don’t count and shared results amongst contributors.
Sometimes this concept, easy as it appears, had underlying cons as well as pros. An example of a con/scam would be one or more individuals demanding an equal reward for minimal to no effort to proposed outcomes, thereby causing everyone else to pick up the slack. It leaves a bad taste in some mouths while others could care less. If you’re not careful here – split right down the middle.
Collaboratives of all colors, shapes, and sizes exist for many things with a much broader philosophy. Membership is a better term than a partnership, and I will go over the differences in another post, as for this talk and how we can utilize others’ strengths to accomplish more than we could alone. BETA Membership at Urban Academics provides an opportunity for authors, entrepreneurs, speakers, or others to get their message out to the world. Collaborative content creation is a new way to create fresh content regardless of if folks are prolific thinkers and writers.
The best information or transfer thereof has been because there was more than one thought at the table. The Urban Academics Roundtable is the perfect platform and vehicle for constant Raw, Real, and Relevant Topical Content on Auto-Pilot. Not only that, but featuring real-life black, brown, and other to-notch HOT-Seat Chosen Visionaries from around the country and ultimately around the world. GO TO BETA MEMBERSHIP NOW.
Urban Academics desires to get everything right, but we know based on experience, things sometimes go wrong. With the BETA Membership programs, we want to partner with folks who wish for their products and services to rise up and above the packs, and we want the same. With BETA Membership, we provide you with services at a fraction of their original costs – In return for genuine and honest feedback. We will determine what works and what does NOT quickly make it better for black and brown folks who sometimes won’t read everything getting themselves into trouble.
So that you know, a “C” is failing in the inner-city urban schools. We know you cannot compete, and few if anyone has the time to step in for students, but Urban Academics wants to change that too! With the launch of Speaker’s Bureau at Urban Academics, we’ll be matching BETA Members through Speaker’s Bureau to speaking opportunities where decision-makers in academia are likely to be. GO TO BETS MEMBERSHIP NOW to learn more about this exciting opportunity.
Welcome back, Scholars! Can you believe we’ve made it through to the end of the year that wasn’t? Twenty-twenty (2020) will be in the wind in a few weeks, but that won’t stop colleges and universities from wanting their tuition when January rolls around. Every month, I create a list of what I believe are excellent opportunities for FREE CASH FOR COLLEGE.
By now, you should know that I DO NOT include scholarships less than $2.500, and only when necessary, like when the scholarship is so easy, no essay or they are giving the money away to anyone who has the wherewithal to apply (submit materials) – No Failure!
Free Money For College Monthly Leads
Inside This Issue
In this article, you will find Ten Scholarship Opportunities, 3 Books To Read, 3 Things To Do, 3 Bonus Opportunities, and Meantime Money Makers you might find interesting.
1. National Honor Sociery Scholarship ($7,000) – Due December 7, 2020
NHS is the oldest and best-known student recognition program. For nearly 100 years, NHS members have been making a difference in their schools and communities through their scholarship, service, leadership, and character. High school seniors who are National Honor Society (NHS) members in good standing of an affiliated NHS chapter are eligible to apply for the scholarship. There are no limits to the number of applications per chapter. For more information or to apply, please visit the scholarship provider’s website.
2. Denny’s Hungry For Education Scholarship ($3,000) – Due December 11, 2020
Denny’s partners with leading non-profit minority advocacy organizations to launch anti-hunger programs across the United States. The Denny’s Hungry for Education Scholarships are awarded to deserving high school and college students for their ideas to help Denny’s fight childhood hunger. Please note that there are a number of organizations that participate, so make sure you give yourself time to explore!
Applicants must be:
Enrolled in an accredited high school or college in the United States or Puerto Rico
Citizens or permanent residents of the United States or Puerto Rico
Use the funds for education, such as tuition and related fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses
Possess a minimum 2.5 GPA (high school and college). NOTE: Each partner organization may have additional requirements; however, GPA level varies
Provide a 300-word essay (high school) or 500-word essay (college) on how Denny’s can bring their communities together
Meet GPA level and other requirements set by each partner organization
Note: Students can apply for multiple scholarships each year, but the essay must be different for each scholarship application.
Contact: Denny’s, Inc., 203 East Main Street, Spartanburg, SC 29319, 1-800-733-6697
3. Burger King Scholars ($1,000 – $50,000) – Due December 15, 2020
Burger King is one of the most iconic fast food chains in the world. One of the ways that the company gives back is through Burger King scholarships. The Burger King Scholars program was created in memory of Burger King co-founder James “Jim” W. McLamore in 2000. This program was created to support students from the United States and Canada who are seeking higher education at a four year college or university. Keep reading to learn more about how you can apply for this great scholarship opportunity!
Academic achievements
Participation in school and community activities
Length of employment (enrichment awards only)
Work experience (James W. McLamore “WHOPPER” Scholarship only)
Financial information (James W. McLamore “WHOPPER” Scholarship only)
Eligibility: High school seniors or college students who are leaders in community service, athletics, or another extracurricular activity.
Amount: Up to $50,000
Deadline: December 15, 2020
Be a citizen of the United States or Canada
Have graduated from high school within the last three years
Students who are applying as a full-time freshman to a four-year accredited, college or university that is located in the United States
Cumulative unweighted grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.3
Minimum ACT Composite score of 25 or a minimum combined SAT score of 1220
Demonstrate an active leadership role in community service, athletics, and/or similar co-curricular activity
4. Foreclosure Dot Com Scholarship ($2,500) – Due December 15, 2020 Scholarship Program at a Glance continues to break new ground by offering a nationwide scholarship program. Currently enrolled college students (graduate students, law students, and/or high school seniors are NOT eligible) are invited to apply by submitting an essay. Freshmen entering Fall 2020 are eligible once they have received a student ID number. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden. Essays that are not the original work of the entrant will be immediately discarded and eliminated from consideration.
As a college student or recent graduate that may not qualify for a conventional home purchase, how would you leverage the “Rent to Own” (lease option) opportunity to achieve home ownership?
Please detail the process you would go through, referencing factors such as credit score, down payment, home searches, price range, and the planning and negotiating of the Rent to Own agreement, as well as exercising the final purchase or opting out of the sale.
5. P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship ($12,500) – Due December 15, 2020
Established in 1949, the International Peace Scholarship Fund believes that education is fundamental to world peace and understanding. The P.E.O (Philanthropic Educational Organization) funds the P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship for selected women from other countries for graduate study in the United States and Canada. To learn more about the P.E.O., click here. Their motto is “Women helping women reach for the stars,” which pretty much tells you what the good people in the P.E.O. strive for!
Who is eligible to apply for the P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship?
An applicant must be qualified for admission to full-time graduate study and working toward a graduate degree in an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada
A student who is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada is not eligible
Scholarships are not for online courses, research, internships or for practical training if not combined with coursework
Applicants must have a full year of coursework remaining, be enrolled and in residence for the entire school year
Doctoral students who have completed coursework and are working only on dissertations are not eligible as first-time applicants.
International students attending Cottey College are eligible to apply for a scholarship
How much are these scholarships worth?
The maximum amount awarded for the P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship is $12,500.
When are the scholarship applications due?
The last day to submit eligibility forms is December 15, 2020. Applications for students already enrolled in school are due March 1. Those not yet enrolled are due April 1. Please click here for a handy calendar of due dates since those dates vary depending on whether students are enrolled in graduate school yet.
6. Robert Derby Scholarship ($2,500) – Due December 15, 2020
With a commitment to higher education, the staff at Robert J. DeBry & Associates have decided to offer an ongoing scholarship to help alleviate the rising costs of education. For the Spring 2021 semester, we have narrowed the scholarship to Utah based Institutions. If you are attending a Utah college and are from out of state, please feel free to apply.
Scholarship Application:
Write a 350-500 word essay about one of the following topics:
Car accidents caused by distracted driving from smartphones, navigation, etc.
Car accidents related to drowsy driving
Motorcycle accidents related to distracted drivers or limited visibility
Workplace accidents and what can be done to avoid them and improve safety
Defective drug injuries, why they happen, and what can be done to avoid them
The dangers cyclists face on the roadways and how drivers can improve awareness
Wrongful deaths related to firearms
How drivers can help avoid accidents with pedestrians and what pedestrians can do to be safe
Accidents caused by driving under the influence, how we can teach young adults to avoid them
How can we improve our roadways to make them safer and reduce accidents?
Crosswalk safety for pedestrians, especially children, and how to avoid accidents
7. Be Bold No Essay Contest ($10,000) – Due December 31, 2020
Their mission is to eliminate student debt. The student debt crisis is handicapping our next generation, making students far less likely to pursue dream careers, own homes, or start businesses. enables anyone and any company to create a customized scholarship, fellowship, or grant, in minutes. Your story is unique. Your philanthropy should be too.
8. Simplr Artificial Intelligence Scholarship ($7,500) – Due December 31, 2020
In order to apply, please write a 1000-2000 word essay on one of the following topics. Make sure to include why you chose your field of study and how it applies to these future technologies.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Blockchain technology – Select the field you’re most passionate about and explore a specific role you think this technology will play in our future, and how this will effect positive change. Describe the key technological aspects as well as the human element that will likely be involved.
Commercial AI-generated music and AI-created inventions, for example, are not far off but they will forever change traditional intellectual property concepts. Explore the challenges in attributing and incentivizing the creation of new knowledge when the lines between human/machine creation and open/proprietary data are blurred. The scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who best demonstrates willingness and ability to be a candidate for success in the tech industry. Please note relevant hobbies, projects or extracurricular activities as they will be considered.
9. Tallo’s Scholarship Sweepstakes ($15,000) – Sue December 31, 2020
Tallo partnered with Scholarships360 to bring students $1000s in scholarships every month. And best of all, it’s probably the easiest scholarship you’ll ever have to apply for. Check out the instructions below for how to apply.
Applying for the scholarship is an easy, two-step process designed to help you brag about your scholastic and extracurricular accomplishments while getting access to $20 billion (yes, billion) in scholarships.
1. Create a profile. 2. Apply NOW FOR Tallo’s Scholarship
10. The Nora Excellence In Art Activism Scholarship – Due December 31, 2020
The #NoRA Excellence in Art Activism Scholarship is a one-time $5,000 scholarship awarded to a graduating High School Senior or a student currently enrolled in a baccalaureate program who uses art to engage in gun violence prevention. Students must present a portfolio of art, music, writing, or other artistic endeavor and a detailed explanation of how it is used to enact social change around gun violence prevention.
Complete the form below including a digital link to your portfolio. Your portfolio should include at least 3 but no more than 10 works of visual art, poetry, short writing, songs, or films. For longer form written work, please include a 20-page portfolio or book excerpt. For longer-form musical or film compositions, please include a 20-minute excerpt.
In addition, please complete the form below and email a copy of your high school transcript, two (2) letters of recommendation, and your most current college transcript (if a current college student) by the application deadline.
Must be a doctoral student in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico pursuing advanced training and research in the field of water supply and treatment.
Four research scholarships for graduate students, offering a range of awards for students with strong research plans. The Abel Wolman Fellowship awards $30,000 for an outstanding doctoral student which is renewable for a second year. The LARS Aquatic scholarships award $5,000 to a Master’s student and $7,000 to a Doctoral candidate. The Philip C. Singer scholarship awards $3,000 to an outstanding graduate student.
These scholarships are for students pursuing Masters or Doctoral degrees at an institution of higher education located in the U.S., Canada, Guam, Mexico, or Puerto Rico. Please click the Applicant Instructions link below for more information about each scholarship. If you have questions, contact Kathleen at
Scholarships Due in February 2021
GE Reagan Scholarship ($10,000) – Due February, 2021
Honoring the legacy and character of our nation’s 40th President, the GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program rewards college-bound students who demonstrate exemplary leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship with financial assistance to pursue higher education.
Each year, the Program selects numerous recipients to receive a $10,000 scholarship renewable for up to an additional three years – up to $40,000 total per recipient. Awards are for undergraduate study and may be used for education-related expenses, including tuition, fees, books, supplies, room, and board. In addition, Scholars are invited to participate in a special awards program and receive ongoing leadership-development support.
Contact: Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, 40 Presidential Drive, Semi, California and 850 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC,
Hello there, and welcome back scholarship seekers! Today is a great day to roll up your sleeves and start digging your teeth into some FREE Cash for College. You are going to college or you wouldn’t be here, correct? Well, in this post, I will introduce 10 scholarships coming up – But, if you have your Checklist Handy, I’m sure you’re ready and have all the pieces together properly? If not I will be posting a FREE Money Checklist soon, I promise. Meanwhile, we’ve got great line=up for the month of November.
Inside This Post
Inside this post, you’ll find information about 10-scholarships that were handpicked to make sure there are variety and BIG AMOUNTS of Money for your college expenses, which are going up even if you are a remote learner. Prayerfully whoever becomes president will spend more time figuring some of this out. But for now, here’s what we’ve got for you:
10-Scholarships. Due is November (NOW)!
Good Tidings Community Service Scholarship ($10,000), DUE November 6, 2020
Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholarship ($250,000), Applications DUE November 12, 2020
The Anne Ford Scholarship ($10,000), Applications DUE November 12, 2020
Create Real Impact Contest ($10,000), Applications DUE November 12, 2020
Creative Black Womxn to Watch ($5,000), Applications DUE November 13, 2020
Joseph A. Towles African Study Abroad Scholarship ($10,000), Applications DUE November 14, 2020
Soroptimist’s Live Your Dream Award ($16,000), Applications Due November 15, 2020
Michigan American Legion High School Oratorical Contest ($20,000), Applications DUE November 20, 2020
Panther Preferred ($18,000), Greenville University Scholarship Blessings, Applications DUE November 26, 2020
Walgreens Expressions Challenge ($2,000), for Chicago or St. Louis Residents ONLY. Applications DUE November 30, 2020
8. Michigan American Legion High School Oratorical Contest ($20,000), Applications DUE November 20, 2020
The American Legion Oratorical contests can be financially as well as educationally rewarding. High School students who are U. S. citizens or lawful residents can hone their speaking skills while learning about the U.S. Constitution. Department level scholarship awards range from $800 to $1500, with Zone runner-ups receiving $200. At the National level, they range from $15,000 to $20,000.
9. Panther Preferred ($18,000), Greenville University Scholarship Blessings, Applications DUE November 26, 2020
Greenville University is accepting 100 Panther Scholars. This application is designed to help students with exceptional character succeed at Greenville University. Once you have been accepted into Greenville University, you will be prompted by an admissions counselor to fill out our Panther Preferred application. The deadline to submit the Panther Preferred application is November 26th, and you can expect to hear about the decision by December 25th. Panther Preferred recipients receive one of the highest scholarships GU offers. The scholarship is renewable for up to four years. There is no GPA requirement and no test score requirement.
10. Walgreens Expressions Challenge ($2,000), for Chicago or St. Louis Residents ONLY. Applications DUE November 30, 2020
Are you currently a high school teen in the Chicago or St. Louis area? Do you have an opinion about Sexting, Self-Esteem, Bullying, Teen Pregnancy, STD prevention, Abstinence, or Sexual Responsibility Awareness or maybe something else? Have you ever talked about these issues with your friends? What are your thoughts on these topics? How would you creatively express your perspective to educate your friends and other teens on these key concerns some teens may face, and generate awareness? You can enter the contest through any of the following categories: creative writing, visual arts, or media arts. For more information or to apply
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Visual Arts Fellowship ($6,000), Applications DUE November 6, 2020
The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Fellowship Program is a vital source of funding for the visual arts and art history in Virginia. VMFA is committed to supporting professional artists as well as art and art history students who demonstrate exceptional creative ability in their chosen discipline. Student applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are currently legal residents of Virginia or have been paying in-state tuition to an accredited Virginia college, university of school of the arts that they attend as full-time students. College-bound high school seniors, current undergraduate students, or 1st and 2nd-year graduate students are encouraged to apply.
Inclusion in Action Scholarship & Internship ($25,000), Application DUE November 30, 2020
The Serta Simmons Bedding Inclusion In Action Scholarship is a minority scholarship awarded to Black/African American students who are recognized for their capacity to lead and serve, as well as their commitment to identifying ways to implement positive change throughout their career.
At SSB, we value diversity, equity, and inclusivity in all aspects of our business. The SSB Inclusion in Action Scholarship was developed to support the growth and development of future business leaders who will help advance diversity and inclusion in their own careers and communities.
The SSB scholarship will provide both financial assistance and business experience to qualified Black/African American undergraduate students in the Atlanta and Phoenix areas.
SSB will select two recipients to receive $25,000 each toward their undergraduate program tuition. Additionally, the two (2) recipients will be offered a summer internship with our team in either our Phoenix or Atlanta offices. Scholarship winners must be available to participate in a 10-week summer internship.
The SSB team will choose 20 first-round winners who will advance to a second-round interview panel. Two (2) final winners will be chosen based on the criteria noted below, their response to the application prompt, and their panel interview.
Applicants must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be enrolled as a full-time or part-time as an undergraduate citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada. The applicant must be Black/African American and should have a strong desire to be a business leader. Must be a sophomore or junior undergraduate enrolled in select colleges/universities in Atlanta and Phoenix areas.
1. Good Tidings Community Service Scholarship ($10,000), DUE November 6, 2020
The Good Tidings Foundation is a non-profit, 501-c-3 children’s charity that encourages and supports the growth of marginalized children in the Bay Area by creating environments for athletics, artistic activities, education, and wonder. Applicants must be a low-income high school senior residing in one of the following California counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Lake, Marin, Monterey, Napa, Sacramento, San Benito, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Yolo. Applicants must agree to volunteer 1 shift at Good Tidings’ annual Toy Giveaway Program in December.
2. Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholarship ($250,000), Applications DUE November 12, 2020
Scholarship Description
The Regeneron Science Talent Search (Regeneron STS) is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science competition for high school seniors, providing an important forum for original research that is recognized and reviewed by a national jury of professional scientists. Annually, over 1,800 high school seniors from around the country accept the challenge of conducting independent science, math, or engineering research and completing an entry for the Regeneron Science Talent Search. The competition recognizes 300 student scholars and their schools each year and invites 40 student finalists to Washington, D.C. to participate in final judging, display their work to the public, and meet with notable scientists and government leaders. Applicants must be students who are enrolled and attending their senior year of high school in the U.S. or territories or are a U.S. citizen studying abroad.
Contact, Scholarship Committee, 1719 N Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036
3. The Anne Ford Scholarship ($10,000), Applications DUE November 12, 2020
The Anne Ford Scholarship is a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500/year over four years) granted to a graduating high school senior with a documented learning disability (LD) and/or ADHD who will be enrolled in a full-time bachelor’s degree program in the fall. Applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher; a US citizen; submit current financial information and provide the most current documentation of an identified learning disability and/or ADHD.
Contact Scholarship Committee: 1 Thomas Circle NW #700, Washington, DC, DC 20005
4. Create Real Impact Contest ($10,000), Applications DUE November 12, 2020
Scholarship Description
Time to get creative and speak out about the #1 killer of young people! Create Real Impact Contest calls on students, ages 14 – 22, enrolled in accredited high schools, trade schools, colleges, or universities, to showcase their solutions and strategies to stop the #1 killer of young people – reckless and distracted driving. Students submit one entry into one of the four categories: creative writing, video, graphic design, or music. There is also an additional category: The Spanish Language Award. We have individual grand-prize winners in each category and four prizes that go to the entrants with the most online votes.
5. Creative Black Womxn to Watch ($5,000), Applications DUE November 13, 2020
The WONGDOODY Creative Scholarship works to bolster underrepresented groups in our industry in order to create a more diverse and inclusive future. As part of our updated equity and inclusion plan and to further this mission of amplifying underrepresented groups in the Creative industry, we’ve decided that the Winter session of the scholarship will go to a Black student pursuing a career in the field. The WONGDOODY Creative Black Womxn to Watch Scholarship accepts all Black Womxn — this includes cis-gender, transgender, non-binary, queer, genderqueer, genderfluid, and in-transition. The applicant must identify as a Black female or Womxn, be a currently enrolled student at a college in the United States and have completed at least their sophomore year of undergraduate studies or their first year of portfolio or graduate school and maintain satisfactory academic progress as determined by their school, as well as be pursuing a creative-focused role in experience design, marketing or advertising including but not limited to experience designers, strategists, and content creators.
Contact, Scholarship Committee, 1011 Western Ave Suite 900, Seattle, WA 98104,, Joseph A. Towles African Study Abroad Scholarship ($10,000), DUE November 14, 2020
6. Joseph A. Towles African Study Abroad Scholarship ($10,000), Applications DUE November 14, 2020
The Dr. Joseph A. Towles African Study Abroad Scholarship will provide financial assistance for students at UNCF institutions to learn at an established university with the continent of Africa. Eligible applicants must be African-American, have a 3.0 GPA, be a legal US resident, and be either a sophomore, junior, or masters-level student.
7. Soroptimist’s Live Your Dream Award ($16,000), Applications Due November 15, 2020
The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards (formerly known as the Women’s Opportunity Awards) assists women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, skills, and employment prospects. Applicants must be enrolled in or have been accepted to a vocational/skills training program or an undergraduate degree program, and not yet have a graduate degree.
Scholarships are generous. If you get enough of them, it keeps the student loans from piling up and contributes to your seeing more of your initial earnings, reduced due to loan payment starting only six-weeks after you graduate from college. That sucks – Why won’t politicians change that with their wins? Maybe because they don’t have student loans, only poor folks need loans for college. The problem is, getting scholarships is a process – Most don’t approve in 24-48 hours. If you need money NOW, scholarships, no matter how easy they are to get, don’t fund NOW! Therefore, I always try to share different ways you can make money in the meantime, while you’re still in school. Many of these opportunities are great! Take a look, give one or two a try, and then get back to me (Ms. Patrina), letting me know you’ve found success or if you have questions.
Quick Christmas Money Makers (2020):
Affiliate Marketing is the fastest way to “see” money in the bank by recommending items to your family and friends for folks like Amazon, SmartPhone Apps, Walmart, etc.
Be-A-Tutor-Mentor – Children everywhere are struggling which is NOT good for any home. Imagine you being the super-hero not only for the struggling student academically but also for their entire family.
BUY STOCKS! Seriously, I’m sure you spend more money on nothing than it cost to buy stock in something you love and already use every day. There are several ways to get involved in Stock Trading, but it’s worth the learning curve and the money you will earn, save, and have on hand for your retirement.
The Gen.G Foundation’s mission is to develop talented young gamers who can lead the industry’s next generation. We envision a community that promotes inclusion and diversity while encouraging academic excellence. Known as the “Gen 10”, the 10 scholarship recipients will strengthen the diversity and representation that gaming needs to reach its full potential.
A Message From Ms. Patrina!
Thank you for visiting with me (Ms. Patrina) at Urban-Academics today. The fact that you have found me HERE means that you are worthy of the FREE Cash For College You Seek. Be BOLD, take CONFIDENCE, complete every step of the process, and submit ALL your scholarship applications. College can be FREE if that’s what you want?
If you’re back and living the on-campus life, shout out your name and college/university you attend or will once you graduate from high school with good grades, FAFSA forms completed (with all attachments), and lots of scholarship applications submitted. There is FREE Cash for College everywhere, and remember that I’m here to help – Ask your questions in the comments section below. Sometimes things can get confusing.
If you have questions or need any help, please ask in the comments section below. It’s my pleasure to assist – Make sure you visit again!Contact Ms. Patrina.
Scholarship Cont …
It’s a great opportunity and their investment alone (One Million Dollars) spread across ten (10) chosen students. The application is straightforward and pretty easy to follow. As always, if you have questions, please use the space below and I will get back to you.
This ($10,000.000) = Writing Three (3) Essays – $3,333 FREE Cash for Each!
The General G Gamer Scholarship is requesting three essays (500 word max) for each. All three are general and so not require much effort. However, I would recommend that you DO NOT use their portal to write your responses. Instead, use your own text writing software (MS Word or Pages for Apple) to create your documents, and then upload them when you are ready for launch.
Remember, every time you make updates they retain every original. Therefore, please edit, re-edit and send out for editing to find hidden mistakes (they are potentially everywhere).
Need Help With Essay Writing? Even if you think you don’t you probably do lol. What’s the harm in doing a little research to guarantee you stand OUT amongst the pack of hungry wolves. The General G Scholarship opportunity is looking for ten (10) extraordinary young people, those who are over-achievers on purpose. These kinds of opportunities are reserved for the “choen,” but that is an ego word and a relative term, so you do the math, or NOT!
the General G Scholarship is accepting online (over the internet) applications
the General G Scholarship requires three essays, no more than 500 each – You can do it!
the General G Scholarship requires only one “proof of enrollment” document(s), which is a running PDF of all requested forms, i.e.: transcripts, a letter confirming dates of matriculating as a full-time student, proof that you have accepted an offer to a college or university in the fall. No excuses – get her done!
the General G Scholarship will accept your transcript via upload AND it does not count against any PDF you submit. Check it out here.
the General G Scholarship will allow you to upload an optional video – You should really do this. Why?
First of all, the video is optional, which obviously separates the do’s from the do not lol. You know what I mean – Take 5-minutes or 15 to create something unique and specific about you that will no doubt separate you from other applicants who will not go the extra mile. We need people who will do what it takes to get the job done, and in turn, the rewards are great. That may be old-school but it’s tried and true. Apply NOW.
Who Should Apply?
YOU! If you’re on a track towards game development, here’s your shot! General G Scholarship is awarding Ten Thousand US Dollars to successful students here. Not only that, but an opportunity like this one can change your life and that of your immediate family too. Give it a try, especially if you feel it in your gut? I believe in you – Now, go and believe in yourself.
How to Apply
Please remember – You only get to submit an application anywhere once (electronically). Even if you go back and make revisions, they still have ALL your edits and editions. Do yourself a favor, especially if you want to make a career out of gaming in technology.
Students who have found success in science, technology, engineering, and math should consider this opportunity. Remember, a complete – Submit Your APPLiCATION Here:
Got Questions?
If you like this post, please give it a thumbs-up, if you need it you must know others who need it, so share the love, mention Urban Academics on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – The Spot for HOT Scholarships? If you’ve got a question about a specific scholarship, process, or have a testimonial, please shar in the comments section below. Thank you for reading, I appreciate your time.